Sunday, 12 October 2014

Terrain is everything - Project Ω - Frost me I'm an idiot!

With the last of the nice weather I thought I'd intersperse DiY duties with coating my Realm of Battle boards with my brothers dodgy floor varnish. You'll see a couple of upcoming posts that revel in just how pleased I was with how this was going but be sure 'pride comes before a fall' and the Polyvine Dead Flat Floor Varnish did indeed behave in exactly the same way as it did when first we painted my brother's vivarium. At that time we thought it was due to the cold conditions but there was some warmth in the air today, personally I think its not a product to be used on rough surfaces.

Anyway, I'll not share the full extent of the damage just yet, but I felt I had to offload this so I can move forwards. I'm disappointed but more frustrated. I'm going to struggle as the weather turns to get out and repaint the boards in the same way I did them first time around. It's only a few hours work but it's fitting it in to daylight and weather conditions. I'm hoping to start again with the shadow wash and not need a full respray but we'll see where we're at afterwards, Hopefully I can mask off the skulls, they're not too bad considering.

Lesson of the day - do not use products you know are dodgy, unless you want to ruin all your hard work.

Meanwhile I can't bring myself to edit the upcoming posts so just read them and enjoy the pictures before it all gets mucked up!


  1. Dude that sounds like a disaster! Gutted for you as it looked awesome.

    1. Yeah, little bit. If I was after an effect like it had been covered in dust thanks to all the building work going on then I'd be over the moon otherwise its try again. We'll just have to see what I can do tomorrow or Tuesday to rescue it.

  2. Dave thats a real shame man hope you can rescue it like you say, the tiles were looking so good.

    Dont know what to say fella, thats just wrong man, Im gutted for you.

    1. The stupid thing was I could see it going wrong from the moment I brushed it on. Of course you often read the instruction and it says 'try it on a test area first' but where was I supposed to try it? Of course a moments thought would suggest any object other than your finished board!

      The other issue was trying to get it done while the weather was nice. Of course that equates to 'rushing'. The varnish dried in an hour I could have painted any old thing, seen it was dodgy and still had time for a PVA coat. Hindsight is always 20:20.

  3. Dave,
    I'm sorry for your loss...but hold steadfast. When you revisit it, it may end up being even better then before! (Of course once the pain and tears stop...:( )

    1. There is always that Greg, definitely a learning and humbling experience.

  4. Well... as my Dad was famous for saying, "if you did it once you can do it again". Good luck with the redo ;-)

    1. A wise fella, and often the second time around is much quicker too.

  5. Noooooooooooooooo I feel for you Dave as I've in the past done things like that myself.

  6. There are still a couple of days pics before I reveal the mess so at least enjoy Wednesday and Friday's pics.

    1. Could you do a re-varnish with a slightly gloss floor wax. Such as Johnson's Klear (or whatever the equivalent is)? Might be worth a test before you repaint the whole thing.

    2. I think that'll just make glossy frost. I tried that sort of thing when my Purity Seal frosted, it doesn't always work. However a repaint isn't too bad and I may investigate this product as my future varnishing solution:

      Indeed a completely untested product... it can only end well!
