Thursday 16 February 2012

The yellow I'm looking for

Just a quick thing I've been meaning to share [if you hadn't already seen it] -
Dark Future Games posted a link in January  about Blight Wheel Miniatures Mantis Tank, suitable for Ad-Mech armies and such. It's currently out of stock but I love the way the yellow has been treated on their finished version:

I don't think it's actually yellow, it's more the sepia effect that warms the colour and the awesome battle damage. This is the sort of colour I was hoping for on the Plasma Generator.

Anyway, as it's not really my work or progress there will be a post tomorrow, don't worry.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Terrain is everything - TREES!

Back in December I bought this set of Christmas trees from my local garden/craft centre. At the time I didn't want to have them 'evergreen' with snow capped branches so went about undercoating them red oxide primer and then my usual mix of Vermillion art acrylic and then highlighted up to yellow. And here's the finished result:

There was a bit of vairety in the process of painting these. I did some with Early Learning Centre poster paint mixed with PVA and then binned that idea and got me some Yellow art acrylic. Initially I was concerned it was too light but in fact the whole process of painting them meant that a lot of the underlying colour showed through so I'm getting quite a rich yellow, perhaps darker than I would ideally prefer.

Had to Red Planet Base the mounds, just had to. Pain in the bum at least everything is tied together now.

Still got to do the two big trees, which should be fun.

I've noticed recently that althought the super bright Halogen bulbs in the kitchen are giving me better pictures the refelction off my battlemat is affecting the colours on all my pictures, unsurprisingly they're all a little 'warm' in colour. So just to get a better idea of the actual colour here's a tree on a black background using natural light.

Lastly, here's a pic of mthe two art acrylics used, £1 each from local budget shop Quality Save.

Sunday 12 February 2012

Ravenor: The Omnibus - a review

The problem with my book reviews is they tend to come a significant time after finishing the book so quite often I've forgotten the names of people and even the plot sometimes but the overall impression is there so hopefully they're still of value.

Anyway I borrow Ravenor: The Omnibus from my local library, they actually had two copies! After recent disappointment with some Black Library books this was something else. If you want a novel that describes the 40k 'grim dark' universe then this is it, or three! There's three books in one with a couple of short stories too and the omnibus collects them together so you can experience the sprawling story arc in one handy volume. Typically the thing that attracted me most to this was the cover. Annoyingly the trilogy of Eisenhorn novels that precede this don't come wit such a cool cover and with Dan Abnett suggesting in the Foreword that there is another trilogy yet to come it would have been nice to have a similar set of books with such iconic imagery on the front in different metallic colours. Still, nevermind.

The books start much like a great action movie, straight into the mix, very little preamble and then you would assume there would be a title sequence and the book begins proper. It obviously follows Inquisitor Ravenor and his inquisitorial team. I won't go into too much detail but they all seem like total bada$$es, with special skills and experiences to do untold damage. Slowly though, throughout the omnibus you begin to discover their weaknesses and flaws and the nigh invulnerable people we met at the beginning are very vulnerable by the end. I guess this is testament to Mr Abnett that the heroes of the piece weren't made invincible. Obviously in the beginning you can do what you want to them, we don't know them and you can get away with anything. From then on you get to understand their character and the preconceptions can be stripped away so we can be frightened and worried for their safety.

I won't go into the plot, I'll just say this restored a lot of faith in the books coming out of Black Library. It conjured up quite a few new vistas and imagery about 40k and in particular Hive Worlds as some twisted dark Blade Runner-esque environment. Rotting and festering under acid rain - awesome scene setting. Overall it feels like one of those awesome Role Playing games you had with your mates. A bunch of highly skilled operatives each with their own look, skills and personality set on an adventure. This is utter class and if you don't have it in your life, then check your local library, they may just have a copy [or two!]

Friday 10 February 2012

Terrain is everything - Dawn of War Plasma Generator part 9.

Right, so here's where I'm currently at! The black chevrons are in place and a bit of orange rust effect has been applied in certain areas.

I've also stenciled on some big numbers, because big numbers always look cool - FACT!

Some more shots of the rusty bits and weathering.

And the numbers, I think the silver bits are too bright so i need to weather them a bit more, maybe some more 'soot' using the Early Learning centre poster paint and perhaps more rust.

Here's the view of th top joint, I know it's not pretty, perhaps when it's joined together I can add another layer of rust/weathering to try and unify the various parts.

