Tuesday, 18 June 2013

'nids part 84 - Tyranid Bastion growth pt5.

So I've iced my cake! Well, covered it in tile adhesive/grout. It was a cheap pot from a £1 store, I used about 2/3rds of it and applied it with a plastic spoon. it's not quite as tapered as I'd envisaged but I'm not worrying too much about that. I am worrying that it is slightly bigger than I planned, I probably should have done just the single tower regardless of the rooftop area.

As it is this represents quite a large piece of Line of Sight blocking terrain. I can definetely hide more behind it than a standard Bastion. I may have to position it obliquely so the opponents view is still a wdithe equivalent to a standard Bastion. I made sure I isolated each chitin plate so I could still take benefit from the pop bottle shapes.

The opposite side.

Next up I need to sand the grout ridges down a bit so whatever sculpting I do isn't interfered with. However, there is an 'organic termite-mound' look to it already and should you be nervous about your ability you could stop here and try and paint the beggar.

However, there are no fire points or emplaced weapon slots. I'll be representing the fire points with the ever-useful Tyranid node points. I managed to win an ebay auction with 11 of these for £2.19! So there'll be a couple left over.

Tyranid Bastion Foamboard core template part 1. | part 2. | part 3. | part 4.


  1. Looking good so far, definitely interested in how this turns out.

    1. Hmm, I've a couple of other posts before the next update, don't know whether to shunt at least one of them so we can have more Bastion goodness sooner and keep up the momentum. If folks wan it sooner let me know and I'll rearrange the schedule.

  2. I am also enjoying watching this progress. But as with most things I am happy to relax and let it come at what ever pace you decide.

  3. Looking great, man! I always recommend doing whatever captures your eye at the time, 'forcing it' can sometimes lead to rushing and mistakes.

    I'm digging the overall shape, you could always go with the enlarged bastion idea, bump the points up and the 'transport' capacity accordingly.

    Keep up the fantastic work, looking forward to seeing what's next regardless which project it happens to be!

  4. Cheers guys, although this is 'the project' it's just I put some other posts into the schedule for variety. I've pretty much been working every night on the Bastion [this update is two weeks ago] so it's come on leaps and bounds or 'bounding leaps' since. If I revealed that I primed it last night would you think differently I wonder...
