Showing posts with label doom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label doom. Show all posts

Friday, 9 May 2014

Flufftastic - Hive Fleet Gorgon - Ferron Splinter Fleet - The 'Doom of Ferron Proxima'

It has been noted recently that in many of the early Xenos incursions into occupied areas of Ferron Proxima that amongst the hulking beasts and chittering hordes there was a being of immense psychic potential. This creature could be seen floating above it's smaller brethren, an eldritch light sparking from it's immense cranium and exposed synaptic cells. Unfortunately most field reports stopped there, as whatever witchery this creature held resulted in the decimation of whole ranks of heroic defenders of Ferron Proxima. One minute they were upholding the faith of the Emperor, the next minute they were but lifeless husks.

Bio-magi have since found numerous reports from other worlds of creatures similar to these but one in particular has even more commonality with the brain beast, a creature designated the Doom of Malan'tai, although very little evidence exists of the immense Psychic Blast employed by Ferron Proxima's own so-called 'Doom'. The Ferron brain beast had instead been known to emit a piercing scream, so powerful as to render armour and defensive fortifications useless. The sonic tirade caused the heroic planetary defence forces and Astartes alike to fall to their knees as their ear drums exploded and their brains were liquefied. What is worse is that cyber skull bio-data recording of the brain beast revealed it to somehow gain strength from this wholesale slaughter.

A priority one kill order was sent to all forces, however this proved a difficult task as invariably the first sign  the brain beast was in the vicinity was when a giant fleshy pod-like creature fell from the sky and the beast burst from it's thrashing carcass into the midst of the brave defenders. Before they could react they would be overwhelmed by the brain beast's pervading life-draining ability or the writhing pod lashed out with it's tentacles spitting individuals on the serrated barbed tips. Additional ranged weaponry on the pod was often brought to bear on anybody brave enough to try and tackle the brain beast head on, but not before they had run the gauntlet of the 'Doom of Ferron Proxima'  itself.

These two Tyranid bioforms formed an unlikely but effective symbiotic relationship, often with the pod being left ravaged by defenders eager to meet out some revenge for the horrific devastation the brain beast created. Quite often the brain beast would be left untouched by the blessed munitions of the Emperor, surviving hundreds of rounds of bolter shells and high energy weapon discharges while it feasted on the life-force of anything within reach. Many reports also suggested that despite this energy field and prodigious strength one crack shot in the right place would be enough to render all this psychic energy pointless as it' vaporised into the warp. Sadly though in the early days, for every confirmed kill there was another confirmed sighting. Once again reminding us that the Great Devourer is constantly evolving, mutating and gestating new horrors that must be destroyed for the Emperor and the safety of the Imperium.

Recent field reports have shown no new sightings of the Doom of Ferron Proxima or it's transport creature. It may well be that Hive Fleet Gorgon invested too much bio-matter in replicating this one creature and can no longer support the intense psychicly attuned resources. Alternatively the Hive Fleets absorption of the naturally occurring Wraithbone shards that at first increased the Tyranids psychic potential may yet have returned a malignant weakening of their witch powers. Its difficult to tell when the enemy is changing all the time and who can fathom the alien mind anyway? All that is known is that there is no immediate threat from the brain-beast or it's spore pod, but be ever vigilant against the incursion of the xenos filth!

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Mycetic Spores - In Memorium

As we bask in the afterglow of our wonderful new Codex I thought we should hold a minutes vigil for arguably the greatest casualty to the Tyranid arsenal - the Mycetic Spore. I'm not sure we can accurately know why we no longer have access to this little beauty. I think it's probably a financial one ahead of any other mooted reasons. The cost of making the molds and the potential market given how folk made their own or found alternatives is probably the real reason. There's no point GW investing money in something that won't sell, which makes sense but I can't help feel the true hobbyist is being penalised for their creativity. Well, I would say that given that's what I did with my 'Pong Pong Pot Pourri Pod'.

