Saturday, 2 February 2013

Imaginary world inspiration - Pascal Blanche

Mainly pictures this one, cos that's what we like - pictures. Anyway, Pascal Blanche is a '3D illustrator', I'm guessing this is someone who makes something in a 3D application then fettles about with it afterwards in Photoshop and the like until it looks more like a painting and such. But when I saw the picture above and the truly awesome nod to the Grimdark universe I had to share. The rest of the images are slightly more 'high sci-fi' but may still offer some ideas. In particular the way the pictures are coloured could offer some brave soul the inspiration to paint their army in one of these unusually lit environments...

Oh, just in case some of the pics in the links below are probably NSfW [NOT SAFE for WORK] you have been warned.

His website:
His blog:
Where I first found his work

Here's some of my faves:

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