Monday, 15 June 2015

'nids part 171 - Tyranid Objective Markers TO DONE!

While I try and write up the remainign two Blog Wars battle reports I just thought I'd drop this in as the pics are doen and there's not a lot to say about my Maelstrom Mission Objective Markers.

I'm really pleased, although it would have been nice [but less practical] to add a bit more variety, like the way Otty added Venom Cannon barrells and Rippers to the nodes for extra interest.

Ultimately I have my 6+2 so I can deal with Maelstrom and the Scourin [? I forget if that's the right mission with 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4 VP objectives].

Although we have had a lot fo cun playing that mission not knowing the value until the end of the game and you still need to blind draw the objectives, so my card markers are still of use.

I obviously added some Tamiya Clear Red X-27 to the mouths, liek they've just been fed :)

Some 3D texture paint managed to join the different pieces and hide my kitbash butchery.

Once again, not on the list but I'm really pleased I threw it into the mix. These markers are essential for the way we play now and it didn;t require too much effort to get them done, so it all adds to the hobby bank. Hopefully I'll get the next Battle Report done for Wednesday.


  1. These are looking fantastic Dave! Really fluffy and wonderful!

  2. I know, I know. I've cleared the decks, tac squad is back out and ready to progress. I've been prepping some other bits too but I'm thinking it's time I started on my airbrush adventure as these things are too big for the bristle brush ;)

  3. Dave can you do 200 lines please I must finish my dark angels I must finish my dark angels ..... Lol

    1. I swear to G.O.D. I am on it! I know this and the next TO DONE! post will not be DA but I have so many new DA toys [and associated allies] that I'm flitting from one thing to the next - which is making progress broad but not quick. I do however have the Tactical Squad and scouts taking priority spots on my painting table so it's happening I promise ;)

  4. Very nice work. I would love to do something fluffy like this, but I went the cheap way and bought some ready made ones for 8 bucks... My backlog is so horrendous that I cannot afford to add to it... That said, A+ for design.

    1. Thanks Aladdin, I think most projects require a 'cost/benefit' analysis if it's going to take too long to do and stop you from doing something more important then I recommend buying in the option if you can get it cheap enough. Then if and when you have the time you maybe will have better ideas of where you want to go with it.
