Friday, 15 January 2021

'nids 305 - Tyranid Void Shield Generator part 6

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity I've finished building my scratchbuilt #Tyranid Void Shield Generator. I'll say this again, and possibly repeatedly through this post and its paint log...


The sense of satisfaction I'm feeling getting to this stage is unbelievable. The amazing thing is, is that it doesn't seem to be fading. Every time I look at it I get the warm fuzzies.

I don't know if it's the length of time taken or the fact that this is my own sculpt, my own concept finally brought to life. It's an improvement , in some instances, to my existing Tyranid terrain.


But there are also elements that I know could have been improved but I am at aa stage in my hobby where that doesn't faze me, where I can be content with 'finished not perfect'.

For instance I had thought of having some Adrenal Glands climbing over the walls, but in the end I couldn't find many and it just looked plonked on.

So It's less detailed and exciting but aside from the emitter ball and pen stalk, it's all my own sculpt.

I can't wait to start painting it. it feels like it would be really easy to do, despite my experience of painting these big nid things. But if I can ride the crest of this motivation and hopefully overcome whatever challenges it faces i could very well 'surf' this project home in a few weeks! [Famous last words...]


For now I get a Great Big Granite Big Build Stamp of Approval. 

Tyranid Void Shield Generator Chapter 1. part 1. | part 2. | part 3. | part 4. | part 5. | part 6. | part 7. | part 8. | part 9. |

Tyranid Void Shield Generator Chapter 2. part 1. | part 2. | part 3. | part 4. | part 5. | part 6. | part 7. | part 8. part 9. | part 10. | part 11. | part 12. | part 13. | part 14. | part 15. | 


  1. Congrats on the completed build. It's a fantastic rendition of what a Tyranid shield generator might look like. Love it!

    1. Cheers DAM, I'm a little annoyed it's much bigger than it should be. Not sure if I'd have known the dimensions how I would have amended the concept but it is what it is now and I love it regardless.

  2. Excellent! I want to see it painted

    1. Well it's progressing very quickly so you won't have to wait long 😉

  3. Awesome work mate, your Tyranid terrain is very inspiring. My Nids just dig holes...

    1. Well, there's an answer to everything:
