Sunday 26 August 2018

Hobby Season 2017/18 Review

The 2017/18 Hobby Season draws to a close, and how did I do? Well I managed to complete 6 out of the 17 realistic items on my list. On it's own that seems underwhelming but I've done other items off-list and as you will discover/already know one of the list items pretty much eclipses everything I've done to date anyway. When comparing this Season's output to the previous two Season's, which had been ultra-productive, I was not hoping to maintain that level of delivery, but I'm still quite pleased with the result. Aside from the post-Christmas malaise I think I've been really busy, granted there isn't a huge amount of quantity but quality and mass more than make up for it. I do feel I might be pushing myself a little too hard - I seem to be finishing up later and later in the evening and I think next seasonit's an issue I have to be stricter with myself about as it's not sustainable, but onto what I've acheieved...

First up, the Deathwatch Marines from Deathwatch Overkill. They seem so long ago now but were a key element to my Genestealer Cult themed Armies on Parade board.

Far from being the quick paint jobs I originally planned, the wealth of detail made their progress incredibly slow. Ben particularly likes them in our Deathwatch Overkill games, he said they were my 'best work'.

But while I was at it I also finished my Terminator Librarian from Space Hulk. Although this guy was not part of the Deathwatch it really felt like a quick win to tag along with those marines. With such variety in the mix it was no real hardship to include him.

Even before I varnished the Deathwatch and Librarian I'd moved on to my next project going 'off-list' and picking up two Sentinels to bulk out my Cultists for AoP. It was at this stage I foresaw that I just couldn't get a board done in time and so abandoned the idea of creating a new one and put all my efforts into getting these complete. I was really pleased with the result, I'll get the Flamer to go on the second one at some point.

I even finished a couple of my futuristic containers to add a little more detail to my AoP board. This made me keen to complete the last three remaining Cubes but other more pressing projects will put paid to that urge no doubt.

And their Parade looked amazing, despite not creating a custom board. I think it just goes to show that a little creativity with your existing gaming terrain can really add to AoP. The end result was way beyond my expectations, what will I be doing this year?

Rippers were next, I needed them for GT3 and I'd been putting off making them for so long because I was hoping to recreate the old Forgeworld 'swarm'. I managed it with some press-mold extra Rippers with the intention of putting more on the next attempt.

Having finished the Trygon as part of my Big Build I suddenly figured it too could form part of my GT3 army list. So I cracked on with it and he was next for completion. Now this was the 4th completion in a row that was 'off-list' which is fine because he at least had been languishing for a long time in a box and the results more than make up for having queue-jumped his way to completion :)

Movement bases were next on the agenda for GT3. I feel like I shouldn't be including them for some reason, but I could have easily just sprayed them red and left them but instead they were proper Red Planet BASEd! And the extras made them look cool, if unweildy.

A lot of advice came from you all to solve the problem, sadly it was 'locking the stable door after the horse had bolted'. And only slightly less redundant than the trays themselves - that were so impractical I could barely bring myself to use them and eventually consigned them to just decorating the man-cave.

 Fatigue set in mid-January but nothing a few nights off couldn't fix and with only a couple of tweaks required on the Space Hulk Broodlord he was soon boxed off too. He wasn't on my To Do List, bar his brood of Space Hulk Genestealers being part of the Big Build - to base them and be ready for painting, which I've still to do. I liked his magnetised base though, a neat touch that did delay his progress but well worth the effort.

Following on from completing the Broodlord my malaise returned. I was super tired and just not motivated by any of the projects I had been 'simmering' while focused elsewhere. I took a few nights off again and then forced myself to just crack on and do the battle damage on my old skool Predator. Thankfully it took me to the 'crest' and I was able to coast gently through the remainder. You'll have read in the To Done! post just how much this meant to me and right now you couldn't trade me three new Predators [painted] to replace this one!

I then had to finish the 1984 Citadel Samurai for the Eavier Metal 20 year competition. I had no aspirations in the competition, I just really wanted to take part in the group and I hadn't done anything in the previous 'eadbanger events. I confess I rushed it and there are definitely compromises in finish I regret but it is still infintely better than the original Humbrol Enamel paint job I did 33 or 34 years ago.

