Friday 20 August 2021

Middle Earth Moria Goblins - Big Build TO DONE!

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity having played Battle Companies with my own Moria Goblins it was apparent that my starting warband of 11 models and my starting painted model count of 12 wasn't going to give me much room to expand. I ended my game with 4 influence points, it costs 3 to role for a reinforcement of usually 1 model. So I figured I needed to paint some more and I had 20+ knocking around and thought 6 would be sufficient. I chose 2 of each of the sword & shield, archer and spears. I based them up and even tried some crude greenstuff hoods as some of the upgraded characters do come with hoods and it would provide some variety.

So, I get the Big Build Great Big Granite Base Stamp of Approval for this Big Build, but it doesn't end there

When I painted my original 12 Moria Goblins back in in May 2013 it was a few days work - the fastest I'd done that sort of thing and I hoped to do the same here. Just basecoats and washes.

I did all the basing, only added a little extra red highlights on the big hoods and some extra silver on the sword and shield edges. I never even took them off the spray stick - just painting them all six at once. Iv'e never done that before.

Some close-ups, this was the worst hood, actually the third one I did! They had got progressively worse as I went along! 😂

The second hooded Goblin, still looks like he wrapped a blanket round his head.

This one came out OK, with the eyes and the teeth and still some details picked out on the face after the shadow wash.

The first greenstuff hood, and it actually looks like a hood.

Another archer. You can only have a third of your warband as archers so I'll have to take that into account. I think I've got another 5 to go alongside these 2 and the original 4.

This was my favourite. They eyes came out great, the shield has some tarnishing and scratches on in the right scale and you can see his teeth.

So they were all but complete, but I do get the Big Build Great Big Granite Base Stamp of Approval for this Base and I'll get some TO DONE! pics shortly, maybe throw in the original 12 too, for comparison and those original finished pics aren't great.

Wednesday 18 August 2021

Battle Report - Middle Earth Battle Companies - Moria Goblins Vs Rohirrim [and Orcs]

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity Battle Report - Middle Earth Battle Companies - Moria Goblins Vs Rohirrim [and Orcs]This time I took my Moria Goblins, rather than take his Rohirrim on a suicide mission I had no qualms about losses for him! We rolled a mission where there is a central village, surrounded by a stockade and held by 12 Orcs, which Liam controlled. The aim was to have the most models inside the stockade at the point when the Orcs numbered less than half their original composition [5] My 11 Goblins were on the eastern flank.

While Otty's Rohirrim came in from the north-west, with his horse warrior coming in through the northern entrance.

My plan was to whittle the Orcs away with the archers on the hill, then use my weight of numbers to get over the stockade and hopefully still have the advantage of those numbers to win when Otty's more effective warriors killed off his adversaries.

There is a lot of nuance in the game, movement is very particular with each model having a 1" engagement zone you can't really enter unless you get into combat. Unfortunately my Goblins only have a 5" move which doesn't help with this level of precision. Also, the hit on 5's and generally wound on 5's, although there are no saves unless you are a hero and they usually only get one 4+ but usually only 1 wound. I was a bit lucky though picking off an Orc quite early but you also have to contend with things 'in the way' So for every obstacle - the stockade or another model you have to roll to see if they hit the other thing[1-3, or the intended target - 4+]. So, it can be a little frustrating to roll that 5+, then need a 4+ to actually hit your intended target, get a 6 and then roll to wound and get a 1 or 2!

I managed to get my warriors inside the stockade but then they became additional obstacle against the Orcs nearest to me. As baddies I can shoot into combat but it was better to try and pick off those fighting the Rohirrim than accidentally kill my own troops. Even so, I still had to roll for 'in the way' for the Rohirrim or the Orcs, depending on who I was targeting. Otty's horse warrior came storming in.

But I think he underestimated how good it would be against three Orcs. You make a 'duel' roll when in combat - both players roll off, the winner gets to fight, while the loser has to back off. Draws are resolved with who has the highest 'fight' characteristic. However similar to Blood Bowl, if you have more than one model in base contact you get an extra dice for the duel roll, increasing your chances. In this instance I think cavalry also got an additional bonus but it was perhaps 2 against 3, Liam one and they wounded on a 5 and killed him! Again, each model gets a roll, but if they surround the model so it cannot fall back and is trapped they get double their attacks. So you get a situation where you 'tri-point' a model, surrounding one base with three. Perhaps not here with the large cavalry base but even so, there's no horse anymore.

