Thursday 30 December 2010

Epic Adeptus Titanicus part 4. - War Griffons Reaver

This Reaver titan was painted in my early style with either stippling or sponging to gettlt the mottled carapce colour. The reds used Humbrol Acrylics Red Gloss colour which is really opaque and glossy but I wet highlighted with orange and yellow to get the results you see below.

Below you can see I used some of the transfers on his close combat fist. I had loads of these and the ones specifically for Imperial Guard weere also nice on titans, where appropriate.

Another intersting load-out. I though long and hard about these, well you have to when you're ordering specific weapons instead of going with what came in the blister pack. Here, he's armed with a harpoon missile, power fist and Plasma Blast Gun.

I've still to take photographs of the rest of my mostly unfinished Warlords [around 5] an unfinished Reaver and the incompete Warhound, but I'll drop in some of my Ultramarines next - watch the skies, death from above!

Tuesday 28 December 2010

Epic Adeptus Titanicus part 3. - War Griffons Warhound

I love Warhound Titans. I don't really like them in 40k, especially not the Lucius Pattern but I loved them in Epic. The idea of two loping titans scouting ahead and coming in from the flanks always appealed to me. Quick and dirty, here's one of my War Griffons, I'll photograph his sibling at some other point, he's less finished.

As you can see he's armed with a Plasma Blast gun [am I right?] and a combat saw, just right for darting in to slice up some other titan. I also managed a little Griffon logo and you can just make out a kill mark on the top of the carapace I ca.

Obviously the colour scheme fits the War Griffons but there are accent colours, like the green and blue. His brother is red and yellow accents and had an equally interesting lead out.

Here's a shot where you can see a little more of his urban camouflage Griffon scheme.

Sunday 26 December 2010

'nids part 8. The Tervigon Tutorial part 4.

Here we are at part 4 of the Tervigon Tutorial. As you can see a bit of colour goes a long way to understanding the nature of this beast. You can see that the PlastiKote Ice Cream undercoat is very pale indeed [under natural light]. Ultramarine Blue was used on all the 'hard' bits, although I usually do super hard bits black, like claws, hooves and talons [though I did blue feet on this for some reason].

All the fleshy flexible bits, like claw joints, embryo sac, mouth etc. was done in a 'liver' colour. The first Termagants I did were very pale indeed, it was more like a wash, you can see the difference on the Strangleweb Gant. Here, the mix of brown, black, red, blue, and bonewhite got a bit 'chocolatey' shall we say. A bit too thick but it's a nice contrast.

Here, you can see the miracle of life what it's like when a Tervigon sneezes a Termagant out of it's abdominal nasal cavity ;) As you can see the extra height of the slate just made it possible for the gant's feet to rest in the sac aperture. Any lower and it wouldn't have fit in.

Next up, washes...

Friday 24 December 2010

Epic Adeptus Titanicus part 2. - War Griffons Warlords

My first War Griffon Warlord Titan. I have no recollection of why I chose this load out, I must have favoured it for some reason. Anyway I either stippled or used a sponge to get the mottled grey effect on the titan. I also got to play around with yellow [my favorite colour ] and add some battle damage and a small amount of weathering.

The next titan was painted in a similar fashion, only when I had completed the stippling I then used a fine brush and lined out some urban camouflage. Darker sections and white sections were then added to complete the effect. Although no amount of camouflage will hide a 100m tall G.O.D.machine I really liked the effect and aimed to employ it on future titans. Of course there was an upgrade of Cameleoline paint in Adeptus Titanicus [gone in later version of Epic] so it could work.

What you can't see in these pictures is the two rocket thrusters on the titans 'big end' you can just make out the nozzle of one in the picture below. This titan was going to be fitted with a titan jump pack, again an upgrade only available in the original Adeptus Titanicus. Scorched earth base effect was nice too...

Oh, have a nice Christmas tomorrow, hope Father Christmas brings all the plastic little men you dream of.

Wednesday 22 December 2010

40k future container scatter terrain - UPDATE

You may recall while back I made some 40k future container scatter terrain out of Mentos Cube boxes. I promised I'd do an update on the painting so here we go.

As you can see a bit of judicious brown and orange, some silver here and there and these little beauties really come into their own. I'd agonised for ages over these, the washes really took a while to work but using a really big brush to do the dry brushing helped. When I say really big I mean the sort you use when decorating, cutting in on the walls etc.

But I didn't stop there. I wanted to put some markings on the containers so I made some little masks and you can just make out the NUMA markings I added below [I'm a big Clive Cussler fan and the colour was perfect]. Close up they look even more grimy!

Since then I've added another seven containers [what can I say I like gum] I've got some Bioazard waste ones, some OOCL [they'll still be doing containerisation in the 41st millenium] one of the mesh wrapped liquid containers and a reinforced Dark Angels container, which makes a nice objective marker, who knows what or whom is locked up inside, I'll never tell... I'll get some pics up eventually when I grime them up. I really enjoyed playing around with the different colours because I feel most container ports are all different but part of me thinks I should have stuck to the turquoise and pale blue of the first three, hmm

Monday 20 December 2010

Epic Adeptus Titanicus part 1. - War Griffons Insignia

War Griffons were my Titan Legion of choice. I came across a relatively easy way to paint my Titans, whic I'll come to later. Did a couple of Titans that way and then abandoned it for a slightly more laborius but much better solution that was really easy to do, again have patience. Meanwhile here's a promo pice from a White Dwarf older than my adult teeth. Not sure where the rest of the insignia pages got to, or why I never bought Codex Titanicus, the book this plate was from, but we'll just have to enjoy it for what it is.

Yeah right, Land Raiders and Rhinos as supprt vehicles for the Titan Legion! Those were the days. Funnily enough I keep forgetting about Hive Fleet Leviathan. According to the Tyranid Codex Gryphonne IV, the forgeworld home of the War Griffons was destroyed by Hive Fleet Leviathan. Many worlds in the system were evactuated or destroyed as the Hive Fleet approached but they thought the forgeworld would survive with their massed titan legions and Skitarii support. They were wrong. So it's kind of odd that once again I chose a force that later on in my GW history would be diametrically opposed to my son's choice in armies.

Some Warlords coming up next, showing the two paint schemes.

Saturday 18 December 2010

Terrain is everything - Because you asked for it - 40k outpost, that got bigger Pt 3 'big pictures'

Warhammer39999 asked for some bigger pictures of the '40kOtgB'. Here's some straight from the camera at 2MB each click for the embiggen. Ignore the Trygon, you haven't met him yet, don't worry you will. If you still want the plans for the tower are here.