Thursday, 18 February 2016

Dark Angels - Azrael and Company Commander TO DONE!

A final push managed to complete my Dark Vengeance Azrael conversion and my Assault on Black Reach Commander. I used some dregs from a couple of bottles of Army Painter Anti Shine and they came out all glossy so I'd definitely advise always sticking to using a bottle with a decent amount in it.

In all honesty I'm not overly happy with either of these guys, they're not my best work but I suppose they came out better expected in some places. There are definitely some bits that work but I think the overall effect is a bit confusing.

Sadly it's not helped by the pictures being overly dark, I should have tweaked these but forgot but as I'm just glad there off my To Do List I really don't want to invest any more time in them.

Azrael with his Watcher holding the Lion Helm.

I think the Commanders face came out really well but it's the freehand lettering that spoils it for me a bit

I may also go back in at some point and put so freehand patterns on his cloak or litanies on the back of the banner.

All my HQ choices togetherm makes a cool 'last stand'.

Took some pictures on my phone too, bit of a difference.

But it does do better macro-shots

And pictures that manage to capture the models as if they were life sized.

And here we go the Big Green Stamp of Approval, been a while since I had one of these and I've ticked it off my list too. Additionally I've already started compiling my review of the year for August. For those taking part in the hobby season it's easier to keep track of achievements as you do them than having to write a big old post at the end. So far I've got three things completed, which is understandable given I'm working on numerous projects at the moment which means progress is slow but I'm hoping they'll all mature within a short time of each other. Regardless I know full well I've been pretty productive and although I've had some tough times so far I've overcome a lot too.


  1. Nice re working of model that is on ebay more often than not! I like the high contrast and verdi on the metal,



    1. Cheers Doc, he's been a long time coming. I still have the standard Balthasar to do, he was actually my first DV commander, but I'll hold off on that for the moment.

  2. You may not be happy with them but they are very good work man, so well done.

  3. Excellent stuff as always Dave, that's a nice collection of marines of dubious loyalty you have there! 😜 I'd love to drop an ion accelerator shot right on the top of them, haha!

    1. Dubious loyalty indeed! They've passed all sorts of tests to be proven faithful, they've only one got one store loyalty card between them!

  4. Loving the group shots Dave. That is one heck of a group! Should def enter them in a comp at some point.

    1. Interesting idea, should such a competition come upp I may well do that, I should probably make a little display base for them.

  5. Good stuff, man! Really dig the verdigris effect, really gives the models a sense of age and menace!

    1. Without it my bronze would be without character, the blessed rains of Caliban have blessed these metals and so shall forever display that blessing.
