Wednesday 17 September 2014

Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead

What's this? No I havent lost the plot, this is still 40kaddict, I haven't gone all fantasy about the big hatted bonehead model that just came out. What has happened is that in all the upheaval with the loft conversion a relic copy of White Dwarf [WD173], that had been in my bedroom for months that I repeatedly overlooked, suddenly became very relevant. This particular issue was the release of the new Undead and has all sort of decriptions of the key characters and locales. So I decided it would make a nice micro-blog as I really have no other content at the moment. So I give you the early art for Nagash

And also a short story. I'm not sure if this content will still exist within the current issue, I doubt the artwork will considering the new modle is so wildly different [but still with a big hat]. So it should be interesting to those who play fantasy and were blissfully unaware of these humble origins. Although it should interest us Grey Beards too with a whimsical look back 20 years ago.

There'll be a couple of other elements I'll share from this issue later that should be of mild interest to you all, at least, I think they will be. Till then i hope this is 'alwight'!


  1. Please tell me you are buying a nagash and painting it :).

    1. Sadly no, my sights are much bigger and far more pertinent to my existing forces but we mostly already know what it is...

  2. Got to love the old GW fluff and art. I started collecting undead back when this was current!

  3. Sweet Dave well found, I dug out my first ever scratch built Milliput figure which was Nagash, arguably the worst GW figure ever made. does it say when Nagash was released? I'll be interested to see how long ago it was I might do a post about it :)

    1. This copy of White Dwarf that had the 'new' Undead release did not feature a Nagash model as new or something that already existed. it was May 1994 so I'm guessing he appeared in metal form after that...

    2. You know I that he was older then that, such a bad model but kicked ass :)

    3. I can only surmise that if he was available they would have been hawking him big time but theres no sign of him in the entire issue asside from his story, references and the image.