Half-way point some off-list but the list was embryonic when I wrote it so all these items can be forgiven, particularly as the results were much better than expected. As last year this isn't a huge model count so far, only 26 things, but this was quality, not quantity and having struggled with fatigue I was finally back in a good head space. Thus I prioritised my 'Big 3' - the Tyranid Hierophant, Old Skool/Nu Skool Razorback and my Armigers with the Biotitan taking number 1 slot but proving challenging at points so even the other two ended up stalling and I promptly painted my display base ready for Double Trouble 3.

With that complete I found out GW Manchester was holding a World Record attempt to have the most Knights in the shop on the day of release of the new Codex. Well there's nothing like a deadline to focus the mind and that motivated me to push past the metallic malaise I'd suffered and bring the Armiger Warglaives online. I was actually amazed how easy they were to do once that particular hurdle was overcome.

One of the BIG 3 was complete but despite that success, mentally I was fatigued again. I had the potential quick win of the Razorback. Just a few nights work to complete or attempt to overcome some of the hard slog on the Biotitan so I could feel reinvigorated. I actually got sidetracked with the future containers but it prompted my return to the Biotitan and I became completely focused on getting it To Done! This was my Project Z, on my To Do List for years and I'd finally got it built and painted this season so I could scratch it off the list. I had 26 days left of the season, what else could I do in that time?

Obviously crack on with my Old Skool Razorback, but simultaneously I was finishing up the three future containers, which were completed ahead of the Razorback, thanks to not needing any Tamiya Clear products. The end results are pretty cool, I just wish you could still get these tubs so I could make more :(

And the Razorback was finished just a few hours later, with the Las-Plas armament just taking a little longer with it's Tamiya Clear elements but also the Heavy Bolter Turret was also complete. I thought I really needed another of these Rhinos to utilise the spare turret, but I found out the Las-Plas is no longer an option, so that was a waste of time and it looked so cool too! I suppose I've an Old Skool 'Crayola' Whirlwind that can scratch that itch insetad, maybe next Season. But that means the Big 3 did get completed before the end of the Hobby Season, but could I get the Shadespire Chosen Axes done too?

The answer to that question is of course I got it done. Much like last year I went to the deadline on my Hobby Season. I had said I wouldn't do that this time around but couldn't help myself. I have finished the Chosen Axes but obviously haven't taken their picture aside from the one below. I've also got a couple of WiP shots I should have made into a post today but didn't organise things properly. So expect a few more posts to tie up the 2017/18 season even as we enter the 2018/19 one! I'm immensely proud of them, which is making the thought of selling them that much harder. Luckily there is no rush at the moment so I can enjoy them for now.

There we go, 16 'projects' of varying scale I'm pretty chuffed with that. I'm also pleased to see how productive others have been. We all hobby in different ways and thankfully the Hobby Season is flexible enough to accommodate those apporaches and it really has created a structure you can adapt to help you get something done, thanks for taking part.

With a third of my list done it does mean two thirds remain for next Season but there are definitely some new items to surprise and delight, see you on Tuesday for my 2018/19 Hobby Season To Do List. But lets not forget the Big Build...

The Big Build was my scaled down expectations to build miniatures. Ironically it was more of a Great Build than last year's attempt, but I'm really pleased with how much I built and how much then fast tracked through to completion. These Genestealer Cult Sentinels [shown previously] were one of those items from build to completion.

My Trygon was next to be built, the base and pose particularly difficult hurdles to overcome.

The Space Hulk Broodlord also was a challenge due to the magnetised base.
The Rippers for GT3 were next, the 'green stuff' ground bursting Rippers have been a pipe-dream project for years now. To finally give them a go was such an achievement and they came out alright too. I also got them painted as well so I'm really chuffed at that goal achieved.

Then along came the biggest build to date. This project had been lurking in the background for nearly 4 years. The sheer scale of the task with balls-out bravado to properly pin the legs so they didn't bend and magnetise it, just meant I could never fully commit alongside other projects, they always took preference. But I would have a go every now and again, last year saw some significant progress but then it stalled again and finally there was a window of opportunity to finish off the little bits and get it ready to start painting...

In the midst of beginning to paint the Hierophant, Forgebane was released and I used my Google AdSense money to secure the box just so I could add these guys to my Knights. I did a bit of conversion work on the Armigers, making their poses a little more dynamic and magnetising the weapon options. Not sure if I was canibalising my efforts on the Biotitan but it was good to have more stuff on the table so I can have a variety of projects to work on simultaneously - the very purpose of the Big Build.

When I should have been focussing on my 'Big 3' projects I only went and cannibalised yet more of my hobby time by building this Sanctum Imperialis. It was actually on my Big Build To Do list so I don't feel too bad about it and y'know 'go with the flow', but it did slow progress elsewhere and added to me already large list of projects. I did hope ti would also fast-track it's painting but I know I'm going to find this a challenge so it'll probably stall.

Yet more terrain, the last of my Mentos Cubes Future Containers. After the feeling of success completing the OOCL containers I found the last three cubes and they sat staring at me in mute silence for months. The difficulty of fitting them in among all my other projects was resolved in 'building' them during my lunch at work. With the reinforcments done they were then just about finding spare moments to get around to painting them. I was a little overzealous with the sand added to the bascoat but glad they're at least ready for paint.

Funded by my Best Painted Army win from Double Trouble 3 I picked up the Shadespire Chosen Axes expansion for something fun and different to paint, mainly in a bid to see what they'd go for on ebay and perhaps then fund the actual game. They were so easy to build it's almost a crime to include but tough, they were built and I'm claiming it.
And there are various other things started building [two new Knights] and paused [a load more press molded Rippers] after some attention. Maybe they'll mature next season who knows?

Friday 24 August 2018

Terrain is everything - 40k future container scatter terrain - Touch ups

Just a quick one, in amongst completeing the previous future containers I decided to embelish this older green container. It followed a similar pattern to the Maersk Line container and I had a spare stencil template to put a big number on so it was rude not to.

Now although I firmly believe big numbers make anything look cooler there is something about this one that doesn't quite work, perhaps it's just too bright. I also added some more Rhinox Hide sponging and Ryza Rust as well as Valejo Red Oxid paste in places to cover up where the paint has already chipped off. I also weathered up the base a lot to be more durable and fit with the three previous containers.

As you can see its overall colour 'silhouette' has changed dramatically. The overwhelming green its now competing with 25% white and the orange and brown is significantly more noticeable. So I'm a little sad I've lost a solid block of colour but I've just got to accept where it's at now.

Maybe a little more toning down of the number 5, some silver in places and a varnish. There was no urgency in doing it just something I felt it needed.

Wednesday 22 August 2018

Dark Angels - Tanks - Razorback TO DONE!

Here we go, Old Skool/Nu Skool Razorback is complete. I don't actually think I paint these tanks well, but I do think they look effective.

Certainly I'm happier  with these than I ever was when I was struggling to paint tanks first time around. I always loved this as a silly kitbash - the side railings repurposed to make some 'off-road' framework to secure the lighting rig to.

The weathering was a little restrained, as was the Predator. Unfortunately I didn't do a side by side comparrison between the two. There is a very subtle difference between the greens but not enough to worry about.

As much as I like Dark Angel tanks that have huge chapter logos on I've been very minimal to retain the overall green where possible, we don't want what's happened to my green future container.

I like the orange lense on the top too, not sure if it's a light or a sensor but it broke things up a little bit.

And here's the lighting rig. I added some pseudo-reflective elements in white and grey inside. These 4 'cups' are actually tracking pins from Space Crusade. I pulled the pins out and I've stuck craft gem stones in to make the lenses.

I was dubious about using PVA or Super Glue to stick them in place an was convinced UHU all purpose would work. Unfortunately I put too much in that one on the left and it's gummed up the genstone pretty poorly :(

The stenciled 5th Company number came out OK too.

And on white backgrounds for the purists.

The Tactical arrow saynbol was just something I had to do. I had thought of a big 5 because, well you know my rule on big numbers...

But that big white number would have tipped the colour balance and I needed something red so it was still a 'dark' Dark Angel vehicle. So the arrow was the perfect fit.