I managed to move the archers into the stockade as the Orc numbers slowly whittled down. You can half-move and still shoot, but at -1 to hit. So I could move 2.5" and still hit, but on 6's! Given that numbers were important I may well have take a couple of turns to get them over the stockade without firing. The only other thing to note is who gets priority - Good always go first on the first turn. Then you roll-off with draws always going to the player who did not currently have priority. It's an interesting mechanic, one perhaps other people or systems may be be more familiar with, but again there is subtlety and nuance that will require some greater understanding on my part. 

Overall I did OK, eventually getting most of my guys in stockade. It carried on for an extra turn after the Orcs were reduced to 5. I had surrounded the last 2 on my side and should have had a real chance to kill them both gaining additional XP but it would only continue for one game turn, not roll each turn to see if it continued and somehow they survived being bundled in that extra. I say somehow - look at my dice roll and one of those 1's was a re-roll!

Regardless, I took a win, got some kills, XP and influence points to add to my warband, which is a whole other post...

Monday 16 August 2021

Otty's Man Cave - what lies within?!

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity they last time I got to visit Otty and his shed of delights I thought I'd actually take some pics of his setup and what treasure lie within. Here's the main gaming table, underneath is loads of shelf storage for additional faming tiles and road strips to go inbetween. It was actually so heavy it bent the original castors he put on it! 😂

The back wall shelving units are mostly terrain, for all the different games systems and boards. So, alongside his Middle Earth scenery he's got stuff for Bolt Action [both European winter and Pacific theatres of war], Star Wars Legions and various 40k terrain for both his winter Realm of Battle board and scenery that'll fit with these green flocked boards. It's also worth noting he has some small shelves attached to the roof beams, so as you're playing you can look up and see boxes of Chaos Warriors and Tyranids stuffed into the ceiling spaces!

On the left had side a several rows of glass cabinets, here's the bulk of his Hive Fleet Gorgon Tyranids.

I thin the top left is a Tyranid bio-ship for Battlefleet Gothic, the rest of the top 4 shelves is Bolt Action. Then 3 shelves of #oldhammer Warhammer Fantasy Orcs and the bottom 2 shelves is his 40k Inquisitor force.

Moar Bolt Action.

This is all Middle Earth Orcs, on square bases.

Top 2 shelves are Star Wars Legions, then the rest is Middle Earth - Orcs, Uruk Hai and various bad humans. I mean close up these are fantastic. All the colours are simple 3 colour highlights, the cloaks and clothing will quite broad brush strokes, that are so effective at distance. Yet there a nicks and scratches on the armour and all the White Hand of Saruman badges are so finely detailed, it's amazing to look at. He's incredibly skilled at how to get the best out of a simple paint job and where to invest time in the fine details that will elevate the rest of the model. 

Middle Earth Rohirrim. 

Moar Rohirrim. Their shield badges are absolutely stunning, although I appreciate you probably can't see them in this pic, but look closely in some of the future battle reports

And a close up of his Stormtroopers from Star Wars Legions.

Anyway, really cool stuff I think you'll agree.

Friday 13 August 2021

Dark Angels - Ravenwing Attack Bikes - Big Build TO DONE!

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity quick one [very quick one] - I got my ebay rescue Attack Bikes finally at a place I'm happy with and primed. They came in mix of build quality and missing components - arms, guns or inappropriate weaponry [one gunner had a Power fist!]. They also needed the Ravenwing upgrades, so despite the simplicity of the [re]build it had just been put off repeatedly because it was a lot faffing. 

Anyway, they got done and are now primed alongside the Black Knights. I have some 70mm MDF circular bases to do at some point, which they'll go on. These will be something to do over the winter I think. I've another 3 Ravenwing bike but I'm short some upgrade components - a couple of front winged fairings and whether to convert them from bikers to Black Knights, in which case I need 3 Corvus Hammers. Until then I'll just satisfy myself with this Great Big Build Great Big Granite Base Stamp of Approval.

Wednesday 11 August 2021

Whats on my palette?

Bless me #warmongers for I have sinned, it's been just two months since my last confession! I finished a few things but for a variety of reasons haven't been doing much hobby recently, which I'm OK with.

There's just a couple of weeks until the end of the hobby season, so what would I like to do in that time?:
  1. Ravenwing Talon Master
  2. Aegis Defence Line weapon mount
  3. Imperial Knight Preceptor weapons
  4. 6 x Middle Earth Moria Goblins
1. Ravenwing Talonmaster
So doable, but perhaps at the expense of everything else. All the metallics are done, it's the black highlights next, which feel like an obstacle but really just require a dedicated couple of hours to break the back of it and then it's just details. I'd love to box it off, but I have sneaking suspicion it'll be done in September or maybe even postponed until November even! I have some more Ravenwing just primed, so it would be beneficial to do all the black in one fell swoop.

