Showing posts with label scratchbuilt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scratchbuilt. Show all posts

Monday 8 February 2021

'nids 309 - Tyranid Void Shield Generator part 10 - PINK!

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity I've been #paintingwarhammer on my scratchbuilt #Tyranid Void Shield Generator. I'm onto the pink veins and decided to try my Valejo Model Color Flourescent Pink. I had been a little miffed with this the first time I used it, as it is in no way opaque, but was willing to give it another go

Well as you can see, it is not pink. It goes on pink, but once dry it all it appears to have done is make my Khorne Red become Vermillion - the irony!


It became apparent to me that this pink was not going to work over a darker paint. 


Here you can see a second coat of pink, freshly applied and then dry


In some respects like Tamiya Clear Red X-27 it's almost like a pink glaze. So I went bold and on top of the red did pure white highlights as a test. Then added the pink on top and it started to show as pink.


So I highlighted the lot of them [but still held my breath].

All the veins.



And the emitter stalk too.


By this time my original paint had already dried into this vermillion.

Just look at it next to this fresh blob of paint.

And you can see the pink has dried pink, thanks to the white underpainting.


 Next stop, add some white and highlight the little veins!

Tyranid Void Shield Generator Chapter 1. part 1. | part 2. | part 3. | part 4. | part 5. | part 6. | part 7. | part 8. | part 9. |

Tyranid Void Shield Generator Chapter 2. part 1. | part 2. | part 3. | part 4. | part 5. | part 6. | part 7. | part 8. part 9. | part 10. | part 11. | part 12. | part 13. | part 14. | part 15. | 

Friday 5 February 2021

'nids 308 - Tyranid Void Shield Generator part 9

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity I've been #paintingwarhammer on my #Tyranid Void Shield Generator. Some of these pics might seem repetitive but there are some subtle differences. This pic had a filter on, so all the dark areas are saturated and wet look, and my mate Liam says glossy finish doesn't work. I hope I can capture this in reality when it's finished.

This pic shows a more realistic representation of the colour of the fleshy bit around the central well.

The VSG as a whole, I got all the bone areas highlighted too.


As you can see the darker areas around the well have all flattened off with the paint drying. Hopefully the gloss varnish and Tamiya Clear Red X-27 will bring it back.

I also painted all the fleshy bulges Khorne Red, these will be highlighted as the Capillary Towers were, the lighter maroon colour standing out against the Vermillion.

Close up of the central well.

I also Painted the emitter stalk Khorne Red too.

The top edge of the fleshy fibres on the inner walls were also washed red so there was a raw blend to the bone on the outer.

All the fibres had more contrast added to the lower strands of each 'bundle'. I got some great contrast here, I hope the planned Tamiya Clear Red X-27 enhances it rather than neutralises it.


The gloss varnish will give me a starting point, then I can add the Tamiya Clear Red X-27 in a small area and if it doesn't appear to be working I'll not do the rest.

Khorne Red wash where the fleshy balls intersect with the bone, just like I did with the Adrenal Glands on the Tyrannofex.


I'm super chuffed with this at the moment. I had a good 2+ hour session to get to this stage and I can't believe the variety in the Vermillion/Pumpkin highlight versus the Vermillion/white highlights. I love how the Red Planet BASE! frames it all. What's left to do [although since I wrote this I can cross out the bits already done 😉]?
  • Red bits
  • Green little bits [the tiny balls on the red balls]
  • Big green ball
  • Green glow FX
  • Veins [pink]
  • Chitin highlight 1
  • Chitin highlight 2
  • Matt varnish
  • Gloss varnish
  • Tamiya Clear Red X-27 

Tyranid Void Shield Generator Chapter 1. part 1. | part 2. | part 3. | part 4. | part 5. | part 6. | part 7. | part 8. | part 9. |

Tyranid Void Shield Generator Chapter 2. part 1. | part 2. | part 3. | part 4. | part 5. | part 6. | part 7. | part 8. part 9. | part 10. | part 11. | part 12. | part 13. | part 14. | part 15. | 

Thursday 28 January 2021

'nids 307 - Tyranid Void Shield Generator part 8

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity this couple got married 21 year's ago today! You won't believe what they look like now! Yes it's my wedding anniversary and I'm celebrating by sharing my #Tyranid Void Shield Generator.


