Friday, 7 November 2014

Blog Wars 8 - The Reckoning [army list]

I 'ummed' and 'aahhed' quiye a bit about this but my decision was made a little easier when Alex released me from my promise to take the Skyshield. It's great and all but 7th edition deployment and the BW missions make it less useful. The limitations on list choices were relaxed a bit, I'd love to have had another detachment so I could run [swoop] two Flyrants but at least I got the Genestealers which hopefully play havoc with my opponents deployment. They're such a curve ball I had to take them. It's just the fact your opponent who has spent long and hard formulating a list that does something begins with 25 Genestealers within 6" [terrain permitting of course] of their setup. Suddenly you have to amend your plan and having put them on the back foot hopefully I can capitalise. Sure they're a potential easy First Blood sacrifice but it is five targets and I can go to ground in the ruin and when you add in night-fighting they can persevere. Meanwhile the rest of your army is unscathed...

Of course I had to drop the Mawloc, Zoanthrope and Biovores from my last list to fit everything in. The Mawloc can work, he defnitely benefits from Deathleaper but I can't gamble on his reserve rolls and his killing potential can be questionable. The Zoanthrope is a loss, the extra shooting BS on the Quad Gun, Synapse and +2 Warp Charge and powers. However the Venomthrope gives me mobile cover, which is more a hangover from when it was on the Skyshield but think it'll do well extending it's cloud from the Bastion! The Biovores are a loss too, but although I've seen them become more effective over the last 10 months I've actually found them less worrying for my opponent. Previously they were targetted no matter what and succombed regularly. Nowadays I still have both pottering around. When they work they can do a number but they're still a bit hit and miss.

I lost a unit of Warriors too from my last list but I managed to keep the Two Tervigons which will hopefully provide the Synapse and extra bodies. I may have a lot less firepower but I'm hoping I have staying power which for the objective missions will gain me the advantage. I've got 96 models with two lots of spawning which will be extremely effective this time around, the Hive Mind assures me of such. So it's all about the numbers. Looking at the other entries, which is sadly not as many as BW7, there seems to be Space Wolves, Eldar and Crons aplenty, we'll see what I face and whether it includes Ben, Liam or PeteB who will be attending also.

Ultimately though Blog Wars is a fun tournament, it's meant not to be too competitive and although I find 1850pts in two and a half hours quite pressuring, especially as I've gone moar horde than last time, I really hope to have a fun time. BW6 I actually came 4th, BW7 I was 12th but both times I managed to lose games stupidly and then balance that out with ridiculous wins of maximum points so the end result is not important. Hopefully BW9 will be back up to numbers, apparently there's one of the National 40k GT's on in Manchester on the same day so that may explain why some folk aren't attending. I'll definitely be pushing BW9 for Alex next year, its' a great event and when you put in the effort to make it happen it deserves to be a success, thankfully there are enough numbers for it to break even and have a decent raffle and prize fund regardless. 

So, without further ado, my BW8 list:

Hive Tyrant, with 2 x Twin Linked Devourers, Wings
Deathleaper [Special Character]

3 x Hive Guards
1 x Venomthrope

Tervigon with Stinger Salvo, Scything Talons,
30 x Termagants with Fleshborers
Tervigon with Stinger Salvo, Miasma Cannon
30 x Termagants with Fleshborers

Heavy Support 
Carnifex with 2 x Twin Linked Devourers

Bastion with Quad Gun

Tyranid Datasheet 
Manufactorum Genestealers
5 x Genestealers
5 x Genestealers
5 x Genestealers
5 x Genestealers
5 x Genestealers

TOTAL: 1850


  1. Nice list. 25 Genestealers is scary.
    I'm hoping there is a Blog Wars 9, looks like a great event. And hopefully I'll be able to get to the next one.
    Looking forward to reading all about the games.
    Good luck and roll plenty of sixes.

    1. I've been to a few tournaments, my local gaming club held and participated in a couple, the Scythe and Teacup event and Throne of Skulls and I have to say BW is fantastic. It's great value I think, for £17.50 you get three games, lunch and entry into the raffles, which if you look at Alex's blog that includes an Imperial Knight and a Void Raven bomber! Hopefully I'll see you at BW9

  2. Awesome stuff. Catch you tomorrow :)

    1. Cheers, I don't normally share my list but I think that the Genestealer Manufactorum brood is quite a game changer so I'd rather it was known to some what was coming. It may be toasted but it's still fairer to let folk know. Please say hi tomorrow.

  3. Crazy list! I've wanted to play against your Nids for a while...but maybe not 25 Stealers!

    1. Its scary but not invincible. The Stealers are versatile and aggresive, I'm looking forward to combining them with drop pods. The rest of the army is quite safe and practical. I'm sure playing against them will be fine so long as you don't mind me endlessly moving the buggers because there's so many of them!

  4. All sounds really good Dave, you will have to post up some info up on where and when Blog Wars 9 will happen maybe some info about special rules ect, is there a link to the guy that organizes it.

    Anyway man 25 stealers 6" away from your gun line at the start!, thats going to mess with someones plan's a tad Ha, I'm building a new list for 2015 and within it have a couple of flimsy HF toting Landspeeders for such unexpected surprises, not sure how many stealers they would crisp with four heavy flamers but anythings better than nothing in that situation.

    Good luck with the tournament Dave, sounds fun.

    1. The absolute biggest fear for the Stealers is flamer weapons, they got BBQ’d by some Dreadknights so I think a Heavy Flamer would toast them just as effectively, even without Torrent. However, it's all about positioning so you could get one or two units of five models but all five units of five...?

  5. Found the Blog Dave "From the Fang" and you played yesterday it seems, how did you get on with those stealers fella.

    1. Yeah From the Fang is from where it’s organised. Alex has poste dup next year’s dates so it’s worth taking a look to see if you can make it. Apparently one guy travelled from Germany to attend! I won’t spoil the surprise of the battle reports but I’d say the Stealers were the best choice in my list, or at least that’s the impression I get. They may have been just as ineffective as everyone else but they did indeed force my opponents to deal with them, which was their purpose. So overall, they deserved their spot.

    2. Well I look forward to reading the reports Dave.

      I've not played in tournaments before and are still a little wet behind the ears as far as 40k games go Dave but I am planning a new 1850pt army for next year so I'll see.

      And yep if a guy can make it from Germany I'm sure I could from Leeds :)

    3. The first guy I played was quite new to 40k, he'd only played against one other person [who, coincidentally I faced in my second game] over the past few months. Lets just say experience does not guarantee success ;)
