Sunday, 9 October 2016


Welcome Generalissimo Forde, the 300th follower of the blog. As arbitrary milestones go this one in particular is less than arbitrary it's a true measure of the blog to have 300 followers. I think blogs in general are less popular than they used to be, vlogging seems to be taking over so to continue having people just to sign up to read the blog, well it's an honour. Given you can also follow the blog on Facebook without following on google or just come without subscription the 300 bold hobbyists who are prepared to stand with me in the shadow of the Hot Gates as we face the oncoming horde of hobby apathy and inertia.

For every one who has followed I thank you. For those who followed and then unfollowed thanks too and lastly those that just stop by without pledging their allegiance you're still very much welcome :)


  1. Dave your blog continues to inspire, 300 followers is the least you deserve, here's to the next 300.
    For Sparta!!!!

    1. Thanks Nick, I stopped short of pointing out all but one of those 300 died at the end but I'm glad you're on board for the sacrifice ;)

  2. Great going Dave! One of the first blogs I ever followed and continue to look forward to great content.

    1. Cheers and it's been great to see it grow and then meet those who've followed it and in turn become part of what makes it special.

  3. We all love arbitrary milestones mate! Congrats!

    1. It's what keeps the blogs going. We should get badges like pokemon go (or ingress).

  4. Fully deserved and here's to the future :)

    1. Thanks Rob, appreciate your continued support.

  5. I wonder how many of the 300 have their own blogs? Are those with their own blog more likely to follow others?

    1. I'd say they probably are yes, because not only do you have shared interest, but people who blog are also more likely to understand the pleasure you get when you gain new followers.

    2. I'd perhaps concur with Nick now, probably not initially. I think if you start out with a blog whatever interesting niche content you create will eventually resonate with someone. I think then when your blog becomes a 'going concerns' other bloggers will appreciate the effort involved and wrap you into their fold, so to speak.

      What I'm more curious about are the followers who unfollow... I've had at least half a dozen that just disappear off the list. When you can see the number going down instead of up you have to wonder why?

    3. Cos they didn't win the knight, haha!

  6. Congratulations!
    you really deserve to have them! :)