The big decision was whether to paint over the balck chevons with Mechrite Red and try to recapture that earlier stage I feel the white bits made worse, and then I thought I'd put it into better context on Ferron Proxima and I thinkthe black and white is OK. So what do you all think?

At this stage I want to know if I should just glue it together and apply any final effects so it's complete, then I can move on to other outstanding items on my 'to do list'.

So I'm open to suggestions, let me know what you think, is it time to finish this baby and move on, or keep working at it and risk screwing it up? You tell me...

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Gaming night One word - SMEAR

After last weeks success comes kharmic retribution. I arrive later than most of the other guys due to getting back from work and having my tea and so the games are in full swung when I get there. I also had the chance to car-share with another member who lives round the corner from me.

This week it was a 50:50 split between Warmachine and 40k and for the first hour or so I watched Peteb and Rob go at it, Eldar [mostly Wave Serpents, Night Spinners, Guardians, Fire Dragons, Striking Scorpions and an Avatar] versus White Scars [bikes, bikes, more bikes, Land Speeders and a Dreadnought in a drop-pod]. It was interesting to watch and fun too thanks to some good tactics and disastrous roles, but then that's 40k all over.

Eventually Roy, the club treasurer, finished his game and although I'd brought a 1000 and a 1250pt list to not worry about time constraints I agreed to the 1750 list I made last week so he could continue to run his Imperial Guard army he will be using at the weekend in a competition. Once he said that how could I refuse, he needed the practice ;)

Spearhead, annihilation was the setup which I won to deploy first. Bearing in mind this is the first time I've done this deployment, faced guard and run an army of this size I expected it to be tough. As you can see below the Tervigon, Zoanthrope, Biovore, Hormogaunts and Warior brood occupied this cover, Gargoyles and Sky Slasher swarm to the side and Trygon and Devgaunts in a Spore waiting to deep strike.

And here's the challenge they faced [all new to me] 2 Executioners with Plasma Sponsons and hull weapons, a Demolisher with HBolter sponsons and a Hull Weapon 2 Vendettas [I think] with Vet squads inside, a Rough Rider squad and a 30 man squad with a Commissar tricked out with all sorts of gizmos in the ruin top left [not to mention the 2 or 3 Heavy Weapons Squads hiding with them]. You may also note the 11 toxin stealers infiltrating in the ruin opposite and the 11 adrenal stealers and Broodlord in the structure top right.

So, set up and ready to go, by the way don't worry it's not a full battle report. This was how I was about to begin turn 1 until Roy stole the initiative. First blood went to Roy, I think it was a single Hormogaunt or stealer and then he started target practice on the Hormogaunt brood with a Leman Russ Executioner. Thankfully I made quite a few cover saves but I think by that stage another five had returned to their biomass state. The other Executioner targeted the toxin stealers and what was left was shot in the back by the Vendetta, so much for infiltration! I think a couple of wounds may have spotted the tervigon and the Zoanthrope but a short and decisive turn one left me reeling.

This pic may be my turn 2 so bear with me. The Tervigon spawned 8, double 3s so pooped out on turn 1. The Hormies bolted for the cover in the centre, pretty much all my weaponry was out of range, so everything just moved forwards the biovore being the only shooter and missing the guard heavy weapon squad at the front of the ruin the spore mine floated next the Executioner and popped harmlessly on it's side armour, without even marking the paintwork. I think the only joy was that the adrenal stealers waltzed through their terrain and got up close and personal with the Executioner and in a wild frenzy ripped the plasma turret from its hull and knocked it about a bit

At this stage Roy had so much firepower to bring to bear he was throwing all sorts of heavy shots at even the weakest of targets just because he could, an embarrassment of riches one might say. I think he whittled down some more of my squads and I also had a turn where my remaining stealers continued to scramble over the Executioner seeking a way to get inside for the fleshy pink stuff. In doing so they pulled off a heavy flamer, at least Roy was gracious enough to point out I should thing very carefully about which weapon to destroy. With hindsight the stealers would have been better served assaulting the veteran squad the Vendetta dumped in their laps which proceeded to pepper them with las and plasma fire, which scored me my first kill thanks to a hapless guards plasma gun overheating [in fact every plasma gun overheated every shot they took, although some survived to nurse their scorched fingers]. I also moved the warriors into the building and Gargoyles and sky slashers separated so they weren't al bunched up.

