Monday 8 February 2016

Moar pics from GW Manchester

I felt a bit bad that I'd posted some sparse hobby shop pictures recently so when I nipped to GW Manc to try and resolve my intermediary brass metal issue I thought I'd try and remebdy that. First up I remebered to take shots of the WiP fantasy... sorry Sigmar galleon

Thats a lot of clothes pegs and coffee stirrers, not to mention actual GW marketing materials.

I got anothe rpic of this amazing Spawn of Cryptus.

These Knights are so awesome.

The checks were brilliant and the weathering subtle but higghly effective and well applied.

I thought the diamond formation for the banner was particularly ingenious, something I may steal myself. I was also impressed with the banner pole, very reminiscent of th eoriginal banner poles for the Epic Reaver Knights. I asked what it was made from and there was a significant list of bits so whether I can replicate it down the line we'll see...

They make a pretty impressive army.

Some Space Mongrels.

Iron Hands, sorry about the blur, the display was rotating at the time.

To be honest I only really took the pictures because of Red Planet BASE!

This Knight was also quite interesting. There was a subtle camo pattern built into the grey.

Close up I'm not sure it's the best quality in the world [no disrespect] but there is definitely a level of skill in that pattern and the spotting that's been applied. But it's also heavily influenced by the War Griffons so I really like that.

Some pretty standard Necrons, but dark Red Planet BASE! makes them look awesome. It's a different way to do it but it really works, so versatile.

Alternatively Martian Iron Eath gives you a different take on Red Planet BASE! , so versatile.

I don't know what chapter this is but it was pretty striking and consistent.

It looks like the store's hive fleet - the green one has had some reinforcements with the blue [Fleshborer Hives FTW]

mmm, gribbly


  1. Wow, I love these knights and Ad Mech units. I need to get one knight some day :D

  2. I think the split-scheme, black-and-white Space Marines are Sons of Malal from Chaos Codex 3.5
