Thursday, 24 April 2014

Support your local blogger -

John at has an amazing blog. It's fit to bursting with top notch content, in particular his terrain and scenery is a whole other level. He lavishes the same attention to his battle boards as most people do to their armies. Combining Forgeworld, GW, his own resin casts, scratchbuilds and every shade of hobby related technique to create some awesome battle boards, just check this out:

His work in progress logs are so worth checking out as you can see the effort and skill involved to create these often unique buildings. The great things is you can see from the recent Horus Heresy Tournament he hosted that all the competitors brought fantastically painted armies to battle. There's no point bringing half-painted plastic when you're gaming on tables of this calibre.

So if you weren't already aware of the painting bunker get there now because it can entertain you far more than my review of it. Go, go like the wind!

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