Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Dark Angels - Drop Pod[s], The final push

The final push and I couldn;t not do the company marking in each fin. That's the thing about 'freehand' even when it's not perfect you can still see the effort involved and it makes it al worthwhile.

Each circle was stamped on in black with the end of a plastic pencil tube. I then quartered it, filled it with black and then Bonewhite. Some green highlights outside and in, then Soft Tone shading the bone, final highlight and a Dark Reaper highlight on the black. All a little too much but happy with the results, imperfections and all.

It's almost cartoony, which I really quite like, the company '5' looks a little anaemic in comparisson though.

5s were finished off on pod 2 [the one on the right] and all the damage was applied - sponging Rhinox Hide, Gun Metal and then Strong Tone wash.

Essentially these are complete, just need to varnish and Tamiya Clear and I can do the To Done pics. Really chuffed to have got these completed, I've even put them both in my Birthday Bash list just for giggles.

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