Of course when Roy did fire his Plasma sponsons from the Executioner they only went and deviated from the Gargoyles and landed right on top of the Rippers, vaporising one base instantly!

At this stage I was feeling the pinch, I'd done practically nothing, the Termagants were all gone, the Tervigon was down to two wounds, the bonesword Prime was gone and only two Hormogaunts were left and reverting to their natural instinct, which involved trying to get inside the nearest Executioner! The only respite came with an explosive thud a mass of seething tentacles slammed into the ground where only a few moments before the rough riders had been. Out of the spore pod Termagants boiled opening fire with their Devourers on the brave war horses - writhing parasites eating through the horseflesh with much gusto. With unthinking frenzy the spore pod lashed out with it's tentacles knocking the Executioner around like a plaything but just leaving the crew doubly stunned. By this stage there was still no sign of the Tyranid Prime and the Rippers and Genestealers couldn't finish off the veteran squad. [I think the stealer and broodlord may not have made it].

Now at least I got to experience a spectacular loss. I've no shame in that and Peteb's army list last night was one he thought could return a victory for him in case we played and therein lies the challenge for me. To find an army list that I could run that would get me a victory against Roy. However, I'm not so sure we have the figures to do that. Outflanking wouldn't have solved the problem and I'd have had a 1 in 3 chance of the reserves coming in so far away from the action they may as well have been dead. One could say that losing the initiative was the tipping point, in which case I was screwed from the beginning and that's the worst possible conclusion, how can you play in such a way that at the very beginning if you don't get one dice roll in your favour you lose!

In fact the more I thought about it the more I realised that if he hadn't have stolen the initiative I may well have been in even more dire straits. Instead of being in cover most of my 'nids would have been in the open and blown to smithereens. Even then what were the hormogaunts going to do to the Leman Russes? It wasn't dice rolls either, I had some really lucky rolls and Roy had some unlucky ones. I certainly don't think spearhead is a deployment that my current list benefits from, too much bunching ripe for blast templates. The loss of the toxin stealers was possibly the hardest thing to deal with and the devgaunts were MVP, though that wasn't tough, the biggest issue was the Leman Russ armour in that these were 11. As much as I see stealers and Broodlords capable of tank killing, especially with adrenal glands, that's based on Marines and their Rhinos and Dreadnoughts [Land Raiders can be targetted by the Trygon]. Just that extra bit of ferro steel was enough to blunt my stealers claws.

So what next? Well I have to control reserves, which means the Hive Tyrant, with Hive Commander which also gives me the venom cannon, sure it's damage is limited but if it can get a rear shot [how?] it would open one up. We could go Ymgarls and more drop pods? They had a better chance of slapping the Russes down, put the Zoanthrope in one and you've even better chance. Maybe it's time to paint those plasma hatchers...

What I do know is that that 'nids can be great at low points battles, you get a lot of bang for your buck. At higher points maybe other folk can bring a lot more to bear and certainly with the figures we've got options are limited, and with the club holding a Saturday tournament at 2000 pts I could be opening myself up for a whooping.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Gaming night 2nite

I originally planned to go back to the Lost Boys Gaming Club next week. I had a Kendo Kata class last night and thought it unfair to be out two consecutive night but my good lady wife pointed out next Tuesday was Valnetine's and would I be spending it with some guys playing games or with her, the one I love ♥ So I've rejigged things and I'll be going tonight.

Meanwhile, looking at my blog schedule there doesn't seem to be a lot of posts prepped so expect things to be quieter than usual perhaps. I mean I can always write stuff but that tends to just go on and on and on [see my forthcoming Android App review, less of a review and more a history of my phone ownership?!] and takes even more time than if I have pics. But never fear last weeks gaming jaunt has reinvigorated my passion. I have been painting and I've nearly finished my trees [pictured in their early stage below]. I was up last night after kata, catching up with the second quarter of the Super-bowl and Red Planet Basing with only the Bonewhite stones left to do, then all but the super large trees are complete. I'll take pictures and hopefully gee up the boy to have a game with them in so you can see them in action. I also have a nice idea for Flufftastic to go with them.

On top of that I'm working on another Ripper base, my Deathwing, Dreadnought and bits of scenery, so although I may not have a great deal to discuss at the moment there should be plenty to share soon. Although I could surprise myself with a whole slew of content, who knows?

Sunday 5 February 2012

Deathwing Progress - a little damage here and there

Here's my test terminator with a bit of damage, first peaking through the gloom...