2. Aegis Defence Line weapon mount
It's a few night's work. Eminently doable, just I have zero motivation to do it. So I doubt I'll get it done, even for my Armies On Parade board... Who knows?

3. Imperial Knight Preceptor Weapons
Don't know why but this feels like something I'm going to get done. Most of the metallics are completed, just some additional highlights and weathering. Then it's some juicy hazard stripes and the las glass. It feels like a quick win. If only I could apply the same mentality to the Aegis Weapon mount...

4. 6 x Middle Earth Moria Goblins
Yes, I know. You're all 'WHAT?'. OK, so you may recall Otty has been running a Middle Earth Battle Companies campaign. It's like a Kill-Team/Necromunda/Warcry thing. I've another battle report to share, where I took my Moria Goblins, which I painted in May 2013. It turns out I can start with 11 of the 12, but naturally the warband will grow so I quickly put together another 6 from a couple of ebay purchases from last year. They're based and on to basecoats washes and varnish. A few nights work is all and they seem to be a really quick win with no obstacles.

So, in reality the list of four which you would understandably assume is in order of priority, is in fact reverse order. I think 3 and 4 are likely to happen before the end of the season, the other two seem like a stretch. Then, when September comes around I will need to focus on building my Armiger Helverins up ready for Dreadtober. I may also look at what else I can build, prime and base so I have plenty to keep me busy over the winter. Failing that I do have that Orc Blood Bowl team and Adeptus Titanicus titans!

One mor push for the season folks!

Monday 9 August 2021

Belated 6th Anniversary of the birth of the Man Cave

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity I've had my man cave for 6 years now, it was originally installed on 27th July 2015 and once again I've been a little busy this year to remember to celebrate on the day.

I say busy, I mean actually busy doing nothing! I had some time off at home and rather than do some jobs I've just been chilled, watching the Olympics and then we got a new cat so that's required way more attention than I was expecting.

Anyway, getting into the man cave of late for hobby hasn't been too easy but prior to that it had become my home office. I must have moved into here in September/October last year and I didn't really prepare very well for it. I didn't tidy up too much and it has been problematic sharing hobby and work space. I also discovered how cold it could get in winter and how hot it got last month.

I had made plans to install some additional insulation on the floor as even with the heater on in winter it can get warm in the top of the shed but still very cold at floor level - my feet were freezing! I may regret not doing anything about it come winter but just sourcing the materials was a pain because you can't really get 25mm foil backed insulation delivered in small amounts. They don't want to sell two sheets so they charge a fortune for delivery. It got to the point where I was completely discouraged from doing it. Having to source all the materials and find a time frame [48-72 hours] to remove everything, install the flooring, apply anti-mould paint around  the bottom half of the walls and furniture. Install a new carpet and replace everything - it was just too much faffing.

So, we'll just have to see how next winter goes. I have a new office chair, and I mean a proper Herman Miller Mirra office chair [worth £650] it's second hand but it was free and immeasurably more comfortable than my old one. Mesh seat and lumbar support is a boon, but it's airiness may feel cold in the winter. Again, we'll just have to see, but I made the right choice in accepting it.

 So, here we are, 6 years on and I had no idea the Man Cave would become a 'working from home office'. Without it I'd probably be back in the office, but thankfully this will keep me effective and safe for a good few more months yet.

Thursday 29 July 2021

2 million

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity pageviews are still something I only note as a milestone, rather than an aspiration. I knew this was coming up but I only just spotted it had hit it [like when I missed the 40,000 miles on my car's odometer actually on the way to Warhammer World!]. I'm not even 100% confident of what this 2,000,000 actually is, given Google analytics and AdSense show very different numbers. I'm curious because I like understanding the data but I can't deny blogger claiming I've hit two million feels impressive. 

The blog continues to tick over and although the amount of hobbying I'm able to do at the moment may limit how much I post, I don't think I'll ever give it up now. In fact, given how much effort I put into this I'm even going to include 'blogger' in my LinkedIn profile! I've been doing this for over a decade afterall, I think that deserves some personal recognition. I should stop feeling I need to keep this separate or even be embarrassed about it in a professional capacity. Lets face it my 23 year's experience, various accolades, skills and too many projects to count isn't causing employers to fall over themselves at my door to 'head-hunt' me. I can't imagine including a blog about toy soldiers will do me any harm now.

I'm incredibly grateful for all the true visitors I receive. Thank you everyone for your continued support and proof that blogs still mean something compared to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. Obviously I do use them, but I still find this blog my favourite way to share my hobby. Anyway, for those that are still keeping track on their own blogs, and in need of GW themed numbers, feel free to go back to my 1 million post. It's taken me almost 5 years to do what originally took 6 - there's no 'exponential growth' here, just peaks, troughs and milestones 😜