Monday, 13 January 2020

Blackstone Fortress - Espern Locarno - TO DONE!

Now my character for  #blackstonefortress Espern Locarno [#paintingwarhammer]. I was compelled once again to add a few 40kaddict signature colour elements:

  • yellow/black chevron wire to his 'recording device/Walkman'. 
  • verdigris
  • orange eye lenses
I also hadn't mentioned the script on his parchment bib, maybe it's like a Google map list of directions? I added the simplified Dark Angel Chapter symbol just to add further connection to my own forces. I wasn't particularly convinced about the orange lenses - so many times I do all this shading and highlighting only for me to question whether to add Tamiya Clear Orange X-26 and in this instance I know it'd be better for it and can't!

I decided the laurel wreath would be embroidered gold and I actually think it brings it all together. The cloak is less than I hoped but better than I feared half-way through. Perhaps a galactic star-field pattern might add some interference for the blends?
Having 'finished' the model I could not get past my dissatisfaction with the lenses. I saw a pretty good example and decided to just tweak them with a shadow under the pure white highlight. 
I'm much happier now - it's a bit more googly eyed but I think that's the point. The face and head should be a little exaggerated, I mean look at his hat! I've pretty much painted beyond the confines of the lens, into the surrounding frame but I'm happy.

Just a close-up of the base with the curious note that Locarno's force cane is positioned at exactly the intersection of one of the 'cracks' in the floor. Is it because the cracks move to meet the navigator or is Locarno so attuned to the empyrean he will find those power junctures naturally? Who knows? I just thought it was a nice little touch and gave me some direction in where the lines should be positioned.

Yeah, I wish his cloak looked more like this Big Galactic Stamp of Approval...


  1. Nice character model for Blackstone Fortress. He came out great, and the "improved" eye lenses work for me!

    1. A little more cartoon like but I like it better! 😊

  2. Nice! I like you take on Locarno. I'm just working on my own BSF stuff right now.

    1. Hope you enjoy it. It was the bases that made it for me and as I ordinarily start with the bases I should have learned that lesson from the start.

  3. Dave you have doe him and yourself justice he is a fantastically well paint figure, I have to consistently up my game to keep up with you bud :)

    1. I think that's how it should be. If you work completely in isolation nothing ever changes. Although there is no competition between us we push each other to do the best we can and I felt that even more so by the fact this is your model. I know you didn't add any pressure and both Otty and even Ben's models looked great in less than half the time but I think we all stepped up our game a little bit.
