Thursday, 24 March 2022


Afternoon #WarHamFam I've been #PaintingWarhammer for a good few years now and you may have noticed I was lucky enough to be asked to share my Tyranids for a Warhammer Community article: This Tyranid Army Looks So Good You’ll Want Them to Eat You

This was such an honour to be asked, I'd seen a comment on Twitter about the community sharing their Tyranids, I shared pics of mine and also some of Otty's, because they're based on Jes Bickahm's scheme and he'd already chipped in with a tweet. There were a number of other fellow nid enthusiasts showcasing their Hive Fleets and I was totally unaware [or forgotten] the original tweeter is responsible for the community pages. A number of DM's later and I'm writing a few hundred words about my journey with the nids and taking some additional pictures [all on white background]. Now I've never been in White Dwarf, still a hobby achievement to aspire to. I had my Tyranid Reclamation Pool feature on the GW site a decade or so ago, but that no longer exists. I've been on the Twitch Hobby Round-up a few times and the Twitch live stream for the 40k GT, but this is one of the highest accolades I've ever had.

You all know me by now, I write far too much and take far too many pictures. Naturally they weren't able to use all of them and I was really impressed how they edited everything to still be coherent and make it better. That said I do have a number of new showcase pictures that weren't used that  I will be posting up in the future, and adding to the Showcase page.

Now back to my remaining hobby bucket list:
  • Feature in White Dwarf, one model will do.
  • Golden Demon participation pin
That's not too unreasonable I think...


  1. Many warm congratulations on the #WarhammerCommunity article. A great achievement indeed, and well deserved.

    1. Cheers DAM, its a weird feeling as I try very hard to not get drawn into the 'like and subscribe' mentality of social media. Although I am part of it and try to use it I don't want it to define how I approach the hobby. If these things come that's nice, if not I've still got painted figures, which is my primary goal.

  2. Congratulations Dave, I did happen to notice them the other day on the community site and was not surprised as your work is up there with the best 👍

    1. Thanks Frank, you're very kind but having seen the simple perfection of this year's Golden Demon winner I'm a very long way from sitting among those folks. I'd give GD a go, just to get that pin badge, but I know what I'm capable of and I'm comfortable with the effort/output reward.

  3. Congratulations, all that hard work getting the recognition it deserves.

    1. Ta, it helped reach a wider audience, which was nice. And they made the whole piece look really special which was amazing as I wasn't sure the pictures were all that great. Some of them were older ones too so there may not have been consistency across them, but I don't think it was glaringly obvious. I guess it really does help to do those 'white pics' afterall!

    2. Its definitely one aspect of blogging I don’t put enough effort in to, most of my pictures are taken on my phone on whatever background happens to be at hand.

    3. All mine are phone pics too. I think I got quite adept at using the camera apps I have, then Camera360 changed something. I'm not sure if its a frame setting, how much I zoom or the filter that gets applied but it seems to simplify a lot of the detail. They end up like Prisma art photos, not to the full extreme but subtly present all the same. It can look cool but it's not really what I'm after, unfortunately it still takes some of the better coloured pictures so I've put up with it.
