Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Terrain is everything - White Dwarf Warhammer Fantasy Barn

Another one of the gems from my treasure trove of lost White Dwarfs. This was one of the first modelling workshops that I can recall being in the magazine but more importantly was the first tutorial that I followed. I actually made this barn, I'm not sure if I made the optional 'lean to' but I did make the barn [you can even see the pin pricks in the template where I sued it to mark the foamboard].

For some reason I based it on a very thin piece of card, something no thicker than an expanding card folder, it was nonsense. Then I made the mistake of cutting the card too close to the barn in a number of places.

But the barn was complete and painted, the roof too. Not sure where it ended up, perhaps I left it in the loft at my parents. Anyway, it's super quick to do and the balsa wood panels make a really cool finish even without any effort to distress them. I'd recommend giving it a go if you're after Warhammer terrain. The link is below.

Barn: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B97Rk-BalgZbakNkOHBTNzdCdU0/edit?usp=sharing


  1. Great blast from the past. I remember making that, as well as the 40k card bunker.

    1. I don't have the 40k bunker but I do have some fence and hedges tutorials coming up. great days!

  2. The pins i remember the pins the most. Good Times.
