Friday, 15 January 2016

Imperial Knight - in manufactorum pt 6

It's this time of the year that usually the hobby slump kicks in. Having most of Christmans off, lots of late nights, lie-ins, the dark and miserable days [and we won't mention the fact I have to go out to the Man Cave now which is less appealing] means quite often I get demotivated. The fact is I'm keeping my mojo ticking over, doing tedious but essential jobs. I'm slightly overwhelmed by what I still have before me but thats down to trying to do lots of things at once so progress is much slower. That being said the night is getting a lot of attention [for the time being] I want to get him based and basecoated, possibly with washes too and then try and move onto other things. Funnily enough the 1.5-2 hours hobby time that used to be beyond my patience now feels more like a limitation, I just want to get on.

Now the Knight has been 'textured', following the same principle as the Cerastus I stippled on Vermilion art acrylic. I looked for a black or even a green in Home Bargain but no joy. I;ve got loads of the Vermilion though so just went at it. I also figured that when I did the highlights on the Lancer I stippled a couple of times so I did two coats of stippling to build up the texture. I may live to regret this as the paint dries with an almost rubbery feel so I have serious reservations about how this will cope should it be scraped by a nail or somesuch.

With that in mind I decided the basecoat would benefit from being a bit more hardwearing so I picked up a can of Army Painter Angel Green undercoat and spryaed it on top.

I'm definitely impressed with the spray, it provides a really good under/base coat. I'll be considering using it in addition to a black undercoat on future Dark Angels. But the texture has come out fantastic. Not sure if it'll be significantly more durable but it certainly feels like the green is bonded to the red and successive washes, colours, highlights and varnish will hoefully add further protection.

Not forgetting this is a plastic model anyway so they're a bit more forgiving when it comes to knocks and scrapes.

I keep dry fitting the beast which gives me a thrill, wastes time as I build up/break down all the parts. The remainign red bits and metallics are next.

I'm also Warplock Bronzing anything else that needs doing - some odd Ravenwing bikes, the remaining Knight weapons, some terrain pieces and the Jetfighter so there'll be a really mess of odd things that will depress me as nothing feels like it's getting finished but in the long run those tedious jobs that have to be done are being done at the right time.

Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 |


  1. Looking good Dave, I love the texture on the paint, that's awesome, should really show off a wash nicely.

    Incidentally, I've just done a blog post with my entry for your adsense competition - hope you don't mind me using your blog banner in the post. See if you can find your Google+ profile pic!

    1. Had a look, that was an awesome idea and fun to find. Good luck for when the comp rolls around.

  2. Last year I painted 23 odd nids as a batch paint. Something incredibly depressing to spend 3 hours painting and not see much change. But when it all suddenly comes together in one go.... Thats a cool feeling. Probably not enough for me to do more than 5 model batches in the future but was cool non the less.

    1. Yeah, there is that. I think I get that feeling too I even managed to paint half of another 5 stealers, (15 still to do) arms next. They're incredibly depressing hence why there's been no progress. I must remind myself of how it felt to paint Old One Eye and things progressed so quickly. I'm covering a lot of tasks so completion will happen, unlike the old days where things didn't get done I think I've proved things do get finished now [however long it takes ;)]

  3. Aye, that texture looks grand!

    1. Cheers Peter, it's far better than expected, I surprise myself sometimes.

  4. FYI I just ran across your blog a few weeks ago. After a long break from the game I am returning to it. Both my nephews and my GF are willing to play with me but they don't have the patience for me to create a lot of terrain. I know that playing with buckets, recycling, and the other oddbits won't impress much though so your STC's and print and play are being put to use. Hopefully this creates a tabletop that captures everyone's imagination enough in a timely manner that I have a ready group of people to play with. Cheers and thanks mate! I'll post some pictures hopefully this weekend.

    1. Thanks, you've no idea how pleased that makes me. Getting into the hobby is always financially prohibitive so if I can do something to ease that burden so folk get to play instead of observing from the sidelines then I'm really happy. Good luck with convincing your family and GF play, if you look back through the blog you may discover I;ve been less than succesful retaining my own son's interest [although his dabbling in the Batman game may change that]. Gentle support and coaxing is clearly the order of the day and should it fail I'd definitely look around for your nearest hobby club. Although I don't attend my local one anymore I did have some good times and met some great people who I still game with socially and are great friends.

  5. I'm shortly going to be embarking on a massive terrain project - I've sourced a lot of foamboard through work (heading for the bin) so once I've got through enough cereal I and a few mates will be building like mad. I'll message you with pics when it's done!

    1. That sounds like a serious undertaking and potentially grand stab at the AdSense competition!

    2. We'll see - I've already had one go, and it'll depend on the usual time pressures as to how quickly we can get some stuff built.

      As an aside, the STC templates are meant to be printed at A4, right?