And then again with my two [oft-maligned] Plasma Hatcher conversions. I never quite understood the dislike these created, sure they're not perfect in their standard version but they were pretty much the right size, very nid-like and on occasion extremely cheap [until folk realised they could sell for lots to those that wanted to make Spore Pods]. Luckily my conversion continues to make them viable as an alien Vengeance Weapon Battery, which I may well have some fun with in the future.

But I'm not the only one to suffer, Otty had this beast of a Spore Pod. I'm not sure if it'll work as another form of Fortification. It's Bastion sized but extremely difficult to use as something with Battlements

And what makes it worse is he'd just finished another pod of more sensible proportions before the 'extinction event' happened. He'd built this out of a toy heart or other internal organ. He may be able to get a Weapon Battery out of it but it's still a disappointment no doubt. There'll be more pictures at the end of this post.

Of course the major impact is the loss of our ability to get nids all over the battlefield. Situations like this 2nd turn 'beta-strike' will never happen now. The funny thing is given the FAQ that gave us a 6" disembarkation showed renewed love for the Pod it feels like a double kick in the plums that it was removed completely. Obviously that made the Doom even more effective. Deviations meant very little when you could still get out and move to leech as many units as possible. Even though I was a little weary of my nids at the end of the old Codex it was the ability to switch things around, deep striking or foot slogging it was the extra Spore Pods that gave me the versatility to keep playing them interesting. It also allowed me to be competitive in different ways, learning how to get that 'beta-strike' in place but even then you were reliant on the dice, it certainly wasn't over-powered.

Here we have probably the last great thing my Spore Pods did, Smashing a Triarch Stalker to pieces in assault!

Getting the Doom exactly where it needed to be, the number 1 reason to take a Mycetic Spore. Even if he died he was usually a turn of people shooting at it instead of the rest of the gribblies.

Here's a Spore Pod Tervigon Sandwich.

And I had some fun with the rumours before the Codex hit.

And then the actual reality of what the rumours turned out to be.

But we can still not forget then iniquity whereby Tyranid Primes were not allowed in a pod with their Warrior brethren unlike practically every other Independent Character specifically being able to join a unit in their transports. Presumably this was more to do with Primes joining Carnifex in a Pod to make them more durable but that was an easy fix but they went for the hard one instead.

Anyway, here are more pics of Otty's insane last hurrah for the Spore Pod. See if you can identify all the bits ;) Let us hope one day they return to the Tyranid arsenal. I don't hold out much hope for these Data Slates, they promise much but deliver so little but they still feature Spore Pods in the artwork so maybe one day... we can but hope.

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Blog Wars 6 1850pt battle report - nids vs Dark Eldar/Eldar allies - game 3

With a high percentage of nid players, 6 out of 34, it was no surprise for me to face at least one of our mast hated foe, Dark Eldar or Eldar. Daniel Russel brought both with a scary mix of Reaver jetbikes, ]OK not much poison but you know I hate cluster caltrops] Eldar Shadow Spinner and 4 flyers - a Crimson Hunter, a Void Raven and 2 Razorwings. My son took a lot of the pictures so bare with some of the more eclectic shots he takes, not necessarily of the action but they're usually quite cool pictures though.

Psychic Powers
Winged Tyrant HQWinged TyrantTervigon CC TRTervigon Plain Tr
Life LeechWarp SpeedLife LeechSmite
Doom of Malan'tai
 Psychic Shriek

The low down:
  • Crusade
  • Dawn of War
  • I think I lost deployment and went second.
  • Warlord Trait - Tenactiy - FnP with 3" of an objective
The tournament was running late at this stage so the game time was reduced by 15 minutes, so no pressure then. Daniel set up with his Reavers next to his objective and his Shadow Weavers occupying three storeys of the nearby ruins.

I swooped the Flyrant forwards but still within cover from the ruins.

