Saturday, 30 May 2015

'nids part 170 - Lictor Pride

As I said in Deathleapers post I'm not accepting this 'Lictor Shame' title I'm Lictor and I'm proud! I think the truth is almost any 'nid player will say they think Lictors are awesome - the model, the fluff and just barely the rules.

I know they're useful but I don't think rules-wise they even approach how highly regarded they are in the other aspects.

To this end why should we be made to feel bad at taking arguably the coolest bioform in our arsenal?

So I have two completed, I can always proxy in my Broodlords to make a Forest Brood or Warriors to make Deathleaper's Assassins. I've another one hiding in the detritus of my hobby paraphernalia but he will reveal himself eventually.

I've still to secure the remaining three to complete the datasheet options but there's no hurry with available proxy alternatives.

If I was using them at Blog Wars limited proxies are allowed and should we be looking to go to Throne of Skulls anytime soon I'll create my army list around models that I have.

I still think the standard Lictor head looks a lot better than Deathleaper. His tentacled maw came out really well and the single pair of eyes manage to be far more menacing.

I'm quite surprised how little variance there is between these two models. They're nearly 12 months apart but it doesn't really show. I think I've finally reached a point that the colour scheme is uniform and repeatable.

There are still those early Termagants that look different from the current scheme but I can live with that, it all adds to the fluff of Hive Fleet Gorgon.

I'm really looking forward to playing around more with the weathering powders.

Them's some big talons.

Close ups of the spotty carapace.

I've only got the cultists and objective markers on my list of nids to potter on with alongside the primary focus of the Dark Angels. However, I am planning on doing all the bases for the Genestealers and third Carnifex. I'm not painting them I'm just getting stuff  done ahead of when I've got opportunity to crack on with them.


  1. I heart Lictors ;-) They look great and will look fantastic as a larger brood when you get around to it.

    1. Thanks Marc, there'll be no rush though as plenty more projects to do before then and hopefully that missing one will turn up.

  2. Damn it, you're making me want to paint more. They look great together. Are you re-basing your armies with the larger bases?

    1. Nah, the only thing I may rebase is my Biovore on a 40mm base. The Pyrovore is on a 50, 60 was just too big. So the 40 may just be glued to a 50 and then I'll smooth the join with Milliput and sand the edges so it'll look like it's on a 'rusty knoll' :)

      Everything else - Dark Angels and all my nids will remain on the old bases, it took me too long to do all this re-basing would be detrimental to my well-being!

  3. Super cool man, I haven't played mine in a game yet but I will soon I think, I really love this model a lot!

    1. The pose can be restrictive once you get more than a couple but I think it's really cool. They get swamped by themselves though so I'm looking to have the Genestealers as support.

  4. Such a cool unit, if your interested Dave I done a blog on making lictors from warriors & a few other parts, it means you get 3 for the price of " & you can make them to look different from each other, anyway here's the link.

  5. I give Lictors my stamp of approval for cool fluff, and in editions from long ago, they were quite good. Sadly, I don't particularly care for the model (I never have) and think the rules are pretty atrocious (despite what some people have managed to do with min/max style lists).

    There's definitely potential there though...

    1. The model I like, the rules I think are better in that we have 'assault grenades' but I don't think we did in the last Codex [though I could be wrong] I miss flesh hooks based on Attacks though - 4 S6 shots on rear armour on a deep strike was handy, 2 is less so.

      The 'fluff' well it's cool but I think because of that I'm less of a fan because it makes the actual gaming reality a disappointment, mcuh like genestealers and pretty much everything in the nid arsenal. None of it seems to match up. Chaos and Nids are pretty much the biggest threats to the galaxy and it can be argued that nids may be the greatest of the two. But they just don't play that way.

      In all my recent games I've had a whole lot of laughs at just how woeful they are that's just not right. Even with all the things they've added to our Codex it still doesn't stack up. This may just be me, clearly they can be competitive and win but I'm really struggling to find anything I actually like. Even Flyrants have lost their appeal. Sure they fly around and just lots of things but how much do they cool and how do they score to make them worthwhile. And you're talking 230pts each!

      Can't wait to go Dark Angels... yeah cos that'll solve all my problems ;)
