Tuesday, 28 August 2018

To Do List 2018/19

Having covered my achievements over the past season it's now that I look forward to the new one.

Apologies but my list is pretty much everything I still haven't completed from previous seasons. But I am working through these each year so the system does work. I've added a few new things though so there are some surprises to look forward to. Obviously my recent purchase of Imperial Knights Renegade changed my plans, casting doubt on my ability to tackle some of my original projects, but we shall see. Anything in bold is a priority, everything else is nice to have.
  1. Develop a more healthy hobby/life balance - go to bed at a decent hour[ish], keeping a record might help [although tried it already for 2 months and it didn't]... 
  2. Find time to play some games, not just tournament play...
  3. At least one new Imperial Knight [I might need this for GT4 in Feb] I'm working on two at once I think that's achievable by Feb as I did the Cerastus in 3 months and I think I've got most of the production issues down now. They should be straightforward after the metallics!
  4. Dark Angel - Ravenwing Dark Shroud
  5. Dreadtober - I don't know what, a Hive Tyrant or Imperial Knight [unlikely in a month] but I want to try and take part in this again I might not complete my goal but the participation might help.
  6. Dark Angel - Ravenwing Bikes [I might convert these to Black Knights]
  7. Dark Angel - Ravenwing Attack Bikes [I might need one of these for GT4 in Feb]
  8. Dark Angel - Deathwing Knights
  9. Dark Angel - Macragge Tactical Squad
The remaining nid and terrain based items are these:
  1. Some bits of Imperial terrain I have knocking about [Sanctum Imperialis, etc.] I could do with these for Armies on Parade but not holding my breath...
  2. Genestealer Cult Abberants [they're all the rage now and I don't even have to arm them all with Power Hammers!]
  3. 2 sets of Ferron Fire Firs - paint.
  4. Tyranid Void Shield Generator [it had some progress last season, I just need to do more, even if it's just as a terrain piece, although unrealistic in the face of other projects]
  5. Some Shadespire warbands
  6. Blood Bowl Humans
  7. Blood Bowl Orks [? yeah not likely but if I can get the hoomies done maybe...]
Pipe dream items - these are things that have been on my list and in all honesty I'm not likely to tackle this year but I do not want them forgotten so I'll just note them as things I'll eventually do, one day:
  1. Tyranid Promethium Relay Pipes
  2. Dark Angel - Aegis Defence Line [totally low down as most of the Fortifications suck game wise but it'd be nice to have some extra terrain pieces and I think it's actually the best value out of the pieces I have]
  3. Tyranid Bastion Crater [I have zero intent to do this this season, if ever, just want to remind myself it exists]
The Big Build will continue this season. Still a lot of what was not complete from previous lists but  the principle is sound and pays dividends with those items that tend to be off-list that get built through to painting and completion.
  • Ravenwing bikes
  • Ravenwing attack bikes
  • Ravenwing Talonmaster?
  • Imperial Knight [x2?]
  • More Ripper Swarms - 3 bases
  • 2 Tyranid Hive Guard kitbashes...
  • Space Hulk Genestealers - get them based!
  • 3 Tyranid Lictors
  • 3 Tyranid Warriors
  • 3 Tyranid Shrikes
  • 5 Dark Angel Veterans/Command Squad
  • Remaining Deathwing Terminators
  • Build some new terrain?
So that's me for 2018/19 I think I have quite a lot on my plate, especially when you take into account I need to balance things a little more. All the best for your own efforts this season.

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