Wednesday 12 January 2022

Death Guard Kill Team Big Build TO DONE!

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity I've been working on my Death Guard Kill Team over Christmas. Does this count for #NewYearNewArmy? When it comes to  #ArmiesOnParade2022 it might have to.

I'd been debating what I was going to do and will have a post at some point to share my plan. Small as this 'army' is it may well be the antagonist for my wider parade... other than that I'm out of ideas.

For this I get a Great Big Big Build BLESSED VERDIGRIS Stamp of Approval.

I am hoping to mage these as Grimdark and grungy as I possibly can - to stretch myself. I'm using my Blood Bowl Rotspawn as a starting point [maybe not with the threads though].

They will be tar based, like the blood bowl team, but I'll be doing the odd rock as red, to try and fit in with my Red Planet BASE. The rims will be black though...

Anyway, because the tar bases have to be done at the very end but they have been built for quite a while and could only be primed after adding the stones and odd bit of dead foliage so I'm still giving myself a Great Big Big Build Base BLESSED VERDIGRIS Stamp of Approval.

Monday 10 January 2022

'nids part 322 - Tyranid Warriors - Big Build TO DONE!

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity I've been building/basing my #Tyranid Warriors. 

Some additions of Tyrant Guard Lash-whip/Bonesword and Rending Claws. I certainly felt the lack of some minus AP modifiers when I took my Warriors with Scything Talons out last time. Having at least one special melee weapon in the group is worth the extra points I think, we'll see.

 I had used some Fairy Power Spray to strip the bulk of the original paint off these. I know Dettol would have worked better but the spray is a bit quicker and perfectly clean models aren't a priority, they'll look good regardless.

And for this I get a Great Big Big Build BLESSED VERDIGRIS Stamp of Approval.

Like the Primes I primed the bases with my truly awful Simoniz Red Oxide Primer. I used a toilet roll tube to mask off the model itself and just spray the base. Then I went on with my standard Red Planet Base process. I've also added Bahama Blue to the chitin and Khorne Red in all the fleshy bits. Sepia Washes next.

My original Warrior bases were left as is. Some are slightly different with their highlight tones but I'm hoping it won't be too noticeable when they're fully updated. I also painted over their guns, which was more disheartening as they weren't bad. I considered keeping the original maroon weaponry, to help identify different broods, but some still had frosting from Purity Seal varnish. The faces in particular were going to be repainted and as I go with the warmer red here it made sense to just start from scratch.

I had a spare metal Spore Mine knocking about too, which I thought could do with being finished. I've got loads of them but it's just knocking about and annoying me for it's incompleteness.

Here's my Great Big Big Build Base BLESSED VERDIGRIS Stamp of Approval.

Thursday 6 January 2022

'nids part 321 - Tyranid Primes - Big Build TO DONE!

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity I've been contemplating my original Tyranid Warrior to Tyranid Prime conversions. The twin Bonesword Prime first featured in this blog in 'nids part 2 just over 11 years ago. On the plus side I look at that post and I can see how both my writing and painting has improved.

I thin built a second Prime in September 2011, there were some WiPs too, you can access them here, or through the tutorials tab. I kitbashed the Lash-whip from a Devourer, florist wire and a Mawloc claw. Alongside the original 3 Warriors they're all starting to show their age a bit. Not just how the Turquoise feathering on the chitin was executed but the colours themselves.

The Decoart Turquoise I use now is much more vibrant than the pale mix I created and I no longer do the 'liver' colour for the muzzle and fleshy bits - it starts off Khorne Red. On top of that the bone colour goes much paler. Some of these element won't need too much updating, perhaps, but I'm also adding 50mm bases to the Primes. It'll add another 3mm to their height, making them even more imposing so they stand out against normal Warriors. Also, the Tyrant Guard weaponry might look cooler than my weedy kitbash.

I decided to keep my twin Bonesword old skool, even though I'm no fan of his 'Rending Paws'. I glued the bases down and used tile adhesive/grout to blend the bases together.

