Tuesday 16 February 2016

1700pt battle report - Tyranids v Orks

With Throne of Skulls approaching Ben suggested we have a game, the last time I played 40k was in 2015! So I cranked out a 1700pt list of nids with Manufactorum Stealers, 2 Flyrants and 2 Carnifex, my Malanthrope for a change, Skyshield and Tevigon + tax and a unit of Rippers. I think this is my list with the most firepower 48 Brainleech shots.

Psychic Powers
Winged Tyrant 1Winged tyrant 2ZoanthropeTervigon
Psychic Scream OnslaughtWarp BlastWarp Blast
CatalystWarp BlastCatalyst

The low down:
  • Into The Maelstrom - Maelstrom missions [ever decreasing from 6 cards] and 'Carnage points' for killed units. Vanguard Strike
  • Warlord Trait - Move through cover [ruins], Stealth [ruins]
  • Night fighting first turn, won deployment, went first, Ben failed to steal the initiative.
I set up with the Skyshield sat next to number one objective in the wood, objective 3 was in the ruins in front which I surrounded with 20 Stealers backed up by my two Carnifex.

I only exposed the five Stealers in the abandoned Ork Void Sheild Generator in Ben's DZ

Ben's Orks had these two objectives within easy distance,

with objective 4 just in front of the crashed Aquila on the right

Within striking distance of my Stealers.

Everything else of mine sat on the Skyshield.

I draw my 6 cards and luckily get objectives 1 [secured by the Skyshield], 4 [just in front of the ruins] and two copies of objective 3 [held by the Stealers]. So these four are in the bag when I venture one stealer out to get O4. I also get Behind Enemy Lines so swoop my Flyant forwards to get this [next turn I'd realise that as it was Swooping it's not scoring so I had to reclaim the card and lose the 5th VP. On the plus side he was in position to cast Warp Blast and subsequent shooting would wreck the Trukk getting me First Blood as well - a good first turn.

In response Ben drew cards and was easily able to secure objectives 2 and 4 by killing the lone Stealer holding it. In securing enough objectives he also gained Ascendency and got 2VPs from his D3 - 4VPs a piece at the end of the turn but that wasn't the headline... pot shots were taken at the Flyrant who lost a wound despite Jinking but stayed in the air.

Ben's Nobz jumped out and multi charged the occupants of the Ruins, his plan was to leverage Rampage [+D3 attacks when againsta foe of greater numbers, I think] but they didn't have that rule.

He charged anyway, taking on two Broods of five Stealers AND a Carnifex! So no Rampage and no extra attack on the charge, Ithought I could do some real damage here but the premier close combat unit of 40k managed to just do three wounds to the Nobz thanks to Doc Gotsnikk

In return the Nobz did 10 wounds on the 10 Stealers and this was my save!

The Carnifex pitched in and squashed two Nobz only to be disected by Grotsnikk and anothe Nob with a Power Klaw - 290pts in one assault gone!

Ben consolidated his 1", I guess the Orks were a little tired after killing most of middle force.

I drew my 3 cards for the turn, all pretty useless and would ultimately achieve nothing. I did however swoop my Flyrant Warlord over to cast Psychic Scream on the Nobz and bikers but typically failed to get it off. I did shoot the Bikers enoguh to cause them to flee, which was a bonus. Everything else retreated from the green tide as I hoped weight of numbers would hold them back. I spawned 10 Gaunts to add to the meat shield.

Ben would score objective 3 and 6 this turn as well as Hold the Line, taking his score to 7. He managed to catch my Carnifex who was extremely lucky with his Feel No Pain roll from Catalyst.

Meanwhile he threw everything at trying to kill my Warlord, or the Zoanthrope to get Witch Hunter. The Zoie shuck everything off but the Flyrant got hit and hit the ground but managed to descend gracefully without any successive injury.

With the Flyrant grounded the Warboss pounced but was outmatched and took a wound.

My go and I drew cards to kill a character and issue a challenge, missions that had D3 VPs for 3 of each and both missions fells short by one of those D3s leaving me with 2 VPs this turn. The Malanthrope came close to killing the Boss but the Nobz slaughtered most of the Rippers leaving them to turn their attention to bigger things next turn. The Warlord Flyrant got Psychic Scream off killing the biker boss then targetted the trukk holding O6. If I wrecked it the Boyz would have to diembark giving me something to charge. Sadly it was an 11" charge and I only made 10"

Ben's turn and he had to secure objective 2, twice which was easy as his bikes rallied next to it before exiting the table [damn!]. The Boyz in turn assaulted the Flyrant still trying to secure Witch Hunter and Slay the Warlord

Somehow the other Flyrant was on the ground, I may have landed him last turn and assaulted the Tank Busters

But he was ultimately outmatched and killed gaining Ben Witch Hunter and his 10th VP of the game.

