Sunday, 17 July 2011

Epic Adeptus Titanicus part 7. - War Griffons Warhound

You may recall this little fella's brother and as you can see below this one follows the more traditional War Griffons colouring. I'd wanted to attempt some opposite colours, red and green, yellow and blue and somehow the more standard colours didn't get completed.

Although Looking at his twin and the original War Griffons spec sheet below maybe both of them bare little relation to what is 'Codex approved'.

Moving on here's the arm mounted Corvus assault pod. I wasn't stuck on the top mount and it never said this couldn't be mountd on a Warhound so I chopped down a Warlord power fist mount and attached it to the opposite side of the pod, as you can just make out in the last picture. Not sure what other weapon would have gone with this, either a demolition ball or a Vulcan mega bolter...

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