And for this I get a Great Big Big Build BLESSED VERDIGRIS Stamp of Approval.

I primed the bases with my truly awful Simoniz Red Oxide Primer. Loads of shaking and it still won't mix properly. I managed it in the end though, using a toilet roll tube to mask off the model itself and just spray the base. Then I went on with my standard Red Planet Base process. I've also added Bahama Blue to the chitin and Khorne Red in all the fleshy bits. Sepia Washes next.

Here's my Great Big Big Build Base BLESSED VERDIGRIS Stamp of Approval.

Tuesday 4 January 2022

What's on my palette?

Bless me #warmongers for I have sinned, it's been over six weeks since my last confession! It's been Chrimblemas though so no bother. Now a lot of folk will be doing New Year's Hobby Resolutions, but I do things differently and already have my Hobby Season To Do List. That doesn't stop me just organising things a bit as 2022 roles around.

Long time readers may recall that I tend to suffer from a post-Christmas malaise that saps all my hobby mojo. Since returning to the hobby I always make something over the festive period, but then with those items built I just lack any motivation to press on. This year I think I'm going to buck that trend - I'm going 'off-list'. I received from my good friend Pete a Primaris Chaplin on motorbike - a fantastic gift as I could never justify buying such a figure for myself. I know it's Primaris and I don't do Primaris with my Dark Angels but I think Id make an exception for him as he's such a centrepiece model. I will hopefully use it alongside my eventual Primaris force, which I've decided will be Guardians of the Covenant.

Having built the Chaplin I also cleaned up 5 Tyranid Warriors and based them. The new Tyranid Crusher Stampede army of renown is based around big monsters, but for a Battalion detachment you still need 3 Troops and with only 5 painted Warriors I can't make the 3 broods of 3. So I'm painting those up, basing them and will look at updating the paint jobs on my original Warriors - they're showing their age. I'll also be updating the Primes, with colour schemes, and as they are now on 50mm bases, I'll be building these up so they're even bigger. I'm also going to swap out my kitbashed lash-whip/bonesword with a Tyrant Guard version. The arms are a bit chunkier but I don't mind.

With a dip back into 'nids, I haven't done any since May! I'm hoping to avoid the malaise, it's certainly helping me avoid my Ravenwing Talonmaster... ahem! I have primed [very badly] my Death Guard Kill Team too. So that may creep into my schedule. I've certainly got enough to keep me busy for January and should I get through it all there is the Ravenwing... Anyway, a few micro-blog Big Build TO DONE! posts to come over the next few days so you can see what I did with my festive period.

Friday 31 December 2021

Hobby Spends 2021

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity Following on from previous year's spending record I've kept another log for 2021 [and will do so for 2022]. The final figure of just over £362 represents a huge increase on last years gross spend of £227, almost £137 more. I did sell the Necron half of Indomitus though, bringing in £46, but that's still £316 spent on the hobby, which is just over £25 a month. Here's the breakdown:

My figure purchases were up, but they were also due to magazine purchases - Imperium and Mortal Realms. The Halfling BB team, Helverins and Munitorum Containers were a treat for myself and I don't regret their purchase. But I'm still not convinced on why I bought Indomitus, although the Primaris figures are still an asset, should I be so inclined to offload them in the future. At the very least I would recoup my money. 

One reason for investing in Indomitus is I've played 9th edition a few times now and although I may love the Indomitus Big Rule Book, I do find it incredibly heavy and cumbersome. Whether I consider downgrading to the softback A5 version is debatable - it'd be much easier for gaming but so far we're undecided about 9th as an experience. We rationalised our way out of playing the latter part of 8th and in some ways 9th has, and it's an odd phrase, become more one dimensional. Despite all the secondary missions and the Crusade rules our experience has very much been everything dies and then the game is over and the objectives become almost irrelevant. We'll keep trying, but we haven't yet had the tactical experiences we had with 5-7th or even 8th. We'll press on.

