But the finished models are all I could have hoped for. My Dark Angels are a little random in that they mix styles of painting with these bigger items weathered and yet the Dark Talon remains unscathed. I'm not sure if that inconsistency detracts but I've done all I could on these and more.
The only thing I could have added was a big number covering a door, which would have been nice and bold.
I'm really pleased they work as a pair too, even with the different approaches to the metal and 5 year gap between when each was started.
Freehanding [OK, stencilling] the company markings was also a task that I'm glad I did. It seemed like so much effort at the time but adds something to lift them up just another level.
Pod 1s interior, before I was swayed by the love of brass and bronze, there's silver/gun metal in there!
The orange hazard edges, complete with damage on all the explosive bolts.
Pod 2, a little warmer with the brass and bronze approach.
Some slight weathring on the escape ramps too, just to make it look used.
The centre consoles came out OK too, thanks to Tamiya Clear Orange X-26.
Moar pics from my phone [by the looks of the aspect ratio].
Here's my Big Purple Stamp of Approval as these are well and truly TO DONE!
Thats right I get another one because I been and gone and done two of the beggars! ;)
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