Tuesday 5 February 2019

2000pts battle report - Imperial Knights & Dark Angels v Nurgle Chaos Space Marines - LCO 2

APOLOGIES - it would appear the text for the battle report I wrote within a week of the LCO somehow disappeared. I've tried to replace it but weeks later accuracy and details will be sketchier than usual [if that's at all possible!].

Dominik Brundler was my game 2. He had Mortarion, a squad of Blight Haulers, a couple of Drones, a fair few Pox Walkers a couple of Champions on Flies [I think] and a couple of Plagueburst Crawlers. For some reason I felt the Poxwalkers were a real priority - killable and sitting on objectives I didn't need them knockign around - that may well have been a completely stupid assessment

Once again I won the first turn and the Lancer sprinted across the board. I don't even think I felt the need to use Flank Speed as this deployment got him to their lines with ease. The Dark Talon Stasis Bombed the Pox-Walkers and with additional support took one unit out. I felt the Lancer could tie up a Crawler, a Drone and even the Blight Haulers. A Warglaive got in there too but despite some excellent rolling from the Lancer, putting wounds on the Crawler and Drone they both managed their invulnerable saves. The Warglaive also saw its attacks shrugged off by daemonic resilience. I had 3VPs for killing a unit, First Strike and holding an objective.

Mortarion swooped over the Warglaive to land between it and Euronymous with one of the Drones heading towards the ziggurat I had my Scouts on.

I think I was quite lucky in overwatch, hitting Mortarion twice, but I think he shrugged off the Thermal cannon shots. The Drone also made a huge charge to get in behind Euronymous and engage the Scouts.

Morty absolutely eviscerated Euronymous with his scythe Silence. He had been on 21 wounds before the charge and they were all gone. But he did blow up, once again delivering more damage in death than anger [a theme for the weekend!]. The Scouts somehow survived. The Warglaive got smashed by the Daemon Prince and Blight Haulers, it may well have blown up too as we're missing a Blight Hauler.

I think the fly initially whiffed his charge on the Dark Talon but a re-roll got him in. My overwatch was again hot, but so was its invulnerable save.

With the Dark Talon down to 7 wounds it did not take much for the fly's rider to slash the Ravenwing Flyer out of the sky. This secured 4 primary VPs for Dominik with kill 1, hold 1, kill more and hold more. He probably got First Strike and Slay the Warlord too,

The Lancer fell back and charged Morty, with support from the last Warglaive while the Ravenwing tried to bring down the Bloat Drone. I'm not sure what I killed, possibly not the Drone, as it would end up in my back field next turn, but I killed something for a VP and held an objective for another 2 points total.

But the Lancer AND the Warglaive got trashed. It looks like the last of the Poxwalkers were killed, but with heavy armour to hold objectives the success at removing ObSec troops was moot, or even worse with the loss of all my heavy hitters.

Mortarion swooped over to my back field and ultimately wiped out the rest of my army.

The final score was 39-7 to Dominik, he was quite apologetic throughout because his invulnerable saves were so successful, but my attacks were equally good, I can't complain. You take Nurgle for its resilience, there's no reason to apologise when it does its job.

I may well have got my priorities mixed up, perhaps Morty is the number 1 target but he waltzed his way through two Knights and a Warglaive, I'm not sure what else I could have done. You probably need to commit everything to kill him and if he survives hope you are still far enough away to avoid a counter attack and hope you get a second chance. I should probably see if I can find any battle reports that deal with Morty and big invul bubble wrap lists

Regardless of the result it was a great game and Dominik was awesome, what would game 3 bring?

Monday 4 February 2019

2000pts battle report - Imperial Knights & Dark Angels v Astra Militarum - LCO 1

I'd had opportunity to see my match up from the Best Cost Pairings App and the Honest Wargamer review a couple of days before:

Keith Martin-White [www.hexwar.com] had around 9 Leman Russes with 90 conscripts in three rows in front of them. Having played Ben the other day with his Aeldari and he'd 'screened' his vehicles with three blobs of Dire Avengers alongside each other I realised that the conscripts would be in rows and the guys were right - how was I going to get through them? Keith had deployed right at the back so my only option was to try and smash through his army. Perhaps with hindsight I should have flanked from the right, forcing him to move his tanks to get a firing angle but instead I went head on, luckily I somehow won the first turn, even with Keith finishing deployment first.

The Lancer made an 11" Flank Speed Advance and was in the faces of the Conscripts from the off. The Dark Talon got into the back-field, dropping a Stasis Bomb but only killing 5 Conscripts. I then made the dubious decision to split fire between the first two ranks of conscripts. I'm not sure what my reasoning was, that I would ultimately have to pile through both of them anyway. Frustratingly Keith had Petrov's pistol [Relic] that meant any failed Morale check could be reduced to just 1 casualty. 

The bikes managed to do a fair bit of shooting on the 'scripts but left me without any models to charge. 