...and here we can see where it went wrong! Like I said previously I've read enough tutorials to know where I should put the damage but for some reason I went with painting it [instead of sponging] on places I could easily get to instead of  where you would realisticaly find it and as such I'm less than convinced.

Really, this just makes him looklike a giraffe

I'm slightly happier with the scratches I did, I'd seen some on another terminator and wanted to see if it worked, it sort of does, although it would have scratched through the Deathwing symbol too, if I'd painted it on that is! I still need to practice this, or forget freehand altogether and go with decals.

There's the other 'chip' on the front that is also OK as battle damage goes but I'm getting the impression this is looking like rust now and that annoys me because of my belief that Ceramite isn't metallic but a ceramic composite.

The power fist also had some scratches. I don't think this is a failure per se but maybe I can rescue this with a bit more in places, but that means running the gauntlet of doing all five with damage and making sure I get all five right whereas to return this to pristine fashion may be an easier job... Saying all that the Crux Terminatus is looking cool. 

And some more battle scars which work OK. What say you folks? Carry on regardless and take it back a step?

Friday 3 February 2012

Terrain is everything - Dawn of War Plasma Generator part 8

This isn't really an update more of a tease. constantly reinserting the plasma tubes was getting annoying for pics and I kind of wanted a 'reveal' but nevermind I just wanted an opinion regarding glow effects...

Does anyone think it worth me attempting to put some glow on the inside of the uprights or am I best just leaving it as is?

I think I'm best just leaving it as you can see they glow of their own accord a little bit when the light shines on them. I'm best leaving it right?

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Gaming night @ my friendly neighbourhood gaming club

OMG, and I use that phrase sparingly, but is that a Strangleweb before me or have you just been very happy to see me? Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself. So with my new free night it was chance to nip along to my local friendly neighbourhood gaming club. I'd actually been a bit giddy with excitement for the past few days, sad I know but compared to moping about my lost kendo activities I'll take it

I'd been chatting on their forum for a few days, had a 1750pt list to take which is by far the largest I'd ever had. I must pause at this point and admit I may have  been deluding myself for a good few months that my Son's 'nids are just his 'nids. I bought at least half of what he's got, painted it and I'm actually quite interested in them. Meanwhile he's moved onto his Eldar. So in name they're his but I personally see them as a shared resource until I've completed the Dark Angels.

So I arrived about an hour into their schedule, with six tables, three of which running Warmachine, two running 40k and one running Dystopian Wars. The tables were made up of three 4'x2' sheets of MDF, painted a variety of hues [two of which where orange Martian landscapes :) ] and had a significant amount of painted scenery, mainly GW's range of buildings/ruins together with some of the rarer terrain items. Overall I was impressed by the sheer quality of what was on offer and just quite how busy it was.

I had a nice chat with the Chairman of the club, lots to go over and eventually got a game with 'Peteb' who lives in the same town as I do and had already 'offered me out for a fight' on the forum. With time a little short we ditched the 1750 list and I looked for a 1000 pointer and somehow ended up with one of the first lists I ever drew up for my son [slightly amended]
  • Tyranid Prime, Lash Whip, Bonesword, Deaathspitters
  • 3 Tyranid warriors, 2xDeathspitter, 1 Barbed Strangler
  • 22Termagants, with 1 Strangleweb upgrade!
  • 10 Genestealers, with 1 Broodlord
  • 10 Genestealers
  • 10 Gargoyles
  • 3 Ripper Swarms with tunnel swarm
  • 1 Biovore
  • 1 Trygon

Peteb's list involved
  • a squad of Strking Scorpians and Exarch,
  • 5 Guardians on Bike with Autarch,
  • a squad of Harlequins
  • A Wave serpent with missile launchers
  • A Wraithlord
  • A squad of rangers
I won't go into too much depth but first blood went to Peteb with a couple of Genestealers falling foul to missile fire. Overall though my superior numbers were just too much. regardless of the lack of biomorphs to enhance th swarm it was just too many dice in the end that swung it. The non-broodlord stealers took out the jet-bikes with for around half the squad. The other brood was taken down byt the Scorpions but the Trygon ate them all up. The Gargoyles did really well ousting the rangers from their cover and then attempting to use their blinding venom on the Wraithlord - auto wound on 6s!

