Friday 14 October 2016

Armies on Parade board 2016

I have in my 18 draft blog posts one article about Armies on Parade that has been completed for nearly a year and I still can't decide if I want to post it. But I have decided that I may feel differently about the situation after tomorrow, so instead I thought I'd share my test layout for my board.

As you can see it's pretty much all my completed Dark Angels and their Knightly allies, I even included the crashed Aquila Lander.

The two bastions are a bit OTT, it perhaps might look better as a scene with just the one and the two knights in each corner but I can't bring myself to drop them now.

I'll be popping along tonight to set up as tomorrow I can only go later on in the day, presumably when all the voting has taken place.

I did see a post on GW Bolton's Facebook page that showed their winners trophies, AND entrant pin-badges! Which I think is a really nice touch for those that are taking part. Fingers crossed they're happening everywhere.

Part of me is really excited, I hope it can be a good day and exorcise the event for me and it to be an enjoyable experience. Any aspiration other than that is just the elusive bronze medal but I know I've done a grand job this time.

Everything on the board is new to AoP, the only hangover from previous years is the backdrop, the board itself is one of my Realm of Battle tiles [though I doubt folk would notice the difference].

I even included the old skool assault marines I rebased for Battle Brothers, why not?

Round about here I remembered to add the Techmarine!

So there we go, if you're parading tomorrow I hope you have a good one, all the best.


  1. Looks pretty good to me chief. I would recommend trying a bastion in each corner and the nights at the back, to create more of a framing effect. and maintaining the balance.

    1. Hmm, good idea. I might see how that looks tonight. Thanks.

  2. Fantastic! We have pins for participation at my local GW as well, so I guess that counts as everywhere. I am heading over to support all of the entrants, vote and take some photos. Good luck!

    1. Are you parading Marc? Look forward to seeing the pictures.

    2. I would like to, but I have kind of snookered myself when it comes to GW competitions. My best painting are reserved for the Iron Snakes which include so many bootleg pieces that I don't want to take them into the store. I have discussed this with the store manager, because he is always goading me (kindly) into entering. It would take a huge effort with my Dark Angels or Tyranids to enter. I'm not saying it won't happen! One day... one day...

  3. Good luck! Looks great, lots of great work and details on the Minis so that should help your position over maybe more dynamic boards, yours are all high standard of paint.

    1. Yeah, the bespoke boards are always the competition, which is odd considering it's 'Armies' on Parade, not Parade Grounds on Parade! A fact made even clearer by GWs change of rules to say boards are not compulsory.

      Still I'm displaying what I play with and the terrain I use, it's a functional display. Of that I'm particularly proud even if it puts me at a disadvantage to those that may have done something just for the day.

  4. Looks great Dave I particularly like the backdrop which showcases another set of artistic skills. Well done and good luck!

    1. I'd love to take credit for that but it's an image I found online. Although I'm sure I could do it if I tried in this instance the only effort of mine is Photoshopping the sky from blue to yellow (Ferron Proxima has sulphur yellow skies) and the construction of it. Sorry to disappoint ;)

  5. Great job!
    Keep us updated on how it all develops :)
    Good luck!

  6. Looking good sir, very good.

  7. Amazing set of models there Dave. You should be proud of all the accomplishments to bring this awesome board together.