The Lancer managed to finish off quite a few of the first rank of 'scripts but they just fell back in their turn.

Leaving it exposed and easy prey for the Russes, I think he was destroyed by the 2nd or 3rd tank even with rotated Ion Shields leaving the rest to target my remaining forces. He might have blown up I'm not sure. Primary objectives it was Keith with 3 VPs to my 1 [we worked out secondaries at the end]

Turn 2 and Euronymous gets into the back line but again the bubble wrap prevented him from getting at anything worthy. The Dark Talon continued to strafe the 'scripts.

The Warglaives got into the mix, while one went around the ruins so he was obscured with the bikes seeking to capture the objective and be within striking distance of support. 

'Scripts fell back leaving Euronymous exposed like the Lancer and similarly he was blasted apart but he exploded taking quite a few with him and doing more damage to the Russes than he had with his weapons. I think he actually took one of them out! I managed to kill 1, hold 1, kill more and hold more for 4 VPs to Keith's 2. It was 5:5 on primaries but most of my army was smoking wrecks and there were more tanks than I could deal with.

The Warglaives managed to break through the lines and get at the tanks, but not without one losing 8 wounds. Unfortunately the one in the right couldn't kill his target,

but the damaged Armiger somehow took out his!

With few targets to choose from my pretty useless Predator was picked off with ease. We each scored 3 VPs turn 3, with me holding more and Keith killing more.

Turn 4 and I was pretty much just trying hold objectives but it was futile. The Armiger's were destroyed, again I think at least 1 blew up doing more damage than they'd actually achieved in anger!

The tanks steam rolled my scouts

and wiped out the Dark Talon, their massed Battle Cannons too much even for this supersonic flyer.

Turn 4 and Keith was able to wipe me out, ultimately scoring 16 primary VPs and 9 secondaries. I managed 8 primary and 6 secondary. Final score was 25:14 to Keith.

A tough game but nothing I hadn't expected. Keith knew his army, knew his plan and stuck to it. I'm not entirely sure what I could have done apart from focused on a single unit of 'scripts at a time or tried to flank him, although alternating deployment might have prevented that option.

Still, a good challenge and having set the bar low my next match-up might be more my speed...

Friday 1 February 2019

2000pts battle report - Imperial Knights & Dark Angels v Eldar

Before the Last Chance Open Ben and I had a game, both to familiarise ourselves with the ITC format and it's Primary and Secondary missions and to also familiarise ourselves with our respective armies. I had a little advantage as I'd run my Knights previously in our last game and the Lancer & Warglaives at Double Trouble 4

However Ben had borrowed an Aeldari army off Otty, it had a Scorpion Heavy Grav Tank, a Warp Hunter, Pheonix strike aircraft, Farseers on bikes, Shining Spears and 3 units of 10 Dire Avengers. You can see their disposition below.

I faced off with the Lancer taking the lead, backed up by the Warglaives and Euronymous while my tac squads took cover behind the church and my Scouts held the objective in the ruined watchtower.

I won the first turn and my Lancer did Flank Speed right down the centre of the village [Hogsmeade? 😉 The Warglaives moved to the outskirts and their Thermal Spears, alongside the Thermal Cannon of Euronymous took out the Warp Hunter for a 'cheeky First Strtike'. My Plasma Cannon blew up first shot, but Dark Angels get to re-roll if their stationary, so survived afterall.

The Dark Talon couldn't quite make the distance to deploy the Stasis Bomb but shot at the Dire Avengers. They were from a Craftworld that made it -1 to hit so I didn't do too much damage. The Lancer went to charge and I think it whiffed on 3", I rerolled the 1 to get another 1 [typically].

Ben's turn and the Pheonix and bikes flanked round to the watchtower [Shrieking Shack?]

The Scorpion moved to the side to get a better angle on the Lancer and position the Dire Avengers between it and the Knight.

The Aspect warriors reformed to force the Knight to engage them before it could get to the Grav Tank.

Unfortunately the Scorpion couldn't quite penetrate the Lancer's shields [thanks to some obscene dice rolling and rotating Ion Shields] and it only lost 3 of its 27 wounds to the titan killing weaponry aimed at it. The Dark Talon was less lucky though, being wiped out by the superior airborne firepower of the Phoenix. I think the Jetbikes failed their charge on the scouts, thanks to killing a couple of the nearest ones.

Turn 2 and my Warglaive made it into the back of Ben's DZ, assaulting the other squad of jetbikes. The Lancer multi-charged the middle unit of Dire Avengers and the one on its left.

The second Warglaive went for the bikes going after my scouts and managed to take them down to just 1 remaining. Euronymous backed up the Lancer.

On the other side of the battlefield on my right I'd sent my Ravenwing to mop up some scout hiding in an abandoned farm. I think one of them had been killed in Ben's turn but they made a silly charge to get in their faces.