And here's the Las-Plas turret, which I've only just discovered is no longer an option. I suppose I could always use it as twin Las Cannons but a big disappointment as I much prefer the look of the gun. That said I'm far more likely to run Heavy Bolters and as I don't have a need for a second turret because I don't have a second Razorback, it's not really an issue. No doubt it'll find a use one day.

For now, here's my Big Gamboge Stamp of Approval, I've a few Camera360 shots to share too which will come eventually, no doubt lots of other things coming up ahead of those as the Season comes to a close.

Tuesday 21 August 2018

The 2018/19 Hobby Season starts soon, join me!

The 2018/98 hobby season will be starting soon so for those alumni who joined in last year it might be cool to look back at your lists at what you've achieved , what might have slipped and those lovely unexpected successes that happened despite life getting in the way and loss of mojo - I speak from experience.

The original plan when I started with 'big stamps of approval' was that I wouldn't do multi-coloured stamps, just alternate between red and green but who was I kidding? So I give you the official 40kaddict 2018/19 Great Big Jade[ish] Stamp of Approval! I had chosen a much darker Teal[ish] colour but for the life of me I couldn't remember why I chose such a dour shade. So I switched to something brighter and although it's supposed to be jade does look a bit turquoise which matches the nids in a way. Feel free to download and use them on your blog as and when you get stuff  'TO DONE!'

Or you can record your achievements with an 'unbranded' version.

And should you feel inclined to differentiate your efforts yet further here 's the major goal stamps

And minor goals.

And I also got the Big Build...

 and Base [and obviously Prime] Stamps done too. I heartily recommend this video from Tabletop Minions to understand where I was going with the 'Big Build' concept, he's touched on and expanded exactly why I created this a few years back.

Just a reminder of what it's about, in 2011 I made my first To Do List, amusingly it now looks like this:
  • AoBR Tactical Squad
  • AoBR Dreadnought
  • AoBR Terminators
  • Scout Squad
  • Ravenwing bike squad
  • Dark Angel Drop Pod
  • Purity Seal all of my son's Tyranids
  • Gloss Varnish all of my son's Tyranids
  • Tyranid Prime
  • Mycetic Spore
  • Paint Vent Tower
  • Paint defence platforms x4
  • Complete pot pourri vegetation
  • Complete future containers
  • Complete 40k Cathedral tower
  • STC Single story ruin
  • STC Hex Defence platforms
  • STC Targus Assault Blockade
  • STC Vent tower
  • STC Athena plateau
  • STC Mercury plateau
  • STC 40k Cathedral tower
  • 60mm Dreadnought crater
So 4 things still haven't been done and quite frankly never will ;) . The purpose was to try to focus my efforts to outline a list of things I'd love to do over a twelve month period and if I achieved any of them great, all of them, so much better. But more importantly I needed a structure to cling to when my efforts became aimless. That's not to say deviations from the list were forbidden it was more for when I went 'well what's next?'

It became an annual blog post to review what I'd done and set new tasks and throughout the year I would reveal my 'To Dones!' as completed items both on and off the list. Showcase posts are nothing new to hobby blogs but again it was a structure to help build the identity of this blog. Then in 2014 I invited readers and passers-by of the blog to join in. Well, when you have a good idea why not share it around. I got about 10 people joining in and it looked like we were quite a supportive little bunch. I think over time steam ran out a little bit but folk continue to join in each year and hopefully the same will ring true for 2018/19.

To help things out a bit I've created a Hobby Season Facebook group, it's here:

So, if you're joining in just ask and I'll add you into the group, that way you can share your blog posts or any efforts to those also joining in. I hope this platform will allow more interaction for those taking part and keep us all motivated.

I guess the last question is why 28th August as the start/end date, why not January 1st?
I think back in 2011 it was at that time I thought a structure needed to be in place and it was as good a time as any to post a To Do List, afterall the footy season starts around this time too, no one complains about that, do they?

Anyway, 28th August join me for the new Hobby Season :)

Monday 20 August 2018

Imperial Knights - House Corvus Twins in manufactorum pt1. How NOT to magnetise your Knight!