Standout was the termagants though, they had 5 fatalities but their relentless shooting and eventual close combat with the Harlequins just proved too much and they couldn't dance out of that one. Best of all the Strangleweb was fired and managed to stick one kooky Eldar to the ground, although explaining this weapon proved embarrassing but much fun. The game was conceded with just the Wraithlord, the Wave Serpent and three Rangers.

So in conclusion for the game I was particularly surprised at how effective a bog-standard set of 'nids could be. No biomorphs and they did really well. I guess a gant will die just as easily with toxin sacks and adrenal glands and having 40% more figures makes up for the reduced aggression and killing skills. On the downside  Gargoyles are a frikkin nightmare to move as they keep coming off the flight stands and having so many figures is a real pain in the ass to put away. There were a few times I wistfully looked over at the Warmachine guys with their few dozen figures.

As for the club, I'm really looking forward to going again. Not sure quite when it'll be, definitely in a fortnight maybe next week. I'm also keen to move some of my other projects forward I'm a tad ashamed of the fact I may be co-opting my son's 'nids. I like playing them though but I really should be running my own stuff. I've realised I've reached another empasse though. I need to do some more bits so I've got content for the blog and I need to get back on track with the 'to do list' so I have completed figures. Hopefully this is the kickstart to it, I've something to aim for now!

Monday 30 January 2012

The objects of my obsession

If you may recall when I 'celebrated' the blogs Birthday and treated it to more sporadic posting and less content [what a gift] I revealed a little about my passions, nay obsessions, nay addictions! Which came in three flavours:
  2. Kendo
  3. Games Workshop
And these addictions have come about and chopped and changed for priority over the last 20 or so. Each one having it's time to shine. My favorite band Pitchshifter is still very much under the radar, a new album is in the works but the guys are taking their time as there's no pressure in their lives for it at the moment. Which left me with the other two. GW which I think about an awful lot, even though I'm in that floundering period between completing projects and being inspired to get stuff done. And lastly kendo, the martial art I gave up for nine years only to regret every lost second.

If you reread my post on Hoshi Komi you will get a bit more insight into where I was at with it. For the past five years I've been an active member of Liverpool Kendo Club and due to the usual loss of members etc. I was elevated to the position of Sempai, that's the guy below the Sensei who runs the class, not teaches the class. I was all set to attempt my 3rd Dan this March but due to some changes in the symptoms of one of my persistent injuries I went back to see the consultant.

Long story short [too late] as of last week I had to retire from kendo. Well, retire from being hit at least. It was possibly the hardest thing I've ever had to do but we shall have to move on and with all things the waning of one thing brings about the waxing of another and it appears I now have a free evening a week that I've secured with the good lady wife to indulge my hobby. So, next week I will be sloping off to my local gaming club in Ainsdale, a small village not far from where I live where both my Grandparents and my Great Aunt used to live. Coincidentally the club is held in the same church hall my Grandparents used to attend and my Grandad did the quantity surveying for. Destiny? or the ruinous power exerting their will over my life?

How this will impact the blog I don't know. I'll certainly be more hobby orientated, maybe have tales to tell of the new 'gaming crew' I've joined. Can't say I'm not just a little nervous, it's been a long time since I was 'the new boy at the club' especially when I was essentially 'top dog' at kendo, although my sparring never reflected that, ha, ha! Anyway I'll keep you all updated on my jaunt.

PS, you can see which one is me in the pic right?

Saturday 28 January 2012

Quick and easy sand sieve

The other day I was on Terra Genesis and someone asked if there was an easy way to grade sand. I recalled the solution I came up with back when i first started collecting cheap terrain materials. You don't really need any specialist equipment, other than what you may have in your hobby arsenal - I got a small plastic bottle, similar to the kind you get chewing gum in, I cut a hole in the circular lid and filled it with sand. Then I sandwiched two layers of granny grating inside the lid.

The grating was rotated so that the hole from one is partially obstructed by the next layer. By twisting the layers you can change the gauge of the apperture from fine sand to big particles. Then shake out into a box.
I keep one box with the chunky pieces then pinch and scatter those on my bases so they are 75% covered, then I bury the remaining 25% in whatever I can get. As you can see in the pictures it's missing the second layer but you should be able to see How it's made.

I'm sure any other brand of chewing gum bottle would make do.

Here's an example of how the sand is graded. Clearly the basing helps pick out the variety but it's there in spades!

And more recently:

Anyway, just thought I'd share a quick tip.