My Tervigon remained in the ruins, he's actually on the ground floor so he could not be barraged by the Shadow Weavers who'd put 2 wounds on the Mawloc because of this. I'm trying to think now should he be able to claim being on the ground floor if he can't physically fit. Obviously MCs can just barge through any ruins and leave it standing but something makes me second guess this now and I can't find the rules to say whether I can/can't. Anyway, he's got the objective and spawns 13, which head toward my other objective. 

The Flyrant swooping through the ruins.

Hive Guard and Biovores hunker down next to the Tervigon in the ruins out of Barrage from the Shadow Weavers..

On comes the Crimson Hunter with the Reavers moving forwards in the background. 

I think this is the Void Raven and everything put the hurt on the Flyrant in the ruins - so I'd played him conservatively game 1 and this is what happens when I play him aggressive and he's giving me the +1 to reserves!

He takes a hit, then falls out of the sky, he's taken either 1 or 2 wounds at this point and then he's swept by these Reavers who cheekily revel in the gore-soaked battlements of my own Bastion.

As they pass the Flyrant they slash him with their blades and caltrops killing him outright - First Blood and Slay the Warlord.

My 13 gaunts are heading for my 2nd objective [a Skyfire Nexus]

But their advance is obliterated by a Shadow Weaver barrage!

I move the Biovores towards the Bastion.

The Reavers continue to posture atop my own Fortification

One of the Devgaunt pods arrive in Daniels backfield to face the three Wracks holding his objective. 

The Wracks did not survive the Devourer fire, even going to ground.

My other Flyrant Deep Strike Swooped behind the Void Raven... 

and shredded it with Devourer fire. 

The Doom arrived in the background and was able to take some life from the Haemonculous and the Shadow Weaver gunners.

The Doom now had the objective. Apparently Duke Silacus tried to engage him in combat at some point but failed abysmally which I think eventually meant he was killed by the Doom's Spirit Leech.

I though the Flyrant was safe but didn't realise the Crimson Hunter had Vector Dancer which meant it was suddenly facing down the king of the skies.

Unsurprisingly the Flyrant did not survive the encounter.

More Reavers arrived but positioned to shoot the Doom without having their life leeched from their bodies. He suffered a few wounds, he may even have been reduced down to 1 under the intense shooting but he managed to survive another turn.

With my Hive Commander Tyrant gone my vanilla Tervigon could no longer outflank which ended up handy as it meant this turn it could move to secure my objective alongside the 13 gaunts my CC Tervigon had spawned out on this turn

Biovores head for the Bastion which is now free of Reavers.

The Reavers had been shot by everything nearby and fled. Daniel pointed out an FAQ anomaly that they can still turbo-boost in their turn and as such are never likely to move off the table. I didn't quite follow but time was running out so I went with it and I'll return the debate at the end of the report. Whatever shooting I had done at this stage was being marred by my inability to process my roll-to-hit and then roll-to-wound routines. My earlier clumsiness was being replaced by senior moments of having in my head the four 'to-hit' rolls from my Stinger Salvo where in fact the 'to wound' rolls from some blast weapon. Luckily Daniel kept me on track. You'll also notice a lack of Devgaunts controlling the objective there, not sure what got them, but I think 2 or 3 survived but bolted and where heading for my table edge.

My Mawloc popped up to little or no effect.

The 2 Razorwings arrived.

And some more Reavers.

Razorwings moved to engage my vanilla Tervigon.

Reavers screamed across the backfield.

The Doom was now on 9 wounds having sucked the life from some more Dark Eldar and presumably the Haemonculous and the Duke but he was now in the sights of the Crimson Hunter.