The Lancer stomped all over the Aeldari, while the Warglaive smashed the jetbike aside allowing it to consolidate onto the objective. 

Ben's turn 2 and the Warglaive was left in the dust as the Jetbike move to oust the last scout from its sniper perch.

The Scropion continued to evade the approaching super heavy Knightly host.

It targeted all it's weaponry at Euronymous and was able to strip 23 of its 24 wounds in one shooting.

I'm not sure what happened next, I think the Lancer and Warglaive might have wiped out the Dire Avengers and the Scorpion might have taken some damage but it was possibly -2 to hit so perhaps not. We eventually called it but I think Ben was pretty downbeat about his chances.

His lack of success with the Scorpion had dampened his enthusiasm for the LCO. It just hadn't performed quite as he'd expected. A Knight killer is one thing and it came close to deleting Euronymous in one go but with Ion saves and the chance to miss it's a lot of eggs to put in one basket, although the Warp Hunter is a fair support, having lost it first turn it never really got chance to add it's weight to the game. The Pheonix did OK, you can just see one of its wings in the pic above, I actually thought it had died, not sure if it did at some point but it was v. difficult to hit so probably not.

At the time I didn't realise Ben should have split his Dire Avengers into ranks, instead of groups alongside each other, that would have been a far better bubble wrap, but even so the dense terrain and many bodies meant I struggled to get my Knights through the village. It was an OK game in the end, Ben felt outgunned/outclassed, which is never any fun but at least we had a better idea of what was in store for us, bring on the LCO!

Tuesday 29 January 2019

Imperial Knights - House Corvus Twins in manufactorum pt10. Chevrons

I cogitated an awful lot about the chevrons. I was trying to balance what I've already done with the Lancer and Warglaives but also take the opportunity to expand so there was a little more variety instead of sticking to some hard rules. Firstly my chevrons are not chevrons, that would be a V or A shape. These are just angled stripes but I'll be still calling them chevrons. Secondly, mine angle backwards, while Raven chevrons are more the V toward the head. And I also don't add the white line between the black and yellow. My house Corvus can be a little different as an offshoot branch of Raven.

But the big thing on this guy is his chevrons are twice as thick on the carapace as I normally do. Raven has some fluff about the more experienced you are the thicker they get [although it also says they eschew heraldic indentifiers that normally indicate higher ranks...? Go figure?]. I also covered one third of the carapace. I see this guy as a little more experienced Knight Crusader who stands back and shoots.

Whereas the running Knight is a young Gallant and so he has narrower chevrons that only cover the angled edge. This is the mirror of my Lancer and the Warglaives have similar reflected schemes.

On top of the stripes I also painted some panels black, again with mirrored panelling.

The orange got an Iyanden Dark Sun highlight but I was keen to keep some of the orange base showing.

The Gallants stripes were a bit inconsistent with thickness unfortunately but it's not too noticeable.

Chevron stripes on the shin plate too. Not a particularly common choice on Raven, invariably the inner panels are both black but this was a choice on the Lancer that I'm continuing on my other Knights, again to add a subtle amendment to the scheme but also because I haven't done too much with the chevrons on the carapace.

Should I ever get a Dominus class knight I will definitely do the entire carapace as a chevron but for now these colours are done. Further highlights will be added after decals and damage. I've also got to prime the small-arms weaponry, can't have bare plastic stubbers.

You can see I also did a white stripe down the front of his faceplate and the bottom of its mouthguard. White/cream is a further addition to my scheme. Raven does feature white sparingly, my use is on the ion shields and the head. I'd liked to have used it more but I just can't reconcile it next to the chevrons, another reason why it doesn't edge the black and yellow stripes. Anyway, decals next so gloss varnish on all the armour plates.

Imperial Knights - House Corvus Twins in Manufactorum
Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |

We begin week 4 [out of six] of Radiotherapy at the Clatterbridge Cancer Centre for my hero. \The weekend was reasonably quiet, he's beginning to get tired a little quicker but his radiologist pointed out just how much of his body is being treated so that's understandable. On Friday his hair really started to come out and he found it so uncomfortable that night he decided he wanted to go to the barbers the next morning 

We've been taking the boys to Your Barbers in Ormskirk for years and although we're not on first name terms with them they were incredibly understanding and supportive. By the end there was just a small bit of hair left, surprisingly round his surgery scar. The owner wouldn't take any payment and asked us to put it in a charity, which we did at Clatterbridge yesterday.

Also we received some financial support from the Family Fund this included some money for clothes [he's had a lot of new pyjamas] bedding and support for transport, which with a daily 50 mile roundtrip and twice through the Mersey Tunnel is really helpful. Interestingly I understand the tunnel was featured in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt1. I think it's meant to be the Dartford Tunnel, and is for the entrance/exit but the inside sequence with Hagrid's bike is the Queensway Tunnel, which we take on a Tuesday. I think it was easier to film there than Dartford and they look similar too.

Anyway, it all helps and we're still being positive.