Tuesday 14 October 2014

Terrain is everything - Project Ω - Realm of Battle Board - Praise be to the Emperor!

Just a quick update in that last night I applied a new shadow wash and it has covered up most of the frosting, so I won't have to go back to square one, just square two. Obviously my blog posts are all out of whack now and I didn't take a picture but currently the board looks halfway between this:

And this:

It's obviously made the board a bit more uniform, with shading all over, instead of stippled, bcause I needed to cover all the Polyvine but I'm hoping that the caried colours will still show through the subsequent layers and highlights. Fingers crossed this could actually look better for all the additional tone that will be added. The skulls are a worry as any drybrushing will potentially catch them and it's not like I was fugal with the paint on the skulls so I do risk covering up details when I repaint them also.

Still, the worst is behind me and it's onwards and upwards.


  1. Good to hear you are having some positive movement towards board recovery Dave! I was waiting for a photo of a board torn asunder, with an angry man in between the pieces.

    1. I'm over that sort of response, when it happened it was more a continuous feeling of melancholy that would keep resurfacing to say, "oh yeah, you f@#ked up your battle board!"

  2. Honestly Dave it stll looks awesome fella, suppose its all about being happy with it yourself though mate.

    What your doings working, the frosting seems to be gone....happay days!

    Good luck hope it all works for ya Dave.

    1. Well these are still the 'before' pics, its just to illustrate it's now somewhere inbetween but with just some hits of it being faded/frosty/dusty from the Polyvine. The 'horror show' will be next week and then we can get back on track with the repaint pics.

  3. Glad it's not as bad as you thought. It reminded me about my friend convincing me to dip my Weirdboy in polyurethane floor sealer to make the paint job "pop." Now I have a shiny metal Weirdboy, after he took a Simple Green bath.

    1. And you have the fun of painting it all again, the gift that keeps on giving! Maybe I should strip all my Tyranids and try a different colour scheme ;)

  4. Looks fantastic! Definitely a great board, te skulls should be fine with a light drybrush, eh?

    1. It did look fantastic, now it's a shadow of it's former self but I should be able to fix it.