The Flyrant manages to kill of the Boyz.

The Malanthrope and Rippers get killed and so too the Zoanthrope by the looks of it - double Witch Hunter!

After some initial success with the Termagants counter attack against the Kommandos they slowly began to roll through them.

Whittling them away.

Somehow the Tervigon also got popped, I can;t remember how, but it took a lot of gaunts with it.

The Kommandos cleared the top of the Skyshield, and I can't remember what this dice roll was for but it was clearly not good news.

In my last turn I;d managed to secure objective 5, twice and get within 12" of Ben's table edge with two remaining Genestealers who'd spent the game cowering just for this reason. With the Flyrant on the ground Ben rolled over him. He'd already got 2 VPs for two objective 6s and then got another 3 VPs from a D3 for 'no prisoners'

The warlord got a battering, down to 3 wounds and then the slower combats added another 4 saves to be made

Which reulted in the last wound

And slay the Warlord, plus Line breaker.

Final score 17-10 and Ben tabled me for the first time ever! I'm going to leave this now and do a separate aftermath post but please do feel free to comment until then about how you think it went wrong [for me obviousl] and how it could be improved.

Sunday 14 February 2016


Part of me questions the need to celebrate these milestones, it feels egotistical in a way but if I'm writing a blog there's ego involved somewhere, it's all about me afterall darlings! Sure, but I always try to be as modest as I can be. As much as it’s worthy to note 800,000 page views, this isn’t me that’s doing it this is other people who’ve visited my 1000+ posts and found some value in what I’ve created/published. So although there’s a certain satisfaction that my efforts have not gone unnoticed perhaps it’s more a testament to you guys, you’re the ones making up that number afterall.

Therefore, thanks folks for dropping by and putting up with my ramblings. I’ve been particularly blog focussed recently, managing to source a lot of ‘real’ content and just random picture pieces. I try to fit the fluffy ones inbetween the main courses. I’ve also got some additional blogging tips I want to share if I can, but I know that’s going to require a bit of work so it may take a while. I also need to look at some of those long gestating fluff pieces and just get them down. Despite the effort and time to keep it up-to-date and vibrant I’m really enjoying the blog at the moment, your interactions, support and things like the AdSense Competition are making it all worthwhile. A big thanks to everyone!

Now, I'm off to see Deadpool, have a good'n

Saturday 13 February 2016

'nids part 185 - Tyranid Void Shield Generator part 6.

As per my previous nid scratchbuilds it's time to 'ice the cake'! I got some tile adhesive and grout, the sort that's in a tube, this helped with application as you can just squeeze it on and smooth it with some water.

In some respects it reminded me of this 3D printed concrete castle.

I did find the application a little difficult in some places, I probably should have just lightly sanded the plastic to add a key for the grout to fix to, instead it kept sliding off.

But the tube application is really quite effective and if you want a quick VSG and your sculpting skills aren't great then I see no reason why you couldn't stop right here.

Obviously I have an aesthetic that I'm trying to match on my previous builds, so that's not an option for me. But, I think those shapes and effects are pretty effective so it's a quick win otherwise.

Sadly I'll be sanding a lot of this texture off so I can have a flat base for the air drying clay.

But the sanding will clean it all up and allow my to try and build the spire properly, it's a little thin, except for the base.

The inside was also 'iced' but I need to remove the top layer of card on the foamboard for when I sculpt that, which may interfere with the grouting, perhaps?

Lastly, just wanted to illustrate why leaving it at this stage is a possibility - a termite mound. As you can see this finish is perfectly natural. Just because a lot of the Tyranid aesthetic follows a similar style to Giger - with patterns, ribs, stomas, chitin plates etc. Things can be far more organic for nids and that means random form, without all those identifiable elements.

It's for that reason I love the possibilities in Tyranid terrain and structures. I may well have pigeon-holed my approach, made it convoluted and requiring a lot of effort and a modicum of skill. But that does not need to be the case, anyone can make these things, all it needs is the will, the time, the patience and a variety of easily sourced materials. The great thing is you can't screw it up - nature's not perfect. And it's really cheap to do, the original Void Shield Generator cost a pretty penny and having sold out cost a damn sight more. This has cost me £2.49 in grout, some foam card, a couple of lemonade bottles, a piece of MDF a few curtain hooks, paper towels, a plastic pencil tube and a noodle dinner costing 99p, the majority of which I had already anyway and were either rubbish or recycling! More importantly though, if GW aren't going to show some love for Xenos terrain, then its our duty to do so.

