Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Imperial Knight - in manufactorum pt 11

Having completed the Tactical Marines I'm struggling to be motivated, that translates to two nights without painting and STILL staying up post midnight - what's THAT about! Luckily the muse evetually finds me and although the Knight should be way down my list I'm compelled, which is good enough. The Ion Shield was at this stage prior to my lack of motivation but it's much better than I expected.

I'd also done the chainsword, all the greens highlighted at least. I did however add the black stripes for the Gerantius connection on the carapace. It may be too soon but I felt I needed to be laying paint down even if it requires a touch up down the line.

Another shot of the chainsword, I think the highlights are a bit brighter than my Tactical Squad but I'm OK on that, the texture paint makes it less lake some Tron cos-play outfit.

I also did the head cowl, which was more like drybrushing really, which usually I recoil from but it's not as bad as it could be. Still so much detail to pick out that will help mitigate any of the deficiencies

But with Renegade in the offing I want him done, even if his priority is well below the needs of the Dark Talon and Ravenwing bikes. Something else I noticed is I've done all of my alternate weapons with green armour plates. Which is fine, it's just should I ever get another Knight so I can expand my House Raven household then the green paenls will clash. So I'm debating whether to go ahead with the green, replace it with black - which will fit both households or go Chevrons, which will still work but lean towards Raven. It's only the Gatling Cannon, Carapace Weapons and Thunderstike fist that are an issue, I just need to weigh up aesthetics versus versatility.

Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 |


  1. Looks awesome buddy, I can't wait to get my hands on renegade, so excited!

    1. Ordered a box! Eleemnt Games were the cheapest but they raised their price so ended up with Wayland, they had a 5% Salute discount and I went through Liam's affiliate link so he may get a kickback on it too!

      Then I found the Outpost doing it cheaper still!

  2. Loving the green you have on that and looknig forward to seeing him come together. Renegades will be cool, I won't be buying it but stealing the rules and try to scratch build a knight.

    Regarding the weapons I would go with versatility just for the cost issues.

    1. If rumours are true the rules will be based on the Godbreaker mission in WD 89. You can download the datasheets from the Black Library, but the rules are only in the magazine. Definitely makes it a cross between the old 40k 2nd edition vehicle damage charts and the original Adeptus Titanicus rules. Knights are going to take a lot to damage!

  3. the painting looks great!
    really good job! :)

  4. Love that colour scheme! Sadly I have been extremely boring and painted mine House Terryn (because I actually like the scheme). Hopefully adding to my solitary knight soon!

    1. Not sure if any Knight scheme is boring, they're all open to uniqueness compared to a normal sized miniature and with the cool decals too there's so much you cna play around with :)

  5. I love the brighter green popping through like it such a lovely effect!

    1. I agree, that chainsword in particular is to die for. As for your alternate weapons, I think chevrons would be a good compromise. If it was my decision, I couldn't care less about versatility ;-)

    2. I'm wondering how the damage effext will look. Everywhere I've missed the metallics and covered the green I was going to turn into battle damage/weathering, then promptly forgot and started shading over the top of it - waste of time!

      Think I compromised, will treat certain panels black and certain panels chevrons, mix and match. That way the Chevrons don;t overwhelm and as both scemes feaure black they'll match up. Battle Cannon, Melta nd chainsword will remain green as I'll always end up with multiples of those, it's the other weapons that may be lacking.