With Liam helping out with a running pose for one of my Knights it made sense to crack on building the torsos. They will both have the Mechanicum finials on, not just the one on the right in this pic.

All the handles need adding, even though I have a recollection when it came to painting they were a right pain once they were glued in place. I made use of the two different Mechanicum badges for variety and installed magents in the carapace for the extra weapons.

These were the ones I started on my first Knight that still need completing but they clearly work and I got the magnet poles correct.

I originally used Alex's guide From the Fang to lock and key the torso join, so no need for magnets in his magnetising guide ;)

A small bit of sprue on my first Knight shows that the new torsos function perfectly. I'll just need to recreate that on the new legs and hips.

I then extrapolated that concept to the weapon joints too. There's a flat area on one side  of the joint [where one of those eyelet things are] that is roughly the right width to create the locking lugs. Then it was just rimming off the excess so it fits in the hole in the weapon.

Liam is away for a fortnight now, so it'll be a while before I get those legs back but I don't think that prevents me progressing even to painting the torso. I'll still focus on my Shadespire task but chipping away at this build is ultimately productive in the long run. Even getting to the metallics stage would be helpful as the Warglaives showed it's that hurdle that will slow me down and once those brassy bronze colours are done it's plain sailing. That said I don't know whether to do one silver. I don't use that colour often as it helps tie all my armies together and I love the anachronism of those softer, warmer metals and steel just looks more durable, which makes sense but I feel it just shouldn't in the 40k universe!

Imperial Knights - House Corvus Twins in Manufactorum
Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |

Friday 17 August 2018

Warhammer Underworlds Shadespire Chosen Axes - Where they're @

When last I updated my Shadespire detour I had done the bases, but it was time to look at metallics... oh metallics my twisted friend. Of course I could look at NMM, like Liam [and many others] but I'm even less inclined to go down that route.

Whatevs, Warplock Bronze, Balthasar Gold, Retributor Gold and then 50:50 Valejo Gold and Gun Metal highlights later. I also picked out the loon cloths and orange hair/beards - as per the standard but that's where I then deviate.

These guys are going to remain completely black skinned, like polished coal or obsidian 'dragon glass'. The standard caucassion ginger Fyreslayers are ten a penny on ebay, I had to do something to differentiate/alienate potential customers.

I've sepia washed all the basecoated bits, have some highlights to do and then it's back in on the skin, basecoating black before I start their highlights too. Slightly unlikely to meet the end of Season deadline now but you never know...?

Wednesday 15 August 2018

Terrain is everything - 40k future container scatter terrain - TO DONE!

Although I was occasionally naughty when i was painting the Bio-titan in that I would get distracted and do some of my future containers there is a benefit when it comes to tackling them alone - there's so much already done.

And so they were pretty easy to finish off. That said I can't find a consistent approach to my rusty/scuffed weathering. Sponging Rhinox Hide is a start, followed by Gun Metal and usually a wash to tone it all down. 

I try Ryza Rust but it just doesn't look right and wouldn't have worked on the Hapag Lloyd containers anyway. The Maersk lines isn't too bad though.

I just love these containers and as I've said before it's such a shame Mentos discontinued the gum they contained. I've started on a foamboard STC but haven;t had time to perfect it yet.
I'm also thinking that you can get wooden, chamfered blocks off ebay and making some reinforcement templates you could achieve something similar. That's not to say Munitorum Containers aren't also up to the task but we like cheap terrain solutions too.
Giddy with excitement I have taken my green container and applied a big number to it and for once I'm thinking it was a mistake. 
Adding some weathering has shifted it's overall 'greenness' and it looks very different to what it previously was. Nevermind, we'll see if I can rescue it. 

These were great fun to do though and another item that started as a Big Build project, once again reaffirming that although making models is not my favourite part of the hobby setting aside some focus does provide projects that can be completed. Without the making I can't get to the painting!

I've a dozen of these now and as I say, although I can't get a consistent approach to weathering I'm definitely happier with how I do them now than years ago. I also have the 'water container' that could be finished off at some pint the construction is flimsy at best so I may not bother with it.

Here's my Big Gamboge Stamp of Approval, I've a few Camera360 shots to share too and then it's my Razorback which also got TO DONE!