Tyranid Void Shield Generator Chapter 1. part 1. | part 2. | part 3. | part 4. | part 5. | part 6. | part 7. | part 8. | part 9. |

Tyranid Void Shield Generator Chapter 2. part 1. | part 2. | part 3. | part 4. | part 5. | part 6. | part 7. | part 8. part 9. | part 10. | part 11. | part 12. | part 13. | part 14. | part 15. | 

Friday 12 February 2016

Dark Angels - Ravenwing [advices needed]

We've all seen this Ravenwing picture to me it's the most iconic representation of how I feel the Ravenwing should look - dark, brooding and menacing. I've said many times that I am not a fan of the white wings on Ravenwing, Ravens are black, they are not Magpiewing [much as I love Magpies for all their cheeky antics]. Now I will concede the Ravenwing symbol being white, but aside fro a small white symbol I don;t see these guys painting bits of their dark bikes white to startle their prey in the hunt. Sure Space Marines don't always acknowledge the tenets of camouflage but in this instance I guess they do, they have a floating caouflage mahine anyway so hiding from their quarry seems to be their thing.

So representing the wings like this seems pretty straightforward - it's just highlighted with a turquoise...

Which is what I've done. My Tyranid claw highlight was put on first [black and old Anita's Turquoise], then it was new Anita's Turquoise gently applied [I used the new one because it's coverage isn't as opaque so I knew I could manipulate it with multiple layers to belnd with great result for only the cost of repeated application]. I'll flat out say I love the results and the technique is so easy if I go down this road I may well blow the 'white wings are and obstacle to progress' issue out of the water.

BUT! There are a number of issues:
  • the artwork above are these colours because it's dark in the scene, is that what's conveyed by my efforts or does it just look like blue wings?
  • is this contextual? Can I make a decision without having applied the verdigris and additional black highlights to the bike?
  • could I even apply and additional grey highlight to the feather edge to imply it's lighter?
  • does the fact I haven't gone white remove it too much from the 'spirit' of the Ravenwing?
And a whole host of other niggling doubts, I'm chuffed with what I've done but uncertian with whether it;s appropriate for this application so your thoughts would be appreciated, it may be too soon and the best thing to do is finish the highlights on the black and do the Verdigris and complete this as a test [something I usually don't do]. I kind of thought last night sod it, just go with it being different, they're my toys afterall!

But these three are neatened up around the metallics waiting for highlights, wings and weathering

Additionally I highlighted the canopy of the Jetfighter, also the extra bit at the top. I actually sponged on the highlight thinking the added texture would help me as it has with the Knight but I think it just makes the finish look poorer for it. Still, it's built confidence for the black on the Ravenwing, something my Land Speeder failed to do!

Thursday 11 February 2016

Dark Angels - Deathwing Knights

I popped into the shed with my Void Shield Generator with every intention of 'icing' it with tile adhesive only to find all of it had dried out. With all my projects staring at me with dead soulless eyes I promptly ignored them all and went completely off list. I mean there are no Deathwing Knights on my To Do List whatsoever, I suppose I could justify them as part of 1,850 functioning army but I'm reaching. Bottom line all that expansion box needs to be done, the urge came upon me and I worked on it. So I was chuffed, even if this represents one night's work [90 minutes?]

I also looked at the basing, wanting to make them even more imposing with slate and managing to source some pieces that really emphasise some of the more dynamic poses. I have another idea for how to enhance their bases - lots of grasping shattered Genestealer arms and body parts littering the floor. It'll look like they're making a last stand in the rocks killing all and sundry... or like I just stuck a load of random bits on the ground, we'll just have to see.

The following night I spent another session just gluing the models to the base. I started off pinning them then just gave up after the second as it was too much faffing. Straight Super Glue Gel to the base. Then I attached the Mace's aiming for more dynamic poses - about to strike down from high with furious vengeance. Most Knight look pretty static but I was surprised how energetic looking I was able to get with these. Out the window went my rule to keep things contained so as transportation is easier.

I'll be looking into painting the shields separately in most cases, otherwise they'll cover parts I need to paint. Also you can see from the above picture my idea with the Stealer claws... I'm not sure it works. It reminds me of how Otty can put all sorts of nid bits on his bases and it looks unnaturally alien and makes some sort of sense but as soon as I try it looks like I just stuck a spare bit on the base. I think if there was more room and I could fit a torso on or something it'd work but I think I'm better off just going simple.