Tuesday, 12 August 2014

The 2014/15 Hobby Season starts soon, join me!

As I mentioned the other day the 2013/14 'hobby season' is about to come to an end. This is when I look at my 2013/14 To Do List and see what I've done/not done/added etc. I'll review my efforts and plan ahead for the 2014/15 'season', this year it's bigger than ever.

When you've got a blog and you're trying to keep up with it, arbitrary milestones are always useful - followers, page views, actual posts, blog anniversary and for me the annual To Do List. To that end I will no longer be marking my progress with the 'big blue tick', especially as it was the icon for one of the Android apps I use to keep track of my progress. I've put together my own 40kaddict 'red stamp of approval' which will chart my progress through the year.

Now I'm hoping that I'll drag a few of you along with this newly minted blog movement, so on the 28th August you too can plan ahead for the hobby season. Should you feel inclined to do so I made another 'red stamp of approval' that doesn't have my blog address on [although should you wish to use the branded version go right ahead]. Admittedly this is still a bunch of free vectors mashed up into a badge but it'll serve it's purpose.

Every time you complete something on your To Do List you get the red stamp, you also get to do a post on the 28th August to list what you're going to do so for all those people struggling to think what they can put on their fledgling hobby blog, well there are a few posts right there. All you need to do is write that list, it can be as big or as small as you like and you can follow it as religiously or loosely as you wish. I know I get a great deal of satisfaction out of mine and refer back to it regularly. Every time I complete an item I nip back and Strikethrough the item so I know it's complete and bask in the warm glow of self-satisfaction.

Fingers crossed a few of you will join in but don't feel pressured, although if my mate Liam joins in I expect an Armies on Parade board to be in that list somewhere ;) Let me know if you like the idea and will give it a go, hopefully I've given you time enough to think about what your hobby season goals could be and take part.


  1. Hmm...I'll join in. My main goal is to have fully painted ork and templar army lists :). I'm almost there with templars...orks have awhile to go!

    1. Cool Greg, I knew I could count on you ;)

    2. Hi Dave,

      I'd like to join.
      I have so many Space Wolves to build it's unreal!
      Here is my blog: http://space-wolves-grey.blogspot.co.uk/

    3. Hi Adam, you're more than welcome to join in, so long as your Space Wolves are house trained. The Lion would often tell the rest of the Emperor's First Legion of how the puppies of Fenris would have little accidents. Once the Lion got to teach his brother some obedience training it sorted it all out though ;)

  2. Very cool man.. and a nice idea!! My goals seem to be ever changing haha.. though I do want to get my BA's fleshed out more this year... 8)

    1. As do my own goals, it's nice to look back though and say 'I planned to do X, Y and Z and although I didn't manage Y and Z I did A, B, C D and E', or at least that's what my review of 13/14 is looking like. Thannks for joining in.

  3. Sounds good to me, I know that I am much better at getting things finished if I put them in a list of some sort. I have a few non-40K projects on the boil. For the sake of "the spirit of things", should I leave them out? ;-)

    1. Accidentally on purpose my second 'red stamp of approval' has no 40k identifiers whatsoever so feel free to add whatever goals are relevant to you, it's the 'hobby season' [I've coined the phrase so I'll darn well abuse it ;) ] so it's up to you.

      Even if it's none GW go ahead, I'm just interested to share the progress throughout the year. Good luck.

  4. If I was to list all the things I wan't to do it wouls take me the year lol but hell yep I'll sign up, also Dave I'm be getting my son to update my blog is it ok if I put you on my blog roll ?.

    1. If you can achieve said goals then it's worthy of the list if it's too many then perhaps writing the list will help prioritise those you feel are the ones you most want to do [and then promptly ignore as you do the things you enjoy most and feed your hobby fix].

      I look forward to seeing everyones hobby To Do List on the 28th.

      Absolutely fine with going on your blog roll, in fact I'm honored [Imperium]. I've added yours to my list too.

  5. Mr. Weston thanks for the great idea. I really appreciate all of the work you do on this blog and 2014/15 looks to be promising.

    1. Thanks Mad Mek. 2013/14 was quite a year. I pretty much blocked in the first two quarters and roughed out the last two. Sadly when I got the opportunity to work on my AoP board the loft got in the way but it really has been the most intense and sustained bout of hobby activity I've ever done. So many things completed I keep remembering stuff that needs to be added to my To Do List, it becomes a whole review of the year. I think next year I'll have to split it into two parts - what I did and what I'm going to do. Thanks for taking part, can't wait to see how we all get on.

  6. Hi bud, I'll join in I'm always getting sidetracked and distracted by the new shiny it might keep me on track, but at the moment I'm still running on jealousy after you beat me for best painted army (deserved by the way) but still a bitter pill to swallow :) "Ill get you next time Gadget" I've started my Tau sky shield, 2' x 2' board and 4 Riptides but I just can't seem to finish anyone of them :)
    Maybe my list should be just to do one army and stick with it rather then doing one or two new armies every year and I think my wife would agree with that considering we are moving house :)

    1. Was winning everything else not enough! ;) I've no doubt you'll finish the Tau, just stick 10 things down that you want to do, most of mine will be based around my Dark Angels but everything else is vague.

      Last year I had Throne of Skulls as a target for my Skyshield so that's half the hobby season accounted for. I knew exactly what I wanted to achieve in that timescale so was quite adamant about what needed priority. I expect we'll be going again next year so use that as a target for some of your goals and the remainder for the rest of the year.

      If you use that for your motivation you may well get some good results in the painting categories. I'm not sure if my Dark Angels will be ready or even nomination worthy, they're not quite the best that I can paint but I think in some respects if I did that they'd never get done. So I'm resigned, but happy, with the standard they are - a step or two above gaming standard, a bit better than my nids but far less showy which may not get the nominations for best army.

      Given how many amazing armies you have you could win best army with any of them. The crimson Fists are awesome, the Dark Eldar, I think, are the best painted but both your Chaos armies are cool and have exciting models. The Tau? Well I still have to experience them first hand but they look fantastic too. All worthy of the top prize.

  7. Hello,

    I am very interested to join you for this year hobby and why not also the next.

    I'm working on four projects since many years :
    Ultramarines (Converted army fluff)
    Space Wolves (Bran Redmaw Converted army fluff)
    Chaos space marine army (Black Legion fluff and converted army, with World Eaters, Death Guard and Noise Marines allies and a Great Unclean One future sculpting)
    And Ork Waagh !! (scratchbuided Supa'Heavy vehicles and I try to do some original conversions too).

    I think to focus on the Orks to finish this year (Scratchs and painting warband). I find the idea of your "red stamp" very interesting and motivating.

    Thank you Dave.

    1. Thanks Benjamin, perhaps by taking part it'll help focus all those projects. I look forward to seeing your list on the 28th and I'll add it to a special post showing what everyone is hoping to achieve. Of course it's just a rough guide don't ever feel ruled by it. This is all about helping your hobby progress, not hindering it. Good luck.
