Thursday, 31 October 2019

Dreadtober 2019 - Mostly TO DONE!

#Dreadtober update and as promised yesterday, today is just a preliminary wrap-up of pics. There's still varnishing to do and adding some flock but it's effectively complete.

 I have to say Dreadtober has been an absolute joy this year. Sure I made it easy on myself by prepping so much of it in advance, but I do that with all my projects and even so I almost [actually] didn't meet the deadline so I can't be too hard on myself - I know my pace.

 I think next year I'll have to post every time I progress instead of sticking to my schedule and doubling. it might be a nice exercise in micro-blogging and also help with the whole community vibe.

It's also worth mentioning Mordian 7th's hard working in keeping Dreadtober up-to-date not to mention painting his own Contemptor Achillus. Collating everyone's work in an additional blog is a thankless task, so I just thought I'd say 'thank you'! 

lastly a couple of comparison pics, alongside my old skool Rhino/Razorback. Not quite as saturated green, but the battle damage is comparable.

And lastly, alongside my Armiger Warglaive. I think the Warglaive just edges the Redemptor - it's on a bigger base for a start and I was always rather horrified that the interred marine's tend to 'burn out' in these newer dreads. It's horrific and seems perfectly grimdark 40k, but there is an element of callous disregard for a venerated brother and for me that doesn't fit with how marines honour their [almost] fallen [not that kind] comrades.

That said I have grown attached to the Redemptor, something I never thought when I initially saw the model. It's just a little sad I can't envisage playing Dark Angels for a while because of the new additional rules, but I've said before they can be my 'display army', even if the Tyranids are actually more of a display! Anyway, happy Hallowe'en, happy Dreadtober!


  1. Looks great next to the Armiger! Nicely done

    1. And having fought toe-to-toe with my Armiger against another Redemptor I though it was a nice comparison. I think the Warglaive is a tougher beast in combat, it also helps having that Melta weaponry.

  2. That Dread looks really cool, Dave. I thought about picking one of these up to paint for DreadTober as well, but I just can't get over the issues I have with the composition of the model (that darned front armour!). I think I just love the old dreads too much. You have done a great job with the back of the model too, which most people neglect. Considering we spend most of the time during games staring at the back of our own units, having something a little extra there is a nice touch.

    1. I know what you mean about the back view, I think it's crossed my mind many times. I also shared your concerns regarding the design of the model but I can reassure you it's much better in reality. For sure, the easy to build is more uninspired but the flexibility in pose for this version makes it more interesting [although I would consider an ETB]. Failing my review convincing you get Armigers instead - none of the design issues and will go with your Knights ;)

  3. I love the scrolls and aiguillette on the back (I had to look that up on Google). Nice bit of converting there.

    1. I had to look it up too to see what you were talking about and now we've both learned something from this exchange! Purity seals are yet another random element I don't know how they're going to turn out, luckily these were indded pretty good, now lets hope it stays on now I've poly-cemented it in place.