When we left it last I'd surged ahead with some basecoats and washes, then took a step back with adding in some extra veins and then my Nurgle trio took over thanks to that 'setback' of sorts. But with the trio complete I did what I'd planned to do and did my Red Planet BASE!

Thankfully it still matches after all these year's of execution [maybe not some of the original bases]. Hopefully when my last 3 tubes of Vermillion Artists Craft Acrylic runs out I can source some more... Anyway, I also threw on some Army Painter Bonewhite for the bone areas.

And drybrushed vermillion everywhere that was fleshy. I also did a Bloodletter glaze on the centre bit.

Not 100% convinced of this just yet, but I need to be patient and recall the Skyshield was equally challenging at this stage and it was only some blue and purple added that gave me some extra depth and dimension to it.

So, thankfully I had the good sense to go back to that post to help me prepare to get through this stage. ordinarily I'd have just not bothered. Why on earth should I leverage a decade of my own hobby content to make my current hobby challenges easier? I can be so silly sometimes. 

So I gets me this season's Great Big Granite Big Build Base Stamp of Approval.

Tyranid Void Shield Generator Chapter 1. part 1. | part 2. | part 3. | part 4. | part 5. | part 6. | part 7. | part 8. | part 9. |

Tyranid Void Shield Generator Chapter 2. part 1. | part 2. | part 3. | part 4. | part 5. | part 6. | part 7. | part 8. part 9. | part 10. | part 11. | part 12. | part 13. | part 14. | part 15. | 

Tuesday 19 January 2021

'nids 306 - Tyranid Void Shield Generator part 7

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity I'm finally breaking my silence on the progress of #Tyranid scratchbuilt void shield generator. With the sand around the edge of the base I was ready to prime, but what with the weather what to do? So I did it in the garage, but it doesn't matter if I keep the garage door open, waft or what, my wife can still smell it from our loft conversion, in the house and 2 storey's up!

And yet, once it's primed it still looks like terracotta DAS clay! But better details of the petals. 

Filled to the brim with hobby endorphins it didn't seem like too much just to block in the base colours, even if I hadn't done the base first, like I always do.

But I could still wash the base after, now that would be a BIG pot to spill!

Everything got washed. The base and all the red fleshy bits were washed black.


Bone and blue get a sepia wash, then the blue gets an Agrax equivalent wash. With so much Valejo sepia and black wash I did a 50:50 mix in a spare Army Painter bottle that works in all the recesses on the bone and on the blue.

 However, those two little corner pieces were actually 2nd washes with Army Painter Strong Tone, hence the 'glossy' finish. The Valejo can often have the crusty deposits I suffer from with Citadel shades but there was no issues this time. You may also notice I added some thread veins on the buboes.

 Having looked at a Capillary Tower and observed how they all had that it seemed wrong not to follow the concept through on these. A slight interruption for an evening and then another night to paint them red but I'll be back up to speed soon.

You can see some of the wash is a little patchy on the blue, but not to fear, it'll mostly be covered with Turquoise anyway, leaving a mottled and cloudy blue that is fascinating to observe close-up.


Red Planet BASE! next. I can check that off my Big Build 'prime and base' then and get on with all the other little bits.

Tyranid Void Shield Generator Chapter 1. part 1. | part 2. | part 3. | part 4. | part 5. | part 6. | part 7. | part 8. | part 9. |

Tyranid Void Shield Generator Chapter 2. part 1. | part 2. | part 3. | part 4. | part 5. | part 6. | part 7. | part 8. part 9. | part 10. | part 11. | part 12. | part 13. | part 14. | part 15. |