Tuesday, 19 July 2011

ebay sales YOU won't regret! Rarities, Daemons, Scratchbuilt Knights, SQUATS

You may recall I have mentioned my mate Liam, he of the scratch built Warhound and Warlord fame, a few times. His painting and modelling skills are awesome he admits he's a 40k geek, he scratchbuilt a Warlord for G.O.D.sake but he stops short of a blog so I asked him if he ever had anything he wanted to share on my blog he could.

He's been in touch and is having another clear out of old figures on ebay NOW! Starting price 99p on everything. Here's a taster of the painted highlights - I give you his magnificently painted Warhammer & 40k An'ggrath / Anggrath Bloodthirster Lord.

There's also a couple of Daemon Princes


5 Screamers of Tzeentch

Warhammer Bretonnia original King Louen Leoncouer


2 Warhammer 40k Chaos Daemons Soul Grinders


And the 'piece de resistance' 2 Scratchbuilt Warhammer 40k Apocalypse knight Paladins

And there's a whole slew of other equally exciting and old-skool miniatures of the unpainted variety, so check out bluewarpstudios on ebay, a little over 5 days left to go!

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