Monday 26 February 2024

'nids part 362 - #DreadTober Screamer Killers - White pics

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer on my Tyranid Screamer Killers. I'd been too preoccupied obviously, with the completion of #DreadTober and then #ArmiesOnParade I forgot to post these white background pics. 

These were surprisingly straightforward to paint, although I'm sure it felt a little overwhelming to do 2 and the High Rule Dude over the September and October.

A lot of work, with great results, but I was a little burnt out by the end.

It was the workload that was the challenge, not the work. 

There's still and urge to get another one and kitbash Old One Eye out of it.

I've seen some great examples with Haruspex claws, but foolishly missed a chance to get a pair on ebay.

But it's a question of 'why?'

Why do I need another one? I've got plenty to paint as it is.

Maybe if I finish all the Leviathan Tyranids and my Norn Emissary that should be added to the list.

Anyway, enjoy the pics, hope you like them.

Thursday 22 February 2024

March 2nd is #OldStuffDay

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity, just a heads up March 2nd is Old Stuff Day. More than a decade ago now warhammer39999 wanted to join a movement to rediscover lost gems from the world of hobby blogs and it's still going strong today. The aim is to choose one or more of your own blogposts that you're most proud of, or may not have got the attention it deserved, or any thing that may warrant some necromantic blogpost bothering. On top of that you share blogposts from other bloggers which you think deserves the same spotlight of attention, before they're returned to their dark nightmare infested slumbers.

However, I know a lot of hobbyists don't have blogs, maybe they Twitter or Insta, in which case go back to one of your old tweets and retweet or share one of your oldest figures or the first miniature you ever painted. If you feel inclined to check out the old fuddy-duddy blogosphere for cool posts that's cool too. And don't forget to add #OldStuffDay

So, if you have a blog don't forget to root through your old posts and rediscover those hidden gems. Feel free to use the Old Stuff Day poster by Firstkeeper from DeviantArt. Celebrate Old Stuff Day with the rest of us. 

Tuesday 13 February 2024

'nids part 361 - #DreadTober High Rule Dude - White pics

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer honestly I have! But, it would appear that I didn't publish my TO DONE! white background pics of my High Rule Dude from #DreadTober last year [or my Screamer Killers either, so expect another catch-up post on them down the line].

Not sure what to say really, that I haven't already said in the original Ferron Proxima background TO DONE!

Essentially I was overwhelmed by how this came out.

It's funny because I see people who's Tyranids are exquisite. 

The striations are perfect, the blends are amazing. Or they have done grimdark versions that manage to convey the horror of these creatures. 

Or that look so realistic. And yet mines is an absolute riot of colour. 

Almost the antithesis of the grimdark aesthetic.

And yet I still love it. I may wish I could do these other colour schemes. Both for the talent to achieve them and the results because of that talent.

But that doesn't change the fact that I can do this scheme with great results every time. And what price can you put on that?

As I'm slogging my way through my Deathwing, which is becoming tedious the urge to crack on and finish something with predictable results is very strong.

That said, I have a lot of the Leviathan smaller bugs and I'm sure I might find that tedious if I was doing 20 Termagants in a sitting!

But this guy is a beast. A little too big by comparison to the Forgeworld model. We could have gone 10-20% smaller I think to get the right size. 

Instead I'll just have to cope with this massive creature, I'm sure I'll survive. 

Anyway, enjoy the pics, hope you like them.