Showing posts with label Assault on Black Reach. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Assault on Black Reach. Show all posts

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Dark Angels - Azrael and Company Commander TO DONE!

A final push managed to complete my Dark Vengeance Azrael conversion and my Assault on Black Reach Commander. I used some dregs from a couple of bottles of Army Painter Anti Shine and they came out all glossy so I'd definitely advise always sticking to using a bottle with a decent amount in it.

In all honesty I'm not overly happy with either of these guys, they're not my best work but I suppose they came out better expected in some places. There are definitely some bits that work but I think the overall effect is a bit confusing.

Sadly it's not helped by the pictures being overly dark, I should have tweaked these but forgot but as I'm just glad there off my To Do List I really don't want to invest any more time in them.

Azrael with his Watcher holding the Lion Helm.

I think the Commanders face came out really well but it's the freehand lettering that spoils it for me a bit

I may also go back in at some point and put so freehand patterns on his cloak or litanies on the back of the banner.

All my HQ choices togetherm makes a cool 'last stand'.

Took some pictures on my phone too, bit of a difference.

But it does do better macro-shots

And pictures that manage to capture the models as if they were life sized.

And here we go the Big Green Stamp of Approval, been a while since I had one of these and I've ticked it off my list too. Additionally I've already started compiling my review of the year for August. For those taking part in the hobby season it's easier to keep track of achievements as you do them than having to write a big old post at the end. So far I've got three things completed, which is understandable given I'm working on numerous projects at the moment which means progress is slow but I'm hoping they'll all mature within a short time of each other. Regardless I know full well I've been pretty productive and although I've had some tough times so far I've overcome a lot too.

Monday, 1 September 2014

Dark Angels - 5th Company Ferron Task Force Deployment

I now have 760pts of Dark Angels complete and despite the creative problems from the beginning with Dark Angels green I think I've managed to create a cohesive force. There's all sorts going on colour wise but I think overall they've managed to at least be consistently coloured.

I'm still not digging the Librarians and Sergeant's loin cloth chapter symbol. I may repaint the Sergeant's loin cloth as a quartered company badge, in the mean time I'll suck it up.

Thankfully the Tacticals and Devastators match up nicely.

And they even fit in well with Brother Cask.

And the little Watcher too takes a place of honour amongst my 'green wing'.

Together with the Deathwing they make a compelling force.

A subtle difference in the colours of the bases but I think that's to do with the later adoption of my Pumpkin highlight which I can easily add just a little to the older bases to make them current. At least the bronze patina and reds, both on the models and base edges tie the remaining colour elements together in this force.

Still not happy with his green loin cloth and lack of markings on the scroll on his chest. I'm thinking of making his heraldry badge pure white [or a 'field of silver' as it's officially known, I think] with some more extra markings on

Just what is that Sergeant pointing at? I never realised until now how daft that pose was.

Decent sized Storm Bolter barrels!

Oh yeah, the new missile launchers have so much character...

Cask needs his name on his shin guard. I have a fine technical pen but when I added Army Painter Anti Shine to seal it it did the opposite and made the archive ink run! I wonder if I should have had a glow effect on Casks vision slit? And you can also see the vagaries of Army painter Anti-shine in that Cask's base edges are super matt, while some of the other bases are almost satin. I may whip over the edge with another coat of Vallejo Extra Opaque Heavy Red. I've said before, it is in no way similar in opacity to the old Mechrite Red but three or four coats and it has a gorgeous richness that Mechrite never had.

 Now I basecoat the edges with Mechrite, for coverage and then add the Heavy Red. My various pots of Mechrite have weird properties too, some are matt as my original pot was, some are glossy. I think this is down to them needing a proper mix which unfortunately given the dwindling supplies makes that harder to achieve, hence why I now Mechrite and then Heavy Red.

So, next up is the Dark Vengeance Tactical Squad, that's at the green highlights stage. Its laborious but I've found my cack-handed attempts at wet blending relatively simple. I can get one or two highlighted a night and then it's all the fun elements of adding details. I'm not sure why I've got these on my To Do list, they're not even part of my basic Army List. But they look cool and green wing is both interesting and less offensive to me [creatively] than the Ravenwing. 

I've also got my Dark Vengeance Deathwing on the go and I'm up to the same point - main armour highlights, only Bonewhite this time, not Caliban Green. Again, not something I can afford in my list but having ten terminators gives me options, I just need to decide who gets the Cyclone Missile Launcher - on e of these guys or one of the less dynamic but more in need of making them look individual Assault on Black Reach termies...?

Then it's Ravenwing :( and also a look at some transports which thankfully are on both my lists, or at least some of them are ;) I can't believe I'm actually getting some of these done

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Better off Dread - Dark Angel AoBR Dreadnought Update Update Update Update - TO DONE!

After 3 years and 1 months since Brother Cask first graced Confessions of a 40k Addict he is finally complete. Yes indeed, in the months I have set aside for painting Dark Angels I've actually painted some Dark Angels!

As you can see I've added litany writings and freehand 5th Company markings. I tried to use a circular magnet for the symbol, by painting it black and stamping it on the shoulder to get a perfect circle but that just made a blob. So I had to do it by hand but it came out pretty neat.  

I think even with the litanies and extra detail work he's quite understated. He'll be used in some of my early games just because he's done, I may well have him come in my Drop Pod, should I manage to finish that!

If I was doing another one I'd probably have used those top four panels to make the quartered 5th company symbol but I do like the V to represent the company and to be seen from a Titan.

I say finished, I obviously mean there's still a little to do, some flock on the base and his name on his shins scroll. I'd painted over it and bought a technical drawing pen that claimed to be water resistant, which in truth it might be able to substantiate but it is NOT resistant to Army Painter Anti-Shine. So the redrawn 'CASK' washed away and I'll consider adding it on top, in which case it'll be a bit glossy or try and freehand paint it again, yikes.

Here you can see him alongside my Deathwing and Tactical marines, you'll notice just how matt that Anti Shine came out. It's a funny paint in that it can be uber matt or even shiny. This time it may be because I might have laid it on thick, it actually took around 18 hours to fully dry.

It's not a 100% match in greens but hopefully with the rest of the guys it will all fit seamlessly together.

It's difficult to tell which is the more accurate colours .

More pics of the 'happy couple' ;)

This is what happens when you stay out in the Ferron badlands too long the UV radiation and sulphur-rich atmosphere tend to make your vision just that little bit jaundiced.

Interestingly I found this filter on my phone cam that removed the yellow in certain areas, makes Dark Angels quite interesting in blue, don't you think?

Here's my big blue tick, for finally getting it done! More importantly it's something crossed off my To Do List, which actually looks a bit pathetic given only 6 of 20 items have been done. I'm sure come the reckoning day I'll have made up for it somehow and certainly getting something finally complete that's been on every list I've created thus far is a big deal. I now have 490pts of Dark Angels painted.

Meanwhile I've 12 bases to paint, which will make 36 bases I've painted since Throne of Skulls. Then I'll be adding some green to all my Tactical and Devastator squads but the primary concerns will be my Dark Vengeance Librarian, I need a HQ and getting my Lictor and Carnifex ready for Blog Wars 7.