Monday, 25 May 2015

Dark Angels - Dark Vengeance Deathwing Terminator conversion

Another micro-blog. PeteB gave me some left-over bitz from his Space Wolf army so I was finally able to complete my Dark Vengeance Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield conversion.

I removed the head from this guy ages ago and slotted in a hooded Dark Angel Veteran head.

His Storm Shield also came from the upgrade sprue and the Thunder Hammer just had a couple of wolves on the side and a wolf tail to remove. There's also a rune on the back hammer head, I'll try and fill that in with liquid green stuff.

I'm going to consider putting this guy on some slate because if there's one thing he needs to be is taller! I'm already struggling to work out how to transport these but no doubt I'll find a solution - takeaway tubs?!


  1. Cool. I like him. The pose is nicely dynamic, and the head swap with the wings above works very well

    1. I'm not entirely sure what he's doing though. Guarding his leg with the thunder hammer and about to slam the storm shield down on some unsuspecting alien filth?

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Jamie, there's not a lot to it but at least it looks different to the one I've already painted.

  3. Replies
    1. Cheers Greg, when I get the Dark vengeance expansion I'll have loads of extra bits to do more conversions, so it should be exciting times.

  4. You know you could have left the Wolf stuff on there... I can imagine it being gifted to him by a worthy Wolf Guard opponent after a particularly epic Lion and the Wolf challenge ;-)

    1. Losers trophy? Can't imagine DA winning in that standoff ;)

  5. That's realy cool I love the pose.
    I picked up some of the new cases from GW and the're not to bad if you don't ram them full of stuff, they do well with plastics as long as there's not to many spikes and spreading models out a bit more then the official pictures and you shouldn't get any rubbing.

    1. Thanks for the info Daniel, although I've just got a couple of the old small cases so new ones aren't in the budget at the moment.

  6. Whislt it's not something you may want to invest in for every minature, what about transporting it in a yoghurt Tupperware? Have a browse of your local tkmax's Tupperware section, I got a couple of real steals in there!

    1. I'm the king of takeaway tub boxes so no doubt he'll end up in one of those eventually, they're free after all!

  7. Know this post is a little old but would mind offering aome advice on how to remove the old head easily. I want to do a head and weapon swap, but the head part seems like its going to be a pain.
