Wednesday, 20 September 2017

eBay purchases I shouldn't regret

Iapedus at Languor Management recently did an inventory check of all the models he had to paint with the rather drastic result of entering into a 12 step programme to try and curtail his relentless hobby spending. As a self-confessed hobby addict myself I could understand his situation. Thankfully my hobby spending is rather more controlled. I'm sure we're both getting top bargains, which is part of the fun side of scouring ebay but I'm always mindful of what I already have knocking around. That said I have vision in my head of things I want to do and at times that requires a purchase to then turn that fantasy into a reality.

Anyway, when I was commenting on his blog I was eagerly eyeing up a few Buy It Nows that would get me the parts for a 'Crayon' Whirlwind, a Land Speeder and a Sentinel all for around £24! But then I saw this auction for the Whirlwind, plus original Rogue Trader Rhino. The result being I was able to snap it up for £6.10, [plus £2.90 postage]. A couple of quid more than the Buy It Now, but with a legacy 'relic' tank to go with it! I must explain the two elements to this - number 1 as I have Rogue Trader tanks I feel aesthetically bound to continue with those, which is a shame as I really like the new Rhino model. Secondly this Whirlwind variant has always appealed to me, not for the relatively silly crayon rockets but the marine in the turret that echoes the Land Speeder Vengeance gunner. For this reason I've been
hungering for this model for quite a while, which again is a shame as I like the current Whirlwind to. But, for £9 that's not a bad deal and again I got the adrenal kick of a real auction, sniping in the last minute.

I then followed up with another purchase. Sentinels for my Genestealer Cult, I love the concept and aesthetic of the these. Two with flamers and close combat chainsaws. Sadly missing weapons on one and their canopies but I can live with that. Final auction price £15.10 [plus £2.90 postage]. Again a pretty good bargain at 40% off. The missing weapons are unfortunate but I'll pick them up at some point.

However, the purchases have made me think, in much the same way Iapedus tool stock. I have plenty of models now and I will therefore not be getting any more for the foreseeable future. My To Do List has me covered so new models are just going to be sat waiting to paint and I want to keep my spends down too.

That said there are a number of exceptions. I have some Amazon Vouchers, which would allow me to pick up some more Acolytes. This would give me plenty of options for my second set of Deathwatch Cultists - making them far more intersting and divers compare with the standard set I already have. Additionally I have £40 of vouchers for Wargames. I've earmarked that for the Tyranid Codex, rumoured for October/November. In addition I'll be ordering a box of Empire Flagellants. I've always loved them from back when they were only available in metal. I loved their rules and figures and the plastic ones look fantastic. I'm planning to convert them into my Genestealer cult so I have even more random diversity - a heady mix of [chaos] cultists, mine-worker cultists, fanatic cultists and maybe even some Guard Cultists one day - to illustrate how the cult infiltrated all manner of Ferron society.

In the mean time it looks like I have a lot on my palette...

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