Wednesday, 15 May 2013

MOAR from my mate Liam - Scratchbuilt Thunderbolt

A couple of years ago my mate Liam shared some awesome scratchbuilt Flyers, back before Flyers had become the battlefield dominating must-have we know and hate today ;) Here's the finished little beauty

Anyway, he recently sent me a link to his progress pics that may be of interest to those out there who are anal enough to want to build their own, so here you go:


Hopefully you made it thus far and the pictures were satisfaction enough for your 40k addiction. I will let you into the secret that he's also sent me the links to his work in progress shots of his award winning Chaos Space Marine army too, so they'll be coming soon as well.


  1. Dang! That's some talent right there. Thanks for sharing!

    1. No worries, he's crazy good and ultra-prolific so there'll be plenty of good stuff to share in the future. I've only touched the tip of the iceberg so far, I'm sure he's got tonnes of stuff just waiting to be showcased and not just the crazy stuff he's working on at the moment.

  2. So I am curious if the wings are also scratch or if they are Vendetta/Valkyrie wings?

    1. They look scratchbuilt in the WiPs, all whit plasticard, I don't think GW kits come in white plastic.
