Saturday, 6 August 2011

My Son's been painting!

You may recall my son's efforts to do some Biel Tan Eldar, a U-turn on his original plan to do them as Iyanden. Unsurprisingly he's U-tuned again, mainly due to his playing Dawn of War repeatedly. Sadly a hard disk failure has removed all his saved games [and mine :( ] but he started painting and he's done it while I'm at work so I've hardly interfered at all. I do get the feeling he's rushing with them, just wanting to get them done so he can buy more figures but am I one to criticize when as a child I could never get any of mine complete?

Of course the wife thinks I'm cringing with disgust at his efforts but really I think he's done grand for nine years old. Certainly for a tabletop level they actually look quite OK, it's only close up where you can see a little more patience and care could make these really good. My only suggestion was to add highlights to his base-coat and shadow wash but he's perfectly happy to treat these as finished so I'll help with the basing and he'll look to some new purchases...

Here's a shot of them on his painting station. As you can see I blu-tacked them to washing conditioner lids. They're an inexhaustible alternative to corks in helping you to paint figures. You may be able to also spot his Biel Tan jet bike and a couple of Guardians that he seems reluctant to repaint as Iyanden, despite my assurance it'll be easy.


  1. Excellent work from him, I too have 2 young children learning to paint and play (along with me) your son is doing really well,I found that teaching them to do simple basing and helping them with some basic highlighting combined with a promise of new purchases when they had done prompted them to get on with it. I always paint when they paint so im there to offer some advice...check out my kids work on my blog here Tyranids :

  2. Thanks guys. 40kbitz, your kids have done an awesome job. Thanks for the advice, however my problem is if I'm there and give him advice he gets a bit disheartened. He's not one to take instruction, off me at least. He may be better at a GW with them telling him what to do but he's had a go and that's the main thing, he even asked to have a game - battle report to follow...

  3. Just keep trying; and good luck!