Back to my spends - I spent £40 on Mortal Realms and the new Imperium magazine. I'm still not into Age of Sigmar but my wife got me an issue with one third of the Mortis Engine in so I had to get the others. I have an idea one day I will love painting all the ghosts I've accrued - they'll be something to paint purely for fun. Of course I have to paint the other things ahead of it that I NEED to paint before I can do that. Again, it's something I could sell on if I give up on the dream... nightmare?

So, 2021 has been an expensive year, bizarrely so given I've hardly played at all and even then it was Middle Earth, with figures I already owned [or added to in 2020]. But, the two previous years had been exceptionally frugal so there was bound to be a relapse eventually. It feels like a wake-up call though and I hope I won't be as spendthrift next year. Not only do I have plenty to keep my occupied, painting-wise, I feel they should be painted before I get any more [see above picture]. I've also got plenty of variety that should stave off boredom painting the same old nids or Dark Angels.

That said, the Malaceptor is all new hotness for Tyranids rules-wise, and I recently saw some floating kitbashed version of the actual kit that make it look really cool. But £40 for one model... 😖 We'll just have to see, a new Tyranid Codex will be due next year and all bets could be off!

Saturday 25 December 2021


Good morning #warmongers and #warhammercommunity  and a merry X-Mas from Professor Egon Seuss and the rest of the Magos on Ferron Proxima. Additional felicitations from the guys and gals at the Vulcan Institute of Techno-Archaeology. May all your X-mas wishes be plastic [or resin]. 

In case you're not X-mas orientated please accept the following good wishes:

Friday 24 December 2021

#BattleReport - 1,000pts Imperial Knights v Orks

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity we've been playing #new40k in our last game we'd rolled Divide and Conquer we didn't even bother to keep track of score for game two - we were just playing fast[er]. The only variable we changed was I went first.

I moved up to secure an objective, my shooting was relatively successful - killing the Wartrike at least. I'm not sure how I'd split my fire but I know I debated it ad nauseum. The Preceptor's Las Impulosr is relatively short range so I think it may have taken out the Trike. There is the Capacitor Charge Stratagem that makes it Heavy 6 instead of Heavy D6  and he would have been within 18".

Unfortunately one vehicle down just wasn't enough with Ben calling the Waaaaaargh! This time with Ghazgkhull leading the charge. The Lancer was down to 19 wounds going into combat

And then suffered another 14 taking it to just 5.

I'm not entirely sure what this roll is for - it could be Ghazgkhull's damage roll on my Preceptor, or it could have been a saving throw but as he can only take 4 wounds it wouldn't be hugely significant him passing most of them. 

Regardless, the Knight fell and I was just left with the Lancer and the Warglaive.

The Lancer did not last long and in an act of charity Ben suggested we finish with Ghazgkhull versus the Warglaive, based on the premise he had in fact suffered 4 wounds already. In which case the Warglaive had to cause 4 wounds in shooting and 4 in combat.

Which he just managed to do, even with Ben re-rolling his invulnerable save. Ghazgkhull was dead but the rest of the Orks butchered the Knight for its audacity killing their leader.

Tabled again. So much for my cockiness. We had quite the discussion afterwards about the game and the experience we've had of 9th edition so far. If you haven't gathered, it isn't particularly positive. We can't seem to pin down yet, what is making it feel so one dimensional. Is it the size of the games, the armies we've got, our inexperience [both of the rules and tactics], the discrepancy in age of Codex, the terrain setup or even the board size. It's a topic for a post on its own, when we've played a couple more games. We're planning a bigger game - 1,500pts in the hope that might change the dynamic a bit. We'll use the bigger table to do so, but I'm not sure how that will change anything as the 'no-man's' land is still the same distance. 

But we're going to persevere, but it says something that with 4 wins under his belt Ben does not feel happy about the outcome. We've had fun and plenty of exclamations and drama but when that is purely on the outcome of a lucky or unlucky dice roll why do we need the figures or terrain? We need to feel like tactical choices have had a bearing on the game. So far it's just me being swamped, but maybe that's how Orks play?