Monday 6 October 2014

Terrain is everything - Hail the Omnissiah a new Print & Play building

Therefore I give you the tall tower version for my new green marble 'Print & Play' terrain scheme. If you've made the first beige or black building then it's exactly the sayellow grid leaded effect. So the building is the same, but wider with just a different colour for variety on your battlefield.

These would ideally be suited for the foamboard that has the black foam core. I was going to make one but didn't get round to it, sorry. However, that black foam would make these easily playable from the off, without looking too much like a quickly knocked up bit of terrain.

To access the full STC please point your Cogitators here, be fair warned it is 10MB in size [I make no apologies for this, I could probably render it as a .jpg or spend hours trying to reduce the file size, I tweaked it a little bit and got it down so hopefully it's less of an issue now.]:

Meanwhile all the other Print & Play and standard terrain templates are available here:   

1 comment:

  1. And this is what happens when you schedule stuff and attend a conference on the day, two posts. Oh well, don't expect anything on Monday now you've had your pudding before your main course ;)
