The original plan was to include the skull pit elements in this post but the pictures came out so well of them I thought they deserved a headline of their own. So what you have here is the addition of the Wraithbone shards on the surface of the planet. You may remember I was disappointed I went OTT with this effect on my original Armies on Parade board well this time I was much more reserved. The effect is much subtler, as it should be. The AoP board was going to be covered with models so I needed more spots to show through in what little gapes there were. This time the board will be more exposed so overwhelming spots of Bonehwite wouldn't work.
As it was I messed up and a couple of brush hairs fell onto the board. In particular the top right you can just see where there are some more highlights to cover the Bonewhite lien and in so doing make it more of a mess [it's just to the right of those three highlight spots on the hill]. Still, it could have been worse.
As you can see the edges of the board are still evident but there's not much I can do about it now I've got to this stage so I'll just live with it.
Next up I'll be accentuating all the cracks and doing the skulls.
Overall I'm really chuffed though.
I very nearly have my own board!
I don't want to say the board looks awesome, since that is not it's current state. Hmmm...the photos in those post look amazing! How's that? I can see where those flecks were driving you a bit mad, they are more visible then I thought.
ReplyDeleteI do really like how you've varied the color tone so much. Makes it extremely interesting.
Ha, ha, once it was beautiful. It's funny how I was stressed about all those inexplicable white spots only to flick on all the bonewhite ones! This is what I'm concerned most about when I repaint, getting just the right amount of speckling. Fingers crossed if the weather is good I'll get to do it at the weekend.
DeleteI'll cross mine as well Dave your effort needs to be rewarded :-)
ReplyDeleteAnd then I hear about this:
DeleteOn the plus side I'd say the Polyvine is now 90% covered up and I'm as happy with it as I was prior to the first set of highlights so we know I can be just as happy when i get to add the highlights back in, I just need to find my stubby little drybrush to do it!
Really loving how that's coming along man! Excellent work.