Wednesday, 20 July 2016

First Anniversary of the birth of the Man Cave

On this day last year the 40k Addict Man Cave was born, it took a few weeks to then get it up and running, coupled with petitions to the machine spirits within but this was the culmination of months of debate and research.

At the time I had no concept on how this was going to impact my hobby, in actual fact it's been a boon of epic proportions.

As it is today I may well have filled it full of crap, so it's not as homely inside as I'd like but it's still a work in progress, with most of the progress on hiaitus as I spend most of my time working on figures!

That said I'm really pleased with my year 1 in the Man Cave and look forward to year 2.


  1. Happy Birthday man cave! Hoping to get started on mine later this year...

  2. I'd love to have a little painting set-up like that at some stage. Congrats.

    1. Unfortunately it wasn't cheap but the more I use it the better value it'll be and there's the additional value in the reduction of arguments about my hobby taking over. I've still to redecorate our back room as a dining room though...

  3. Its just the sheer volume of stuff, I need to sort it properly. New Space Hulk has arrived so that's ANOTHER box!

  4. I hope a hobbyist never moves in to the grand canyon as nothing surer then after awhile they have even it full of crap Dave lol
    But joking apart I think in this hobby there's nothing like having your own little space mate & I'm glad to see it's working out for you so here's to the next 20 years.
