Monday, 17 March 2014

Throne of Skulls 2014 army list help

Tomorrow I will finish my army list, unlike my hobby buddies I will not be spending months doing mine I've a template that looks cool and every one of my opponents gets one with a sheet with the Hive Fleet Gorgon  Ferron Splinter Fleet back story. I can't imagine Liam making 6 copies of his Chaos Space Marine head army list! Anyway, I got approval from the Events Team today to use all my models but I now have to make that last decision.

The two main choices I need help with is this list which is slightly varied, a Zoanthrope, Biovore [the spore mines], Trygon and two Tervigons [one as troop, the other a HQ with Regeneration (which worked out well last game)]...

...or slightly less versatile three Tervigons, two of which are troops.

Option 1. has some long range fire power with the Biovore. Assault damage from the Trygon [he got me a VP on a Lord of War, but died immediately afterwards] and the opportunity to Warp Blast from the Zoanthrope

Option 2. still has the same amount of Synapse and Psykers but I get the extra durability of the second troop Tervigon [not to mention the 2 broods of 30 Termagants] spawning will be limited in places, I just don't have enough gaunts but I'm hoping that enough will die for me to respawn them.

Ultimately Option 1. is probably more fun for people to play against, Option 2. fits my 'fluff' in that they are defending the Hive Nest - the Bastion, Skyshield etc.but it's 3 Tervigons! Will I be 'that guy' if I run it? I may survive to the end of the game - when you go Stronghold Assault it's endurance not attack you're planning for but spending most of the game hiding... but, it's the first time I've been able to run three.

I may get a chance to try this out tomorrow night on Ben but any opinions on these two options would be greatly appreciated.


  1. I think unless your running skyblight, you can never be considered 'that guy' running tyranids nowadays.... Honestly I'm not convinced three tervigons are worth it though...

    1. They may well blow up in my face but they're still as durable as a Trygon, moreso if I get Catalyst. It gives me an extra troop too, actually two with the Termagant brood. They'll be spawning forever, actually not so much given how many Termagants I actually have and just having the three may ironically speed things up, less options to think about, only the 60 Termagants!

  2. Glad to hear their let you bring all your cool stuff Dave, as for what to bring I'd go with what ever would give me & the other players the most enjoyable games.

    1. Apparently anything that's been acceptable before is acceptable still, which is great but The Warriors Code seems slightly more formal so it was better to check just in case. I think it's more 3rd party components that are the issue, luckily I don't have any!

  3. I'll say that now that Tervigons have gone up in points and down in synergy, nobody could say a bad thing about taking 3 of them.
    If you have more fun fielding 3 tervigons, I'd say, go ahead, and do it!

    1. You could have a point, I'll have a go tomorrow night with 3 and then see which I enjoy most.

  4. I guess you are going to play with another HQ. Tervigons aren't characters, so they can't be the warlords... and you need to field a warlord in your army.

    Good luck!

    1. Indeed, winged Hive Tyrant is the Warlord, this is just the optional bits amongst the choices which are already fixed and non-negotiable.
