Showing posts with label tyranid prime. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tyranid prime. Show all posts

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

'nids part 373 - Leviathan bone highlights 2 and chitin

Afternoon #Warhammer Community I've been #PaintingWarhammer on my Leviathan Tyranids. I know progress has seemed slow recently but I had been concurrently working on some of the Leviathan Tyranids while I was doing my Norn Emissary. The Neuro Tyrant in particular benefitted from exploring pale pink fleshy bits. But I found the teal striations on the chitin challenging, hence why I stopped part way through.

However, the Neurolids were much easier to push through and a second set of highlights and some glow effect on the brain and they're almost done. 

One thing I've noticed about these newer 'nids is the subtly difference in scale makes them look ideal for proxy Tyranid Adeptus Titanicus models. I think both these 'neuro' creatures would be awesome.

I managed to finish all the striations and the last highlight of the bone.

Red fleshy bits also got their highlights. Still some black highlights to do, second turquoise and glow FX, but almost done!

Almost the same for the Winged Prime.

All the reds are done, just black highlights, second turquoise and a few bits and bobs.

With those close to completion I pushed on with Barbgaunts.

These have so much detail crammed into such a relatively small model. They'd be great as some kind of artillery beast in Adeptus Titanicus, or verging on Legion Imperialis territory.

It can feel slightly overwhelming, especially as I've got five more to do from the Combat Patrol magazine. 

But the worst is behind me on these five and doubling up on them is more a stretch goal than a necessity.

It would be nice to have ten as part on my AoP display, but that also includes 20 Termagaunts and possibly the ten Neurogaunts as well.

I'm pretty certain those 30 models may yet take me to breaking point so five more of these might be too much...

Not to mention these little beggars!

Again, all the detail from the previous Lictor, just in a model 33% smaller!

And again I've another 3 of them to build up. We'll have to see if I can include them in the display.

But these would also make great Adeptus Titanicus models - Imperial Knight equivalents

And a spare Lictor knocking around. 

As these have got bigger figures now, alongside my previous Deathleaper and Lictor these may even be better suited as Von Ryan's Leapers now!

But I'm committed to these models at the moment so I'm just pleased to be productive and not too overwhelmed by the challenge.

Friday, 27 September 2024

'nids part 364 - Leviathan bone

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer on my Leviathan Tyranids this has been a slow process over the last few months and even then limited progress. The Neurotyrant has just had it's bone applied.

But I also spotted a chitinous armour plate on its back that needs to be blue, you can just make out how bright it is - that will need shading.

OMG how tedious are Von Ryan's Leapers? All the detail of a Lictor [and more] squashed into a 33% smaller model.

Genuinely these made me rethink  how 'easy' I thought my Tyranid scheme was. It's another reason why I've not been painting much recently.

The tedium and endless detail just killed my mojo. That said, I bet Contrast paints work amazingly well on these...

What's worse though is I did get issue 2 of Combat Patrol and now I have another 3 of these to build and try to catch up as I dare not think about doing another 3 down the line when these are completed. I may as well get the paint out of the way now.

And the Barbgaunts weren't much better, makes me wonder why I'm doing 'nids for DreadTober.

And lastly the Winged Prime, but he's got his second layer of bone highlights.

Only marginally more entertaining. How many times have I heard people say painting shouldn't be a chore? Sure, I've not been painting recently because this was chore-like but eventually you have to wade through this and overcome.

Who knows when I will be motivated to finish these off but 'progress is progress'!

Friday, 23 August 2024

'nids part 363 - Leviathan bases and basecoats

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer on my Leviathan Tyranids but this was from the beginning of July! I shaded them alongside my Adeptus Titanicus Lancers

Now I'm starting their highlights but it was handy to have done this menial task to help streamline the next stage.

But on top of that I also did the bases as well. Still to do the bonewhite chips but that's a later step.

Von Ryan's Leapers, and I;ve just discovered the new Combat Patrol magazine has another 3 of these in issue 2, so if I can get that there'll be another 3 to add to the brood.

Alternatively I could add the old Lictors as they're almost the same size now. My Deathleaper and painted Lictor with this one makes a full brood of 6! Not that I'll ever play them! 😂

While I still can, here's a whole bunch of Bloody Great Big Bloody BASE Stamps of Bloody Approval