Friday, 16 September 2016

Imperial Knight - in manufactorum pt 15

As I debate the further use of decals I decided to add my own 'Gerantius inspired' heraldry. Given the Dark Angel affiliation and exisiting symbol I decided to replace the portcullis with a broadsword. I was a little disheartend by my efforts, but only insomuch as they were far too bulky looking, whereas the proper Gerantius symbol is quite lean in it's execution. Also what do you think of the Forgeworld mark on the hatch, too distracting?

To that end I trimmed it down again which has offered up further issues with how to render the eyes in such a small space. I also need to do the top of the head and perhaps decide if I need to put the portcullis in?

Quick Photoshop later, what do you think?

I've also been wodering about the back of the pauldrons and the legs. As you can see the shin pads feature the crown from the main symbol. I have a number of Dark Angel decals I could use but I'm already wary of mixing the decals and freehand. Freehand on its own works for me but put it next to the clarity of a decal and it really highlights any deficiencies in the quality. I can free hand the Dark Angel symbol but I have the decals... find out tomorrow.

Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 |


  1. I like the freehand work, the broadsword is a great addition. There is plenty of room for eyes in that space, and it definitely looks better with the portcullis. I like this "making work harder for other people" gig; very cathartic ;-)

    1. You know I'm more than capable of making things more difficult for myself as it is! Don't worry, the photoshopping convince to go ahead with it.

  2. I like both looks but then I don't know the character background on it at all.

    1. Do you worry there will be fluff to explain Euronymous, I've written most of it, just need the finished pictures.

  3. Beautifully done, man! I like it with the portcullis a lot, but without is perfectly suitable as well. Good stuff!

    1. It always add the extras, right?! Ha, ha, I can never leave well enough alone.

  4. Great with the portcullis. Nice green and I don't think the makers mark is stand out-ish, but adds to the Dark Angel vibe.

    1. Some battle damage will clear that issue right up!

  5. so great!!
    i love what you are doing with it :D

    1. Thanks, so close to finishing now, have to push on through or it'll stall before the end.
