Saturday, 28 August 2021

To Do List 2021/22

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity having covered my achievements over the past hobby season, it's now that I look forward to the new one.

As usual my list is pretty much everything I still haven't completed from previous seasons. But, as you saw from last season's review I blitzed a fair few of those projects. In fact, apart from the Tyranid Promethium Relay Pipes I finished every bit of bug related TO DO's I set myself. Luckily, I have some more I can come up with now the decks are clear. I'm also adding numerous items that were WiP from last season. Anything in bold is a priority, everything else is nice to have.

However, I'm going to be mainly going with the flow, real life is still very much the priority so I need to focus on these two…
  1. Develop a more healthy hobby/life balance - go to bed at a decent hour[ish]
  2. Find time to play some games, so I can have some fun among the daily grind...
    This is a tough one considering, we still have no idea about COVID and I am at the mercy of my gaming crew on how we can meet up and arrange these things. Where possible I will snatch these opportunities up though.
But for my Dark Angels I'll be looking at these:
  1. Dark Angel - Ravenwing Talonmaster
  2. Dark Angel - 3 x Ravenwing Attack Bike[s]
  3. Dark Angel - 3 x Ravenwing Black Knights
  4. Dark Angel - Old skool Crayola Whirlwind
  5. Dark Angel - Proteus Land Raider
The remaining nid and terrain based items are these:
  1. Genestealer Cult Sentinels
  2. Tyranid Promethium Relay Pipes
  3. Tyranid Warriors
My other 2021/22 WiPs that I want to tackle and get done:
  1. 2 x Armiger Helverins [Dreadtober 2021]
  2. Halfling Blood Bowl Team
  3. Orc Blood Bowl Team
  4. Blood Bowl Troll
  5. Adeptus Titanicus Reaver Titan
  6. Adeptus Titanicus Warhound Titans
  7. Death Guard Kill Team
  8. TT Combat terrain
  9. Sector Imperialis terrain
Pipe dream items - these are things that have been on my list and in all honesty I'm not likely to tackle this year [or any other...] but I do not want them forgotten so I'll just note them as things I'll eventually do, one day:
  1. Tyranid Bastion Crater [I have zero intent to do this this season, if ever, just want to remind myself it exists]
The Big Build will continue this season. Still a lot of what was not complete from previous lists but  the principle is sound and pays dividends with those items that tend to be off-list that get built through to painting and completion.
  • Ravenwing bikes
  • Dark Angel Crayola Whirlwind
  • Build some new terrain? 
    • Shrine of the Aquila
    • Galvanic Magnavent
  • Remaining Deathwing Terminators
  • Genestealer Cult Neophytes
  • Genestealer Cult Acolytes
Some of the previous season's Big Build items that I never got round to and are highly unlikely but thought I'd just add them in secondary list for records:
  • Space Hulk Genestealers - get them based!
  • 3 Tyranid Lictors
  • 3 Tyranid Warriors (it was actually 5)
  • 3 Tyranid Shrikes
  • 5 Dark Angel Veterans/Command Squad
So that's me for 2021/22 again a lot for me, especially when you take into account I need to continue to balance things more. Also worth noting - zero from my Indomitus boxset - remind me, why on Earth did I get that? All the best for your own efforts this season.


  1. Two Helverins in Dreadtober, I’ll look forward to seeing them!

    1. Me too! I haven't done much hobby for the last fortnight. The Helverins were heavy on my mind as they needed to be built and reposed - there's no way I can build and paint them in Dreadtober, I always need a head start. Luckily my perseverance has paid off and they are ready to be primed now.

  2. Looks suspiciously like my list for this season... though I do note that we have branched out into very different specialist games; I'll be dipping into Warhammer Underworlds :-) Good luck mate, let's hope this year is a good year.

    1. I can always look out for a warband to paint ;) I think I have the Thorns of the Briar Queen... Yeah, it's Otty who is pushing the Middle Earth theme, but haven't managed to play for a month or so. With Warhammer World back open there is talk of us going for a tournament but I think we need to get some practice in at home first.

      Good luck in your own efforts too!
