Saturday, 5 March 2016

'nids part 190 - Termagants - baker's dozen - getting it done

For some reason as I think about what I'm going to say in this post all that comes to mind is Baldrick's War Poem:

Boom, boom, boom, boom

Boom, boom, boom

 Boom, boom, boom, boom

 Boom, boom, boom

Goodness know why? I mean if they were Imperial Guard artillery that'd make sense but it's just I cracked on with the gaunts over a few nights and they sit now with just varnish and any details, like gloss varnish and yellow flock to add. They are looking pretty sweet though :)

And while I was edging their bases I decided to refresh 12 of my earliest Genestealer bases too. The Mechrite Red had become a bit faded and worn in places so this made them look a little tidier. I may consider adding some brighter red fleshy bits further down the line but this was just maintenance.

The only other thing to consider is tidying up the edges on quite a few other models, my first brood of 30 plain gaunts but part of me thinks I need to get back to other jobs following this detour.


  1. Looking good Dave! When do we get to see a full army picture?

    1. For that the best thing is to look at my Armies on Parade board from last year. 90% of the nids were on it. It would be a lot to get everything out, despite being a little underwhelmed by how much I thought I had. Still, maybe in a year or two there'll be enough new stuff to justify it. You'll just have to be patient ;)

  2. Great work Dave. What are the things on their backs?

    1. They're adrenal glands. I never actually upgrade them I just use them to differentiate broods. I've 30+ with no upgrades, and now 30 identified with adrenals, 10 with Toxin Sacs as identifiers and 20 with Devourers which I'm mainly using to differentiate at the moment, hardly ever run Devgaunts nowadays :(

  3. Damn they look sweet. Great job man :)

  4. awesome as always!
    I really like your nids!
    So beautiful, even the small ones xD

  5. +1 for the Blackadder reference.

    Those nids are looking good though, liking how they are coming together. I will have to go back and find the armies on parade pics.
