Saturday, 22 March 2014

Ooh the cruel irony - you've got to laugh

So we got to Warhammer World yesterday and I had a little game with Scott just to help bring him up to speed. I spot Nick from the events team and he comes over to admire the Skyshield and I ask him if Best Fortification is one building or one formation. He says have I read the events pack? I root around for a bit and realise I just have the Warriors Code with me. To which he adds they haven't done the best Fortification painting competition for about 6 months. You've got to laugh though!


  1. Console yourself with the fact that it looks fantastic, is completely unique and, its finished! I think the walls look like exposed muscle tissue and bone, it reminds me of a 'flayed man' or something. Excellent.

    1. Thanks Monkeychuka, exactly what I was hoping for, once I'd resigned myself to not being able to creat some mucoid membranes. The walls definitey change the look of the Skyshield, whether I use them in casual play is yet to be seen.

  2. yeah, its amazing.
    Just because they are not judging it officially, does not mean you would not win....

    1. Thanks dave, the overall win certainly made up for the loss of the category. The big question will be if I can finish my Dark Angels will they live up to the same acheivements. I think they're better painted but will they stand out as much? Can they compare with disgucting majesty of the xenos filth?