And with time running out I had about 3 minutes to do my turn, not enough to do everything I needed but in the far right another trio of Wracks had turned up but my last Devgaunt Brood also arrived and would have mown them down in the same fashion as their retreating siblings and captured the objective so we called that one mine. The Doom still had the objective above and linebreaker, the other objective to the right of those ruins could have been unclaimed unless a bike squad had it.. My CC Tervigon was still holding the objective next to the ruins having never moved all game. The only problem was a unit of Reavers who had contested the Skyfire Nexus next to the Bastion and trees. With time called I quickly threw four dice for the Tervigon's assault on them but it was just 1s and 2s so it wouldn't have killed the 2 or 3 remaining bikers. I still had some Termagants to Assault and there were probably shooting that could have taken them beforehand but we called it contested and I had 

Therefore I had 3 objectives for 15VPs, plus the 2 secondary VPs. Daniel may have been without any objectives, unless he had the one on the other side of the ruins from the Doom but I think he had all three secondary VPs so it could have ended up 17-3 or 17-8 I'm not sure, either way a win for me. We had quite a nice analysis afterwards about what could have been. Daniel had a lot still on the board I couldn't deal with - Razorwings and Reavers zipping about with impunity. Another turn - those 15 lost minutes and it could have been very different with most all of the objectives being contested/secured by Daniel but the last turn went by so fast I couldn't believe I was left with just 3 minutes when I was sure when I looked and saw Daniel start his turn with 17 minutes to go that 14 minutes hadn't gone by. It's funny how time plays tricks on you.

OK, so two rules issues that came up during play that I didn't have time to deal with given the shortened game:

Shooting on fall back: Daniel was of the belief that you shoot at full BS during fall back moves. This was my gaunts falling back and I was convinced they shoot as snap fires but he insisted. It is in fact only as snap shot fire. [pg 30 BRB]

Turbo boost on fall back: Like I said above I'm not sure what this rule was but Daniel mentioned it to Alex, the event organiser who seemed to be in agreement. I think the gist of it is that units on fall back can choose to run instead of shooting [though why you would do this...] but Jet Bikes get to turbo boost 24" and Eldar/Dark Eldar Jet Bikes get to turbo boost 36". Now he mentioned it hadn't been FAQ'd that somehow even if it was falling back you could then Turbo Boost in the opposite direction to remain on the board. If this is the case and anyone knows what this issue is please explain as I can't find the usual hotly contest RAW Vs RAI debate on the usual forums. 

My look at the rules suggests that [in bold] on page 30 'the only moves they can make in subsequent phases are Fall Back moves until they regroup' and subsequently a Fall Back move is described as each model in the unit moves directly towards their own table edge by the shortest possible route. So I would understand it to be that the movement in the shooting phase [should you be foolish enough to make one] is still a 'fall back' move, because that's the only type of move you can make when you're falling back, and therefore it should be in the direction of your own table edge and with a 36" turbo boost that's likely to be off the table. I don't see how that allows you to boost in the opposite direction but if anyone knows the issue please let me know.

Regardless of this and the ramifications on what would/could have been it makes no difference to me, I'm putting it down to an aberration of the warp :) . Daniel was an absolute gent and together with Phil and Adam capped a great day. 3 competitive but more importantly fun games. I had some challenges and even the horror of facing Dark Eldar, usually my nemesis was replaced with an extremely civilized and equal match up. So thanks to all I played against, see you next Blog Wars

Incidentally, this didn't come up in the game but I was reading about Barrages and how they affect levels on page 100. The assumption I always had was that if you targeted the 1st story of a ruin and a barrage deviates off the ruin and there are models on the ground but none on level 1 then the ground floor figures are unharmed - NOT SO. It says:
"If a blast of large blast weapon scatters, it can still only hit models on the level targeted, though this may be the corresponding level of a nearby ruin. If there is no corresponding level, it instead hits the highest level under the template and can only wound models on that level. If the blast marker scatter to non-ruin, or open terrain, resolve as normal."
So, resolve as normal. No dodging the barrages, when it's raining death from above, just because it missed the first floor window originally targeted!

Daniel's army list